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Dancer Stakes

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Offline Jacob226

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Dancer Stakes
« on: January 17, 2018, 05:29:30 PM »

  Two couples have arranged to meet for a little something different.  Both ladies are blondes with appreciative curves, who dance at different clubs, and have danced for the other's husband.  Tracy was giving a lap dance when a girlfight broke out near the bar.  She notices the difference in the man's lap, his breathing  gets fast, and he can't pull his eyes away even though the bouncer quickly breaks it up.  She rolls her eyes and says "You're as bad as my husband."  Now his attention is back on her, and it leads to today.
  Both husbands like a little skin, and hope for more, so Tracy is in a lacy bra and panty set, and Dana is in something similar, but a lighter blue.  Dana has given in to her husband's constant badgering, but some how seeing the actual woman he won't shut up about puts her a little on edge.  A mental flash of the bitch in her husbands lap suddenly seems more real....even offensive.
  The similar attire pisses Tracy off, and she quite plainly tells Dana that she intends to take it off her.    There is some trash talking as Tracy gets close, and Dana decides that she really doesn't like this girl.  It's just supposed to be a little wrestling, but to her own surprise she come out with "So what's the rules now...bitch?"  It so happens that Tracy really doesn't like being called a bitch, she snarls, and lashes out with a slap.
   Tracy rushes her, both fists cocked and heads are slightly down, punches coming and going from side to side as they both circle for position.  The blows are landing on the head, shoulders, arms and sides, when Tracy's  connects with a thud to the side of a breast.  Dana cries out and grabs Tracy's top, trying to claw and pull it off
   Tracy now grabs Dana's hair and gets two blows in on her left ear as Dana's head is pulled down.  Dana.escalates by getting one cup down and  punching Tracy's side and belly.  Tracy is now slinging her adversary by the hair and punching her in the back of the head.  Dana, in turn, is slinging Tracy by the top and punching her in the side.  They roll to the floor in a catball, hair in both hands, tit to tit, in a slow back and forth roll.
   The tops have both worked loose and now their breasts and stomachs are crushed against the other, tbeir legs tangled and clinching as their hands jerk each other by the hair from the back of your heads.
   Its mostly side to side now, both trying to rock to get on top.  There are grunts as  Tracy makes a couple of sharp jerks at Dana's hair, she really doesn't like being clinched up, and starts hitting Dana in the side with her right fist as Dana is trying to roll her to the bottom.
    One of Tracy's blows is close to the kidney, Dana shudders slightly and rolls away.  Dana's left hand is still in her hair and she follows as Dana rolls, mounting her while she is partially on her left side, her face and stomach towards the floor.  Still gripping her hair Tracy begins to punch down at her head, exposed breast and side, trying to get through.  Two more blows and Dana snakes out her left hand on the floor...and taps out.
    Tracy's husband quickly pulls her off, as Dana's husband makes sure she's all right.  She's exhausted, still more mad than hurt.  As he helps Dana up, she twists, giving Tracy a dirty look.  Temper still up, Tracy tries to lunge, but Dana's  husband holds out a hand, smiling and shaking his head "she has had enough for one day."   
   Later, as they leave the women are tit to tit with arms on their hips.  "Next time..." Dana says as she holds up one long nailed hand...and her husband jerks her out the door and towards their car.


Offline Jacob226

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Re: Dancer Stakes
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2018, 09:36:18 PM »
That's a good thought!!!