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« on: April 07, 2010, 03:03:11 AM »

           Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I am DAN THE MAN. Welcome to "The Catfights And More" Bar, and Lounge.  Your place for the finest in women's combat of all types. Tonight, the event is Pillow Fighting.

          In tonight's contest, we have sheduled a 5 girl pillow fighting battle royal. At this time, I would like to introduce our pillow fighters.

         First, entering the fighting arena/dance floor, is the long haired blonde pigtailed, blue eyed beauty...standing 5 feet,6 inches, weighing in at 119 pounds,and wearing short, short sexy Daisy Dukes and a tight, low cut blue T shirt the ever popular...." CRUSHHHHHHHHER CHRISSSSSSSY !!"

(The standing room only crowd of about 125 excited patrons cheer and some boo, as the ever bouncing blonde, enters the lounge.She dances down to the fighting area, waving her arms high in the air, and blowing kisses to the audience.)

        Ok... CHRISSSSSSSSY is 30 years old, and has 34C breasts.

        I now introduce the 2nd entry in this pillow fight. She and Chrissssssssy have a personal issue to settle.  Chrissssssssy claims that this girl has been yapping her mouth, saying that Chrissssssssy has been running away from fighting her. Well folks...they are both here tonight !! (loud cheers go up from the crowd) She 5 feet 7, and 128 pounds. with long blonde hair..she is...." LEATHAL LAURRRRENNN !!"

( Lauren enters also to cheers and boos.She is wearing short black shorts, and a tight black lowcut Tee. She  waves at the crowd  and stops and stares  over at Chrissssssssy, who is staring right back at her. The crowd now senses the sudden thick tension in the bar, and begin to chant, "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT."  As if a bell had sounded, both girls charge at each other. Before anything can be done to stop them, Chrissssssssy and and Lauren have their hands in each others hair. Lauren has hold of Chrissssssssy's two pigtails, while her rival grabs two handfulls of Lauren's mane and pulls her head to the side. Two of the bar's bouncers run over and take on the difficult task of seperating the two spitting cats. Although neither girl wants to let go of the others hair, and hangs on as long as they can, the bouncers are able to pull them apart. Once the official fight begins, there will be no interferense.  The bouncers set each girl back down on their feet, but  on opposite sides of the vast mat covered floor.
I as the referee, warn both girls. any more prefight altercations, and they will be disqualified. The crowd is now hooting and hollering as they are all excited after that preview of whats to come.  I now go back to finishing my statistics of Lauren.)

        Ladies and gentlemen, how do you like it so far??? ( They are going  crazy.) is 29 years old, and she is a 34C.

       Our 3rd entry is 5 feet, 7 inches tall, and she weighs in tonight at 126 pounds. She also has long blonde hair that flows between her shoulders. She has bright blue she is..."TOUGH AND TERRIBLE TONNNNNYAAAA--CAAAATTSSSS."

      ( She runs to the mat area, waving and high fiving people sitting at the front tables. She too has short shorts and a tight tee shirt, also, cut very low.. Her shorts are yellow, and her tee matches. This crowd gives Tonya a very  good reception. There are noticably more cheers than boos. The word is finally getting around. Many people sell this girl short. But she has an extensive fighting background, fighting since her first catfight at the age of 14 when she and a fellow cheer leading rival had a vicious hairpulling and slapping catfightover a boy, after practice, with Tonya ending up sending her opponent to the ground with a hard punch to the face,and jumping on her blooding the girls face. She has been in every type of girl fight from catfights/fistfights/titfights/erotic sexfights/foxy boxing matches/and all kinds of wrestling bouts including mud/pudding/jello/cole slaw/oil. She should be a good candidate to win this contest, although,
This is her very first pillow fight. I do believe that none of the 5 fighters
here tonight have been in a pillow fight before !!)

         Now folks...Tonya is 31 years old, and... her measurments are...
38D...26...36 !! Whistles and catcalls are echoing in the crowded bar.

        Ladies and Gentlemen...its time for girl number 4...

                               continued below...