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Robin vs Erza

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Offline Dragneel27

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Robin vs Erza
« on: January 18, 2019, 01:37:31 AM »
Sequel to my first story.

Lucy was sitting at her desk, writing a story in pajamas, when she heard a knock at her door. She opened the door to meet Erza face to face. She had on a white, frilly blouse, and a blue skirt, with knee high boots.
“Erza! What brings you here?” she asked quizzically.
“Did you get into a fight with Nami from One Piece?” She asked with a stern look on her face.  Lucy did a double take when she said that.
“No!” she responded defiantly. “I told you guys two weeks ago! I ran into a monster and had to fight it off…” Erza raised a hand to stop her. 
“Don’t bother. Nico Robin already told me. I just wanted to see how you would respond”. Lucy cursed.
“Look, I can explain.” Again, Erza raised her hand and walked into Lucy’s apartment. She closed the door and sat on her bed, patting the spot right beside her. Red in the face, Lucy sat next to her friend and began to relay the events of her fight. How she and Nami argued over whose series was better, how it escalated into a fight, and how she brutalized Nami. Strangely enough, as she continued to tell the story, Erza’s face slowly broke out into a smile. 
“That’s it!” she yelled joyously, causing Lucy to flinch. “You’re joining the fight club!” 
“Keep it down!” Lucy responded in a harsh whisper. “Other people might…wait, a fight club?”
“Yes!” Erza explained, grabbing Lucy’s hands with stars in her eyes. “There’s a fight club for women of anime, and I think you’d love it!”
“There’s boxing, wrestling, mma, you name it! I’ve been fighting there for a month now, and it’s exhilarating!”
“I don’t….”
“That’s how I found out about your fight! Robin is in the club! She wanted to fight me but I told her I had to think about it!”
“And the winner can force the loser to do anything she wants! Oh, the feeling of dominating a girl like that…”
“Wait a minute!” Lucy finally shouted. Erza’s excited face turned into one of sadness at her friend’s angry response.
“You..don’t want to…?”
“I do, I do.” The blonde admitted. “ I never thought I’d say this, but I enjoyed beating the shit out of her”. Erza flinched at what Lucy said. “Beating her up was a rush. So much so… that I…”
“Made her eat you out?” Lucy lowered her head in embarrassment, but all Erza did was laugh. Don’t worry, Lucy, I’ve done the same thing! Although, I never expected such an uptight girl like you too…”
“Please stop!” Lucy cried. Her face was in her hands, shielding herself from the embarrassment. A small part of her, however, was happy that her friend could understand her newly realized fetish. “Robin’s in the club too?” she said, putting together what Erza had said during her spiel of information.
“Yep! She wanted to fight you, but I told her that you weren’t in the club, so she’d have to settle for me”. Lucy began to imagine Erza beating up Robin, and the thought stirred her up, but worry for her friend halted those stops.
“I want to support you Erza, but Robin’s a tough customer. Are you sure you want to do this? It’s my fault anyway”. Erza let out a soft giggle and rubbed her friend’s head.
“Do you have no faith in me? Trust me, I’lll kick her ass”. Both women let out a laugh and continued to talk about their love of fighting. 
Before Lucy could fight, however, she had to go to the club and watch a few matches first. And so, the following night, the two mages walked to an empty factory not to far from the bar where Nami fought Lucy. Erza delivered an intricate pattern of knocks on the door and it opened. The main floor was filled to the brim with women. Lucy and Erza could see the scout regiment girls drinking together in a small group, Korra and Asami chatting next to each other, and the entire female cast of Danganronpa arguing over something. The factory was nearly as wide as a basketball court, and at its center was an MMA style cage.
“Wow…” Lucy said. “I never expected some of these girls to be fighters”.
“I know, right?” They shared a laugh until they heard a familiar voice a few feet away.
“Heartfilia!” Lucy’s head shot up, and she saw Nami walking towards her, sporting the same outfit, switching her green bra for a blue one. Her bruises were now a lighter shade, and the swelling of her eyes went down, but her nose was bandaged heavily. Lucy couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous she looked. “Find something funny, slut?” Nami growled as her hands moved to her hips.
“Very” Lucy responded. “You look like you’re gonna go lifeguarding at the beach. Ever heard of too much sunscreen?” Both she and Erza laughed while Nami walked forward to press her chest against Lucy’s.
“When I get this bandage off,” she said menacingly, “I’m gonna drag you into that cage and give you an even worse makeover”. They both glowered at each other until Erza pulled them apart.
“Now, now. You ladies know that neither of you are in any shape to fight. Especially you, Nami. You wouldn’t want Lucy to, lick you too hard, would you?”.
Nami’s eyes widened in horror. “You told her!?”
Lucy shrugged. “Everyone is doing it, apparently”.
“Oh, you bitch!” Nami lifted a fist and both Erza and Lucy prepared to counter it. Before that could happen, a hand suddenly appeared on Nami’s back and grabbed her wrist.  She turned to see robin behind her, sporting a purple jacket, a long skirt, and some sandals. 
“Enough, Nami”. The seductive pirate commanded.  “Didn’t I tell you to wait until you healed to challenge her?”
Nami pried her wrist from the hand and walked towards her friend. “Yeah, yeah”. Robin then proceeded to mimic Nami’s earlier advance and walked up to meat Erza, breast to breast.
“So happy you made it, Erza” Robin said with mock cheer. “I thought you would be afraid of getting humiliated in front of so many people”. Titania pushed herself against Robin, mashing her breast.
“The only thing I’m afraid of is that you suck at giving oral” she said with a smirk. Robin backed up and glared at Erza.
“I don’t have time for this, I’ve got to get ready”. She turned around and Nami followed suit. “Stay out of trouble while you watch the next fight, okay?” she said to Nami.
“Geeez, what are you, my mom?” Nami replied.
Erza turned to face Lucy and grabbed her shoulders. “I need to get ready too. You should stay and watch the next fight”.
“Sure!” Lucy replied, her desire to witness a fight outweighing her concern for her friend. “Best of luck!” she shouted as Erza walked away. 
“I won’t need it!” the mage responded. With a laugh, Lucy walked towards the cage, where a match was already underway. As she pushed through the crowd to get a better view, she ran into Yoko from Gurren Lagan, who was watching the fight intensely.
“Hey Yoko! How have you been?”. Yoko turned and gave a greeting to Lucy.
“Hey Lucy! I thought you would be too much of a prude for this kind of stuff”. Lucy rolled her eyes and turned them towards the cage. 
“What did I miss?” she asked.
“Ryuko is decimating Orihime! Poor thing”. Lucy turned to see that Ryuko was indeed, decimating Orihime. The black and red-haired beauty was propping up the equally beautiful redhead by holding her shoulders and kneeing her stomach. A wicked smile was planted on her face as the Bleach character was gutted again and again.  The girls were naked, except for the white panties that covered their groins. Both of them had dozens of bruises, but Orihime’s were way worse. Thery were all darker than Ryuko’s, not to mention that she had a hideous black eye. Orihime began to cry literal tears of pain, as she could only groan with each knee. Growing tired, Ryuko began to punch Orihime’s face as she slid down the cage. She slid down on her ass, her back propped up by the cage. Ryuko straddled her opponent’s waist and began to unload a barrage of hooks on her face. After a while, the Kill la Kill character stopped her assault to look for a response from Orihime. She slapped her face repeatedly but got no reaction out of her. Satisfied, Ryuko stood up and raised her arms in victory. Lucy cheered along with the rest of the crowd, but Ryuko was not finished yet. She ripped off her panties and then proceeded to shove her
crotch into Orihime’s face. She began to slap the downed girl again in to try and force her to eat her out. Realizing that she wouldn’t wake up, Ryuko opted, instead, to relive herself over the orange-haired girl’s face. After that, she threw Orihime’s head to the ground and walked out of the cage, the crowd cheering her on.
“Wow!” Lucy cried to Yoko. “What a match!”
“I’ll say! Hey, you know Erza’s fighting tonight, right?” the red head asked. Lucy nodded in response. “Are you worried?”
“Not at all!” Lucy responded with confidence. “Erza’s one of the toughest women I know! I have faith in her!”
Yoko laughed. “I’ve got to agree with you there. Speak of the devil, I think it’s starting!” Lucy turned back to the cage to see that it was miraculously devoid of any blood stains, ripped panties, or Orihime. Within seconds, the cage was cleaned and ready for the next fight. Seconds later, two women entered from opposite sides of the cage, Erza on Lucy’s left, Robin on Lucy’s right. Both of their gazes were cold and hard, and neither relented their gazes as they walked towards each other until they were breast to breast again. Only this time, they were devoid of clothing.
“I didn’t expect them to be naked…”, Lucy said sheepishly.
“Some women enjoy the feel of fighting that way”, Yoko responded. “Kick her ass, Erza!” She joined the rest of the crowd in their cheering as the women began to taunt each other. 
“After I break your tits, I’m going after your whore of a friend”, Robin threatened, coldly.
“Sorry bitch, but you’ll be in the hospital when I’m done with you”, Erza responded with a smirk. Both women backed away and put their fists up, preparing to fight. 
“How do these fights work?” Lucy asked her neighbor.
“Anything goes.” Yoko resonded. “Punches, kicks, elbows, knees, anything is permitted. Fighters can scratch or gouge, but they usually prefer not to. The fight ends when an opponent is knocked out or when she concedes”.
Lucy nodded her head as Yoko explained the rules, growing even more excited for the fight. “You’ve got this Erza!”, she shouted.
“Rip her apart, Robin!” Nami screamed. Lucy turned to her right to see Nami a few feet away from her. Both of their gazes met as they glowered at each other. Before they could do anything, however, a bell rang, allowing the fight to finally commence.
Robin came out strong. She swung a round house kick to Erza’s side, causing her to gasp in pain. Robin then pressed her advantage, jabbing and hooking the wizard’s face until she was backed into a corner. Before she could take another punch, Erza ducked the oncoming projectile and grabbed Robin at the waist. Then, with a roar, she picked her up and threw her to the ground. With Robin dazed and panting, Erza took the opportunity to jump and land knee first onto her stomach. The crowd groaned along with Robin, while Erza shifted to mount her body and begin her two-fisted beating of her face.
Both Lucy and Yoko cheered her own, meanwhile Nami yelled at Robin to fight back. Perhaps hearing her friend’s advice, the archaeologist kneed Erza in the back and shoved her off her body. As she was getting up, Erza charged Robin, only to be met with a foot in her gut. The wizard wheezed and backed up but was unable to avoid the roundhouse kick to her face. Erza fell but was able to land on her hands and knees, her eyes glazed over. Robin approached her foe and wrapped her arms around her in a sleeper hold, and then fell back to the mat. She finished the submission hold by wrapping her legs around Erza’s body, leaving her gasping in a Rear Naked Choke Hold. 
Nami along with some other crowd members cheered, while Lucy could only look on in horror as her friend began to turn red in the face. Robin crushed her throat and her body simultaneously, a fierce look of determination on her face. Suddenly, Erza began to throw her elbow back into Robin’s side, causing her to let go. The fighters rolled away from each other and got back up. Erza, however, was on her knees trying to catch her breath. Robin rushed forward and jumped into the air, trying to mimic Erza’s earlier jump, but the mage rolled out of the way last minute. The pirate landed hard on her knees, screaming and holding her legs in pain. Recovered from the lock, Erza rushed forward into a drop kick, landing it on Robin’s head as she began to sit up. 
Both women fell to the ground, Erza on her side, and Robin on her face. Their respective friends began to urge them on, along with the rest of the audience. As Erza stood up, Robin also mustered the strength to stand, spitting up some blood upon completion. Compared to Erza, she appeared to be somewhat unfocused, but that didn’t stop her from screaming and charging at the mage. Erza charged as well, and they crashed into each other in a whirlwind of punches. Face, breast, stomach, crotch, no body part was left unscathed. After a solid minute of punching, Robin kneed Erza in the crotch and she fell to her knees. Before the raven-haired woman could start raining blows on her opponent, Erza punched her right in her pussy, and she fell to her knees as well. Tired from the duration of the match, the women clinched each other on their knees, giving each other a short break.
“Don’t give up, Robin!” Nami cried.
“Crush the bitch, Erza!” Lucy screamed.
It was difficult to determine who got the worst of the fight so far. Dark red bruises encompassed the upper bodies of both girls. They bath had a severe black eye. Both were spitting up blood.  So far, the match seemed like it would end in a stalemate.
Robin took the initiative and pushed Erza off her shoulder. She punched Erza right on her bad eye, and Erza reciprocated. They resumed boxing, only on their knees this time. Robin was able to land an uppercut that landed Erza on her back, but she responded with a two-footed kick to Robin’s chest, sending the pirate back with a shrill scream. Erza sat up and approached her as she was holding her breast in pain. Then, she grabbed her hair and began to knee Robin’s face, letting out a scream of determination every time she landed a hit. Robin, however, managed to escape by punching Erza in the gut and then her pussy. The redhead backed up as the other woman shot up to her feet. She rushed Erza and dodged a punch from her, countering with a well-placed hook to her face. Erza tried another punch, but Robin ducked and drilled her in the gut. Once more, Erza swung at her adversary, who blocked it and countered with a jab to the nose. 
Robin followed up with a snap kick to the gut that hunched Erza over. She then proceeded to grab her hair and pull her leg back, following through with a devastating knee right on Erza’s now broken nose. Standing cross-eyed and wobbly with a bloody nose, Erza was nothing more than a punching bag for Robin. She crushed her breast with hooks, jabbed her belly until it was red, and elbowed her face until both eyes were swollen shut.
Lucy screamed desperately for Erza to fight back, while on the opposite side, Nami cheered Robin on with vigor. Another hook sent Erza falling, but Robin grabbed her by the hair before she could hit the mat. With an evil smile, Robin held up the wizard and belittled her right to her face.
“Say my name, bitch” she commanded. Erza, still somewhat groggy, managed to launch some bloody spit at Robin’s face.
“Fuck…you”, she responded. This response only widened Robin’s already sinister grin. She kneed Erza right in the chest, eliciting a shill scream out of her. Robin then switched to punching her face repeatedly. After that, she grabbed Erza’s head and kneed her face again, throwing her to the floor. The pirate was far from done, however. She lifted Erza up by the hair again and rained down punches on her face and breast. The brutal beating went on for nearly a minute, until Robin got tired and lifted Erza up even higher. 
The wizard was not in good shape. Her previously red injuries were no an unhealthy purple. Her breast seemed to grow from the swelling, and her eyes were impossible to open. Robin let go of Erza’s hair, only for the wizard to land face first into the knee that she threw up to meet her face with a crack. Erza Scarlet landed back first on the ground, spread eagled. Robin placed her foot on the loser’s face and lifted her arms in victory.
Lucy was speechless. She tried to push past Yoko to get into the cage, but the girl held her back. “Let me go!” she shouted. “The match is over! Erza needs to see a doctor!” 
“I’m sorry Lucy,”, the sniper said solemnly, “but it’s not over yet. Robin has to collect her prize”.
“Prize?” Lucy responded. “The hell do you mean…”. Lucy’s eyes widened in horror, suddenly realizing what she was talking about. She turned to see Robin’s bruised body sitting on top of Erza’s broken face. She moved back and forth, moaning as she stroked her crotch against the rough surface of Erza’s face. Erza was moaning as well, only in pain instead of pleasure. She continued to pick up speed until she squirted all over the redhead, all the while moaning. Robin then got off Erza and kicked her in the side for good measure, walking away as the crowd cheered for her.
Yoko finally let Lucy run into the cage, where she cradled Erza in her arms. Erza’s eyes fluttered open and a look of sham came over her face. “Lucy…”, she muttered. “I….I’m….sorr..”.
“Hey, it’s okay, don’t try to speak”. The blonde wizard said in response, though tears began to form in her eyes. “Let’s just get you to the medic, okay?”
“Oh my God, what a baby!” Lucy turned to see that Nami entered the cage on the other side, smirking at her while she handed Robin a robe. Lucy placed her friend down gently as she approached the cat burglar in anger. Before they could lay a finger on each other, Robin came between the both of them, now wearing her robe. “Come now ladies,” Robin said calmly, “The both of you need to rest before you can fight again. Not to mention, the next fight will start soon”.
“I hope you bitches are ready next time, then!” Lucy shouted. “We’ll pay you back for what you did to Erza! And you’ll get your rematch, Nami, but you’re gonna regret it! That, I can guarantee you!”
Nami inched forward as much as Robin would allow her. “It won’t be like last time, slut! We’ll break your tits and force you on your knees cxnt! I’m looking forward to it!”.
And so, both duos parted ways, Nami and Robin basking in the glow of victory, while Lucy had to carry Erza to the infirmary, in defeat.
I enjoy fantasy fights involving anime women (wrestling or fist fighting) but my fantasies are not limited to one genre ;)

Big on stories and art, open to RP's (but I'm picky)

Any critique on my stories are welcome


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Re: Robin vs Erza
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2022, 04:49:22 PM »
...very nice story