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British Fighting Pit : Hannah Spearitt vs Kristin Kreuk

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British Fighting Pit : Hannah Spearitt vs Kristin Kreuk
« on: July 03, 2019, 04:21:11 AM »

Another day to have the pit opened and there would be three fights with the main event being Janet Montgomery vs Rose Leslie. It was going to be Eva Greene vs Katie McGrath but the Leslie and Montgomery feud had festered long enough it was time for it to have a winner.

Kristin Kreuk had agreed to this before Kristen Bell jumped her, beat her and humiliated her.  That bitch would get hers and she knew how to do it.  She knew what buttons to push on Bell because she knew Kristen Bell.  She looked across and thought of one person it wasn’t Kristen Bell or Mila Kunis.  It wasn’t even Hannah it was Alona Tal.  Hannah was built like that so there was a hope that this would’nt turn into that .  No woman scared Kristin as much as Alona and not because she wouldn’t fight her but because when they fought it was how they fought each other.  She smiled thinking of signing the treaty with Alona.

If Kristin couldn’t fight Alona then she would fight a woman who was just like her.

She didn’t feel that instant hate as she felt for Alona but felt puzzled.  Hannah had the build, had the look and some said she had the skills but looking at Hannah she wasn’t feeling that need to hurt another woman as she did with only Alona.  Immediately she felt that wth Alona, others it grew but Alona it was immediate.

Hannah looked across at Kristin Kreuk, she long wanted to test her skills against this woman.  Both were similar had skill but no strength in early twenties and spent five years splitting wins and losses but getting tougher.  Then Strength came and they won more than they lost, unlike Kreuk she was unable to find many willing participants for combat.

Hannah raised her arm motioning if Kreuk wanted to touch  fists when the fighting started. Kristin nodded yes.

The ref whose sole purpose was to start the fight and to raise the winners hand told them to begin.  They walked to the middle and hit fist up high then backed away from each other circling sideways stretching their arms and neck. 

Each lap they were getting closer to the other and nerves were building.  No matter how many times Kristin fought she always got nervous especially in these organized style fights

Hannah tried a oblique kick try to figure out the distance and Kreuk dodged back.  Threw out some jab trying to see Hannah’s reaction time.  They circled again bobbing and weaving Kreuk tried the jab again but Hannah realized what it was and stepped inside dodging it and cracked Kristin on the jaw which put Kreuk down.

Hannah walked away and was playing to the crowd “What did I tell everyone… Her skill is inferior to mine.”

Kristin got up moved her jaw around “One punch does not mean inferiority.  When I put you down in about 15 seconds you’ll find that out.”

Hannah smiled and stayed away “14,13…”  Kristin was in at nine and Hannah was trying to get away when she was clipped in the jaw and she fell

“How long” 

“12 seconds”

“That’s how good I am compared to you Hannah.”

Hannah got up put her fist out and Kristin tapped the fist.  The two circled and were very aware the other had power.  Hannah liked this she liked the respect that was being shown and liked that she knew the rules here there were no rules.  Fight to win was the rule

They both came in and missed their punches but Spearitt who from age 18 was catfighting just went for Kreuks hair.  Kristin couldn’t react and Hannah was yanking it left and right pushing Kreuk back to the barrier and hit two knees before throwing Kristin to the opposite side by the hair.

Hannah stood there hair in front of her face breathing hard from the excitement of finally fighting Kristin Kreuk.  Pleased that Kreuk wasn’t just popping up this time it meant she hurt that Canadian bitch.

Kristin began to get up only to get kicked in the ribs.  Hannah then got on Kristins back put her hands on the back of Kristin’s  head and rubbed Kreuks face into the ground.  Hannah picked Kristin up by the hair and threw her into the railing.

Hannah threw some well-intentioned punches but Kristin was in this position before and had one knee up which helped keep the punches from landing flush.  Recover enough and straightened that leg pushing Hannah away

“That the kind of fight you want to make this into”

“It’s a fight and I’ll show how mixed I can get to put you down.”

Kreuk threw a leg kick then came up with a head kick but the switchkick was expected by Hannah who moved away.  “I know you think that .”

“What that you’re an amateur that I could land a big move on. Trust me Hannah it would be
better for you to that to be true.”

Hannah threw a two punch combination and finished with a leg kick.  The punches were parried but the leg kick landed with a thud.  “I know how to fucking fight and beating you is going to shut everyone up that says I don’t”

Kreuk began some lateral movement and nodded that it was a good combination.  Hannah watched Kreuk and knew her leg kick landed good so it should show more.  Kreuk shook the leg a little which gave Hannah what she was looking for.

Hannah came forward with a left shovel hook that got Kreuk in the ear then Hannah threw a over hand right that got Kristin in the mouth.  Kristin Kreuk dropped and Hannah immediately sat on Kristin’s knees and when Kreuk tried to get up Hannah shoved her back down

Hannah slapped Kristin  ten times looked up and saw a approving Rachel Stevens so she stepped back grabbed Kreuk by the ankles and sling shotted her across the pit.  Hannah kicked up to her feet pulled her shirt off and threw it into the crowd “She won’t know what style I’m going to beat her with but she’ll regret coming to England.”

Hannah ran then jumped up to double stomp Kristin’s stomach.  Kristin rolled away and quickly got up and tied Hannah up pushed her into a pillar “Getting your ass kicked and want a break.”  Hannah whispered in Kristin’s ear.

Hannah tried to get her arms free then Kristin dropped down bearhugged the legs of Hannah Spearitt and lifted her up and threw the blonde down.   Kristin hit two punches to Hannah’s face before Hannah covered up and rolled onto her stomach.

Kristin attempted to get on Hannah’s back but Hannah kept her side pinned to the barrier.  Hannah began getting up and tried covering up.   Kristen was allowing Hannah to get up and when the blonde was upright she surveyed the defence and hit a laser targeted right punch to the ribs of Hannah

Hannah was using her training to cover her head.   Kristin was thinking about what she wanted to do  so she hit a knee straight into the belly button.  Kreuk backed away and allowed Spearitt to drop down.  Kristin was in the middle of the pit looking down on Hannah Spearitt.  The bare and pale flesh going pink from losing air.

Kristin slowly stopped looking at Hannah and over at Rachel Stevens when she heard Hannah start to get up..  Hannah went for a stomach punch but Kristin got out of the way parrying Hannah like a matador moving away from a bull

“I’m actually glad that didn’t finish you.  If you continue going to the dirty side”

“I’m fighting to win and if I end this knocking you out with a fist all other things I did wouldn’t matter because I knocked you out in the end.”

Kristin threw a punch and Hannah dodged it and nearly ran away. Some deep breaths and looking at the fully clothed Kreuk.  Out of adrenaline she ripped off her shirt but now she wanted to get at least the shirt off of Kristin Kreuk.

“Want my shirt off . I’ve been in enough of these fights to know that look. I’ve had that look at times.  You want it you got to earn it”

“I will” Hannah came forward threw a punch which Kristin ate with her shoulder then rolled back.  Hannah reset but was hit with a quick jab then a second.

Kristin threw a third stiffer jab but Hannah got both forearms and blocked it. Kreuk adjusted  to that and came behind with a right hand that got Hannah between the elbows below the throat and into the chest bone.  Hannah had to back up from that blow it took her breath and she couldn’t show that or Kristin would really open up

Hannah threw a foot out and it stopped Kristin from coming forward.  Hannah kept it out there to long so Kristin grabbed the foot and was pushing Hannah into the barrier.

Hannah glanced back and got an idea.  Six inches away from the barrier she jumped up leaned back and her foot got Kristin in the face.  Kreuk let go of the foot and the athleticism of Hannah Spearitt caused Kristin to stumble back and to a knee

Hannah got her feet down and screamed “Fuck IT”  Before Kristin could react Hannah dove at her and they were on the ground.  Hannah hit Kristins head to the dirt then a couple punches and went for the shirt.  Kreuk blocked the shirt and turned Hannah over and repeated what was done to her sans trying remove what had already been taken off

Kreuk got her feet on the thighs as she fought to keep her shirt on.  She wasn’t embarrassed by her body but she was going to make Hannah really earn this. Kristin pushed and then went for a guillotine choke.  Hannah moved to the side and pulled her head out and cross body pinned Kristin and hit one punch to the stomach.

Kristin headlocked Hannah and then got her other arm between Hannah’s legs.  This opened Kristin up to two more stomach punches and then Hannah went for a boob squeeze when Kristin lifted her hips and turned Hannah over  reversing the position.

Kristin wanted something else and put her knee on the stomach and moved down while keeping her arm behind Hannah’s neck.  Hannah moved onto her hip and blocked the arm triangle attempt.  Hannah then grabbed Kristins collar and pushed it to the opposite side of Kristin’s neck.

That was turning into a choke and Kreuk had to defend.  When she did Hannah let go and rolled out and on her feet. She quickly got behind Kristin and as Kreuk tried to get up she grabbed the back of the hair yanked her up and threw her at a barrier

Hannah was mixing everything up and was truly getting the better of Kristin..  Kreuk was elite at one thing and Hannah knew her own skill at that thing was close and her strategy for this fight was really paying off.  The crowd was absolutely electric as they knew what they were witnessing.  The complete destruction of Kristin Kreuk


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Re: British Fighting Pit : Hannah Spearitt vs Kristin Kreuk
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2019, 04:22:34 AM »

Hannah faked like she was going to attack Kristin and then saw Kristin move out of the way.   She would have been put into a disadvantage..  Hannah pointed at where Kristin was “I knew it now get up bitch I have your number and maybe I’ll let you keep that shirt on.”

Kristin got up and felt the urge to remove the shirt just to spite Hannah but realized this was Hannah trying to get in her head.   Kristin knew she needed to do something Hannah wasn’t expecting “Let me keep my shirt on.  You just want it to stay on because you don’t want both of us to be topless.”

“You think I’m jealous”  Hannah stepped forward threw a left which was slipped backward.  A right which got parried and Hannah then went for a spinning kick which Kristin rolled completely away from

“I know you are”

Hannah turned tried to stay calm get her breathing under control “Look at you Hannah so filled with jealousy at my career and the respect I have at this that I can see the green coming out.”

Hannah tried a leg kick it was checked.  Went for a second but it was a fake and Kristin bit then Hannah stepped back “You are as afraid of me at this point as you’ve been afraid of anyone.”  I gave you a minute where you dictated how I fought.   Congratulations but that minute is up.”

Hannah said and it had no effect on Kristin who was slowly moving forward and realized Hannah was not getting aggressive. That meant yes Hannah realized she was trying to wear her out.  Kristin faked some punches then went for a straight kick which Hannah slipped away from.

Hannah brought her foot back for a high kick but didn’t pull the trigger.  Kristin brought her arms up for the block so Hannah came down with a punch to the ribs then spun for a back elbow which was blocked.  Hannah tried to get her foot between Kreuks.  Kristin realized the trip attempt and moved to a side position and was able to get in front and hit a kick to the stomach

Kristin then set up turned her shoulder and spun for a reverse crescent kick that Hannah barely got blocked.  It hit hard enough on the block to make Hannah lose her footing

Kristin grabbed railing and went for an axe kick.  Hannah blocked it by rising her body and stopping it from coming down she then pushed Kristin into the railing and grabbed Kreuks other leg lifting it up.  She tried to throw Kreuk over but Kreuk fought it then went for a slam but Kreuk was holding on for dear life

Kristin felt the attack loosen and in that moment she locked her legs and bent her spine to try and flip Hannah.  Rachel Stevens was warning Hannah to watch out for that and Hannah listened. Widening her legs Hannah avoided being flipped over

Kristen went between Hannah’s legs and ended up on her chest.  Immediately Hannah trapped Kristin’s legs down to Kristins ass and twisted trying to get a STF submission on Kristin Kreuk.  “Time for the tap out bitch.  I’m glad to be the one to officially make you over the hill.”

Kristin would not give up her arm and tucked it under her body.  Hannah wanted this and this was going to be a great submission.  A move made famous by William Regal that legitimately worked to grind someone down.  Hannah drove her elbow straight into the inner part of shoulder blade then grinded into the shoulder joint itself

Kristin screamed yet refused to give up her arm while also fighting to get her feet loose from Hannah’s trap.  “Stop fighting it”  Hannah hit a left to the ear and a right to the back of the head then tried again this time Hannah was able to get the arm out and ducked her right shoulder under the arm.

Hannah rode to high to hit the punches and Kristin slipped her feet out and got her body to the outside.  Hannah was prepared for one move but not for this position.  Kreuk didn’t want Hannah figuring anything out.  Getting her elbow across Hannah’s face and slashed then slipped completely out

Kristin was up to her feet and hit a straight kick between Hannahs tits putting her back to the barrier.  Hannah back hit hard but she pushed off and hit a overhand right that sent Kristin back. “Figure it out as much as you want I’ll find a way to put you away.”

“Getting cold”

“Why because I’m topless.  No bitch I’m not cold I’m hot and everyone here sees it.”

“No because all your rage is gone and now you have to think about how to beat me.  I’ve decided to make you quit from my punching you.”

“Good for you Kristin to live in such a fantasy.  I’m going to.”

“Do nothing.” Kreuk got aggressive threw a jab then switched her feet and threw a right jab both jabs hit.  Kreuk went for a head kick and Hannah blocked that then moved away and saw Kreuk reset her footing so Hannah stepped forward with a tepe kick which pushed Kristin back.

Hannah set her foot spun for a back kick that got Kristin below the tits.  Kreuks back hit the barrier and she bounced back with a flying elbow that got Hannah on top of the head dropping her to a knee.

Hannah tried to pick a leg from Kristin but Kristin easily got out of that and hit Hannah with a knee to the face. “Give up.  You tested me and made me do something new but this is over now!”

Kristin stomped on Hannahs’ back “the fight is  over.  I got every kind of victory one can get in this fight.   Only one left and it’s the most satisfying its you quitting.”

Kristin turned Hannah over and stood over her chest.  Kristin looked at Rachel and nodded then went to seat down on Hannah’s chest . Hannah had enough time to recover got her knee up to her chest and foot into Kristin’s pussy and kicked Kreuk away

Hannah was up and saw Kreuk was leaning forward and quickly leaped and got her hands in Kristins hair. Swing to the left and hit a knee, swing to the right and hit a club to the back of the neck.  Swing to the right but get taken down by Kreuk “Shag it” Hanna switched and pulled the shirt off of Kristin Kreuk

“It’s coming off bitch”  Kristin tried to fight to keep it on but as her back was getting scratched she wondered why.  This was a close enough fight and Hannah earned this victory just not the victory of the fight.

“It’s off”  Kristin said then hit two punches to Hannah’s face. Hannah responded with a tit scratch then a grab and a shove off

Kristin stood up and held her arms out “You earned it.  Have a good look”

Hannah was up “Nothing special”

“Never said I was but this is what you wanted.  Everything you wanted so far with this fight you got but you won’t get the last thing you wanted. A win.”

Hannah threw a punch which Kristin moved her head from and countered with a small hook that put Hannah down. Hannah immediately got up tried to wait Kristin out for a counter as it seemed Kristin was now faster

Hannah faked some punches trying to get Kreuk to engage and when Kristin stepped forward she made Hannah bite on a fake attack only to step back and hit an uppercut.  That began a display of striking amazement

Kreuk hit punches to Hannah and aimed for where Hannah would be in front of Rachel.  Watching how Hannah was trying to block the punches Kristin decided where to attack. Raise arms up hit the body.  Block the body hit a leg kick then a body kick to the stomach.  The strikes were hard enough to hurt but not knock out.

Slip to the left and hit punches.  Move feet and hit a straight kick and Hannah was pinned on the barrier.  Hannah threw punches and Kristin bobbed and weaved away then hit more punches which were starting to get harder.  Nose, Chest then stomach with three hard jabs which Kristin really stepped into.

Left hand on the forehead so Kreuk could measure Hannah for harder right hands “You can tap out now because I’m not going to hit you hard enough to knock you out.”

Hannah knocked the hand away and threw a desperate haymaker which landed. Hannah threw another haymaker then a jumping uppercut that sent Kreuk to the opposite barrier. 
Hannah was tired and beaten.  That was a big surge but the punches took some out of her.  Hannah took a step then clawed at Kristins tit then another claw. Hannah could see she was hurting Kristin she grabbed the tits and twisted at them forcing Kristin Kreuk down

“Quit bitch… Quit Now.”

Kristin went down so much but it was primarily to weaken Hannah’s grip.  Kristin broke the grip and hit a stomach punch but got hit with a knee.

Kristin got away a little and blocked an uppercut.  Kristin hit a left shovel hook then Hannah went for her tits again. This time Kreuk blocked it and got to the middle and threw a kick which Hannah who had her confidence rebuilt blocked

Hannah faked an over hand then leaped into a punch which Kristin bobbed away from.  Kristin realized how desperate Hannah was becoming to win this. The punches were good enough to bust her open and a rabid Hannah Spearitt was not something she was interested in fighting.  Going rabid creates rivals

Hannah set up for a kick and Kristin knew it was time to finish this.  Hannah was so wild and Kristin knew what to do to break the wild.  Kick came up which got caught then Kreuk countered with a kick her shin getting Hannah directly between he legs driving up into the coccyx

Hannah crumpled “Tap Hannah now”  Hannah didn’t so Kreuk began to kick her between the legs until she did. Hannah Spearitt went fetal and Kristin Kreuk stopped then found herself with Rachel Steven in the pit checking on her friend

Rachel got up “Ok so I beat … No I dominated Elisha and you .”

“I’m game.  Next time this opens?”

“Challenge accepted”