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My Fantasy World

  • 2 Replies

Offline Ishmael Green

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My Fantasy World
« on: September 15, 2019, 11:34:21 PM »
For a long long time I have created drawings and stories of females fighting each other, and over the last decade have been synthesizing all of them into a common storyline. 

The basic idea revolves around my own basic fantasy of having two hot scantily clad women fighting to the finish for the right to have sex with me, a fantasy I'm sure many of you share.  But for me that was never quite enough.  Being a lover of all things Science Fiction, and also very interested in any story that could be considered truly EPIC (Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time, Game of Thrones, etc.) I have strived to do something similar with my own work, and lately have been seeing the fruits of my labors coming together nicely.

I won't get into too much detail here, but basically the story line revolves around a guy named Ishmael (a name I borrowed from the opening lines of Moby Dick) who spends over 300 years hurtling through the galaxy in a space craft, himself in suspended animation most of the time.  He comes back finally to a vastly different planet Earth.  The ice caps are completely gone and most of the world is covered in water.  The island nations that still exist are now completely inhabited by women.  A man made calamity called the XY Virus was released on the world shortly after our narrator Ishmael left the planet.  Women have been able to continue reproducing with a new form of artificial insemination, but the result is invariably an exact clone of themselves.

What Ishmael finds is a world in which violent combat sports sort of fill in the void left by the lack of heterosexual intercourse and the world's economy hinges primarily on these combat sports.  Ishmael is drawn into it and becomes a sort of willing sex slave for the fighters, thus upping the ante on the fights themselves and crating many new rivalries among the fighters over his affections.

The rules of this world are meticulously detailed and I have spelled them out as best as I can in my latest blog, which also has maps and drawings of venues, places, fights and characters.  Please stop by and let me know what you think.

I am also curious if others have an interest in not just watching chics fight, but coming up with elaborate story likes for why they are fighting. 



Offline NightCat

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Re: My Fantasy World
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2019, 02:31:57 PM »
Hi Ishmael

    I find interesting this kind of background for writing stories based on it.

    I also like to read about depiction of the personality and lifes of the fighters involved in the fights, in order to ensure that the reader will feel things about the girls involved in the fights.

    Your idea is a good one, in my opinion.



Offline Ishmael Green

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Re: My Fantasy World
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2019, 06:49:20 PM »
I love the fictional world you have created and your art is great!

Thank you!  I'm am glad you like it!