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WMWL - First Annual Summer Tourney (First Round Match-Ups, Day One)

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Offline Golden Goddess

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(Continuing from here...)


The day after the sixteen competitors for the Summer Tourney were giving their round one assignments, the tournament would finally begin. The first round matches had been split between two days, four on the first day and four on the next, the bracket alternating between matches. That way, the tournament planners had decided, things would be would interested, for both the women involved and the audience members, who were curious about which of the ladies involved would make it to the second round.

The women had the morning off, giving them time to relax, or to get in some last minute training, or to simply contemplate their fights ahead before they actually began. Then, at noon sharp, with the bright sun burning overhead, the first round matches began...

Round One, Match One: Christina Hendricks vs. Kat Dennings


The opening match for the entire tournament was Christina Hendricks vs. Kat Dennings, and before the match had began, if you had asked anyone in attendance? Kat Dennings was the clear winner. Christina might have had the experience, but Kat had youth on her side. She had energy, and skill, and she had entered the mud pit fully expecting to put Old Lady Hendricks down quickly and easily.

What she didn't have was Christina's sheer determination to prove herself, and to prove that she wasn't just some jobber that was here to be put out to pasture.

Kat had came in hard and fast from moment one of the match. She rushed Christina early on (or at least, rushed her as quickly as one could as they waded through a pit of mud!) and immediately began to throw blows. Fist after fist threw itself towards Christina, slamming into her giant jugs, but the redhead braced herself. She was prepared for this. She had a feeling that Kat was going to try and go for her tits early on. After all, Christina was used to such maneuvers by now. So many busty young women wanted to prove themselves by going tit-to-tit with the older woman, but this time? Christina was more than happy to oblige the brunette's desires.

After several stiff punches to her chest, Christina suddenly batted away Kat's arms. She stepped in close, and threw her arms around Dennings' body. She pulled the younger star in close, and Dennings couldn't help but squeal in surprise as the redhead's larger F-sized breasts were suddenly squashed up against her own DD-sized set. She started to squirm, to wiggle against Christina's body, but the redhead was holding her tight, squeezing the two of them together in a close bearhug. Dennings wailed as she felt her tits being crushed between the two of them, the redhead's larger set squashing against Kat's own.

The brunette had planned on making an example of Christina. She wanted to soften up the tits of the Mad Men star and then crush them beneath her own. She had thought that this would be an easy win for her. She had underestimated Christina though. It seemed that the more she writhed against Christina, the more she tried to squirm free of the bearhug, the harder the redhead was squeezing. Her beautiful jugs were already sore now, and with each second that ticked by, they were hurting more and more.

Of course, Christina's own pair were starting to ache as well. She wasn't going to let Kat go. She couldn't let Kat go. The Broke Girl had overextended and fallen right into Christina's trap, and the redhead didn't want to give her a chance to escape or to flip the situation around. So, she simply stood there, squeezing Kat in her bearhug, sweat dripping down her body as she exerted every muscle in her upper body in an attempt to force a submission from her younger opponent.

It didn't take much longer for her to give what she desired.

Kat knew she had fucked up. She had gotten too cocky, she had underestimated someone who by any right deserved to be treated as an experienced veteran at this point. Her body was aching and her tits felt like utter shit. She held on for another second, and then another, before finally letting out a scream, tilting her head backwards as she roared at the judge.


Christina wasn't merciless. At the sound of Kat's submission, her arms came lose from the younger woman, and Kat dropped down into the mud at her feet. She knelt there, groaning as she massaged her back with one hand and her chest with the other, not even paying attention to Christina as the redhead stood proudly over her.

There was a smile on the face of Hendricks. She had gotten an easy win, and despite what everyone may have thought of her chances, she had managed to get past the first round...and with barely a drop of mud on her body! Feeling pleased with herself, she turned to make her exit, knowing that she had gotten lucky this time and that her next match wouldn't be so simple.

Winner by submission: Christina Hendricks

Round One, Match Two: Ana Cheri vs. Alexa Bliss


This was a match that had all the makings of a classic.

Professional wrestler versus fitness model. Blonde versus brunette. Instagram superstar versus former bodybuilder. On paper, Alexa Bliss might have been the easy guess for the winner, but from the moment the first bell rang, the audience knew this fight could go either way.

The two of them had began with a traditional wrestling lock-up, a test of strength between the two women, and naturally Alexa had taken the early advantage there. She had forced Ana down to her knees, and managed to get a lucky knee strike into the brunette's face. Ana Cheri recovered quick though, grabbing Alexa by the leg and jerking it out from under her, putting her onto her back in the mud. But Alexa was wily and when Ana slid onto her to try and take advantage of the blonde's position, she had managed to snake her legs around the fitness model's waist, getting a snug scissor-hold around her body.

From there, the two of them had went back and forth with each other. Ana escaped the hold by wiggling into a position to start smothering Alexa with her tits, but Alexa was able to roll the two of them over and put Ana onto her back. From a mounted position Alexa had been able to get a few angry forearm strikes in on Ana, but the Instagram sensation had managed to catch Alexa by the arm and roll her over into an armbar hold. Back and forth it had gone like that, until both women had ran each other down, exhausted each other in a way that neither of them had saw coming.

"'re pretty good..." Ana called out from one side of the ring, looking towards Alexa with a smile. Despite herself, she was having fun. The two of them seemed pretty equal, and Ana couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to face Alexa outside of the mud, in a less messy match with lower stakes between them.

"Back at you..." Alexa answered, a smirk on her face as she remained on her own side of the pool, panting as she stared towards Ana. The both of them were tired, but Alexa felt like she was taking the worse of it. It didn't matter though. She had a plan to end this. "Let's finish this, shall we?"

With a single nod back at each other, the two women began their approach back towards each other. What Ana didn't notice, however, was the handful of thick mud waiting in Alexa's hand. As soon as the two of them neared each other again, Alexa lashed out, splashing it into Ana's eyes, leaving the brunette blinded, unable to see what Alexa was about to do to her.

From there, it was all over. Alexa moved in while Ana was distracted, firing a knee into Ana's belly, and then when Ana doubled over, another knee came up and slammed into her face. She reeled back and fell into the mud, landing on her back, and when she did Alexa threw herself down at her. She grabbed Ana's legs and lifted them up, folding them over Ana's body into a matchbook pin.

The referee at ringside began to count, but Ana, still dazed from the shot to her face, didn't even realize it. A quick one, two, and three, and Alexa had been declared the winner. She bounced back to her feet with a nasty grin, and quickly climbed out of the mud pit, making her escape as the crowd booed her for the cheap shot that had given her the win.

After all...she might have won the match, but she still didn't want to be around when Ana shook off her daze!

Winner by pinfall: Alexa Bliss

Round One, Match Three: Emma Stone vs.Margot Robbie


Emma Stone stared at the mud pit in front of her, wary as she looked down at the thick, cold liquid swirling around in front of her. Truth be told, she had been wary about this entire event from the start. It wasn't really her kind of thing, and she wasn't really sure what to expect. Even now, looking at the pit in front of her, she was hesitant to enter it...and that hesitation was going to cost her everything.

She adjusted her bikini a bit as she looked down at the messy fluid before her, wondering when Margot Robbie was going to show up. She wanted to get this match over with, to help settle her anxiety. If she had been paying more attention to what was going around her, however, she might had heard the feet pounding against the wooden walkway behind her. She might have realized that her opponent was charging at her from behind, ready to start this match off big.

Before Emma could know what hit her, Margot slammed into her from behind, sending Emma flying face-first into the mud pit, sending the stuff splashing everywhere. Margot herself was quick to follow, practically leaping into the pool behind Emma, and before Emma could even try to get up, the vicious blonde was sliding onto her back, her weight keeping Emma pressed down in the mud. It was all Stone could do to keep her head lifted, to keep her nose and lips above the surface of the mud so that she could still breath.

Margot's attack wasn't ending there, however. Margot wasn't stupid. She had looked over the brackets for this tournament a thousand times, and she knew that if she was to win, she wouldn't have time to fuck around in these early matches. There were plenty of dangerous women in this tournament, and Robbie wanted to converse herself for the later fights. She wanted to prove that she was just as vicious and deadly as anyone else in this tournament, and to do so she needed to put her early opponents away quick.

She scrambled onto Emma's backside and quickly sat up, her tight ass pressing down against Emma's lower back. As much as Emma squirmed beneath her, the other woman wasn't going anywhere, especially as Margot reached around, clutching Emma's chin in her hands. She began to pull on Emma, leaning back to pull Emma's body backwards, bending it in a way that no one's body should be bent into. It was a sloppy sort of camel clutch hold, but from the way Emma was wailing and screaming, Margot knew it was being effective.

With a gleeful look in her eyes, she wrenched Emma backwards, her voice taking on the accent of her most famous role, that of Harley Quinn, as she began to mock poor Miss Stone. "Come on, Emma! Dontcha think ya can fight back, huh? Or do ya want ta go ahead and give up?" She leaned back a little more, causing another long wail of agony to pass through Emma's lips as she was held in the terrible, painful position. "No one will blame ya if ya give in now, ya know!"

Emma didn't need much more coaching that this. This was humiliating. She had been caught by the sneak attack and was already wrapped up into the most painful position possible. It didn't take much longer before she was mimicking Kat from the opening match, shouting out her submission to the world.


Margot laughed at the sound, holding onto the hold for a few seconds more, wanting to make sure that Emma knew that she was beat. Then, she let the woman go, causing Emma's upper body to crash back down into the mud as she rose to her feet. She cackled in joy, planting a foot into the center of Emma's back as she stood over her, posing in sweet victory.

Winner by submission: Margot Robbie

Round One, Match Four: Kim Kardashian vs. Scarlett Johansson


The crowd was silent, dead silent, as they watched the final match of the first day...if it could have even been called a match.

The betting odds had been on Kim Kardashian to win her match against Scarlett Johansson, but no one had expected it to be so one-sided. Kat had gotten cocky earlier against Christina, and Emma had been taken down quick by a sneak attack, but Scarlett had simply been overwhelmed from the very beginning. From the moment ScarJo and K-Dash had began their match with each other, Kim had came out with a streak of viciousness that was so far unheard of in the tournament. Scarlett had went for a few early strikes against Kim, but the moment she lashed out, Kim had grabbed her arms, jerking Scarlett in closer. A quick headbutt from the Queen of the Kardashians had left Scarlett reeling, and the follow-up strike, a stiff and sudden punch to her stomach, had dropped ScarJo to her knees. From there, a simple backhand across the blonde's face was all it had taken to put Scarlett onto her back in the mud.

And now? Now Kim had assumed her throne, her famous ass pressing down against Scarlett's face, smothering the poor, helpless woman beneath it. Scarlett had screamed at first, she had kick and flailed and tried to escape, but Kim's ass was just too thick, too plump and all-encompassing over Scarlett's face. It didn't take long for Scarlett's air to be cut off entirely, leaving her passed out beneath the voluptuous brunette.

The referee began to wade into the pool, to check on Scarlett and make sure that she was knocked out, but a death glare from Kim stopped her in her tracks. "Forget it. She's done," Kim growled, and the referee, knowing not to argue, simply gave a nod and signaled for the bell.

As soon as it rang out, Kim rose to her feet, leaving Scarlett lying unconscious in the mud as she went to leave. She didn't wait to be declared the winner, she didn't wait to see if Scarlett was okay. She didn't care. In her mind, she was a queen, and this tournament was her's to win. She didn't feel like she needed to concerned herself with worry about people like Scarlett. The actress was beneath her, and had put up no fight.

And as far as Kim was concerned? Any woman that got in her way for the rest of the tournament would meet the same fate.

Winner by knockout: Kim Kardashian

The first day's matches ended with Kim's victory over Scarlett, and as the audience in attendance began to rise to leave, the updated brackets flashed onto the arena's screens, giving everyone a taste of what awaited them the next day.



Offline Golden Goddess

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Re: WMWL - First Annual Summer Tourney (First Round Match-Ups, Day One)
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2019, 10:10:45 AM »
Hey guys! As always, thoughts and comments are appreciated!

The rest of round one will be done in this 'Finish Her!' style, and from round two onwards, we'll have more detailed, fleshed out matches. :)


Offline boobytrap

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Re: WMWL - First Annual Summer Tourney (First Round Match-Ups, Day One)
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2019, 03:40:29 PM »
Thanks for all your effort, great work! Got some classic fights here, the only suggestion I can offer is in the semifinal/finals maybe have some special guest referees. Get a little hi-jinx going


Offline Golden Goddess

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Re: WMWL - First Annual Summer Tourney (First Round Match-Ups, Day One)
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2019, 09:26:52 PM »
How do you know that's not already planned? ;)


Offline Freefall

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Re: WMWL - First Annual Summer Tourney (First Round Match-Ups, Day One)
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2019, 05:04:06 AM »
Really impressive... great work


Offline Golden Goddess

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Re: WMWL - First Annual Summer Tourney (First Round Match-Ups, Day One)
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2019, 09:19:12 AM »
(Continues here...)


Offline shuni

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Re: WMWL - First Annual Summer Tourney (First Round Match-Ups, Day One)
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2019, 06:36:15 AM »
An excellent account of this half of the first round, the following is expected with enthusiasm. Excellent work