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Joan and Bonnie - Small Wonder

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Offline whmwizard

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Joan and Bonnie - Small Wonder
« on: May 25, 2020, 09:58:38 AM »

Was wondering if someone would be keen to do a story on Joan and Bonnie from Small wonder (TV sitcom). Joan is more of the slim and pretty, miss goody too shoes. Always right and smart kinda woman and Bonnie is the obnoxious BBW plump neighbor. Of course in our story that must mean abject and complete humiliation for Joan out of jealousy or whatever other theme - anything but a planned pro-style fight. Bonnie has a daughter Harriet - equally obnoxious. Could always involve her to further the humiliation for Joan after a one sided catfight loss to Bonnie. Would love it if the focus is not pain, blood or bones but rather the absolute humiliation of being completely owned by Bonnie against her will. And the humiliation can go to any lengths and for as much longer - pictures and blackmail, slavery, even toilet stuff - everything that Joan should hate to have to do but have no choice.

So..any Small Wonder ‘fans’ out there?