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Imogen vs Michelle in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 1 of 3)

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Offline tomcfstories

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Halloween matches up UK hottie Imogen vs sexy American Michelle in a trick or treat for the history books

Prelude:  English college age babe Imogen is over in the US on a short term student exchange program.  She is the guest of a sorority, and as it so happens, on this particular day, it is Halloween.  Imogen has been here for weeks so there has been some interactions with most of the sisters in the sorority....some she gets along with fine....others not so much.  Whether it is the accent, the different customs, jealousy one direction or the other, it is hard to tell.  But the bottom line is it comes to a head on October 31st, and a member Michelle is just the girl to do it.  

Michelle:  "You know, Imogen, I'm getting a little tired of you waltzing around here like you are the Queen of England or something?  And I don't like pierced noses or lips either!"
Imogen:  "First, don't really give a damn what you like or don't like.  After all, I don't like the tramp look, but then again, there you doing your best to do it.  Second, sounds like to me you are just jealous that I'm hotter than you,"
Michelle {laughing}:  "Jealous of you!!  I guess my next question should be how did you get your hallucinagenic drugs through customs?  Honey, I can take you in any contest you can dream up."
Imogen:  "Have you looked in the mirror lately?  I'm hotter than you and stronger than you!  And I don't think you even want me to go to the intelligence area, Barbie."
Michelle:  "This coming from a resident of a country that can't even spell color properly.  And yeah, those are two contests I would easily kick your self-inflated image of yourself in, not to mention the sorority contest tonight.  Oh, and remember, when we collect the treats from the fraternity guys and weigh our sacks to see who collected the most, cum elicited from a slut like you isn't going to count in the weighing."
Imogen:  "Oh yeah, I guess that will be 3 contests I will beat you in tonight...the candy collection....the beauty contest we are going to have after we get back....and then the fight where I will have you begging for mercy.  And you won't give a damn how to spell colour or favourite at that point.  You will however know the meaning of the word 'uncle'."

Imogen and Michelle get ready for their trick or treat contest as they go for fraternity row

The sorority sisters get between them to end the smack talk as they are ready to fan out with their costumes and their sacks along fraternity row with the explicit instructions that they can do some innocent flirting with the fraternity guys but nothing else which might endanger the status of the sorority house.  Unfortunately, the other women in the sorority know they are all competing for 3rd place because Imogen and Michelle are the hottest two around in some order.  Regardless, the women start the contest and a few hours later, they come back with their sacks and get them weighed.  Michelle ends up with the most candy with Imogen in second place.  The British babe thought she was winning because when she and Michelle crossed paths at the same fraternity, she seemed to get more from the guys.  Then, Imogen starts noticing something....some candy that she never saw at any of the frat houses and a suspicious number of the same type of candy.  Imogen firmly believes that Michelle cheated by buying candy at a store in the area or having some stashed somewhere ahead of time but has no proof.  But needless to say, that only heightens the animosity between the two, and both are so ready for the beauty contest and really can't wait for the catfight.

Beauty Contest:  Imogen and Michelle agree on 8 anatomical areas to be decided by the sorority sisters with some frat boys invited over to give the male perspective to the judgments.  The regions will be facial beauty, tits, midsection, pussy, legs, arms/armpits, back, and butt.  Whoever wins more of these areas will win the competition, and then they will go on to compete in the no holds barred, submissions only catfight.  The facial beauty comparison is first and harder than normal because the girls have such incredibly different looks.  Imogen has the piercing and the emo type look while Michelle has the blonde party girl type face.  In a close one that depends on what the guys and gals prefer, Michelle edges out Imogen to take a 1-0 lead.  The next area for comparison are their chests, and needless to say, each believes she clearly has the better tits.  There may very well be another test of this later on during the catfight, but for this particular competition, Imogen edges out Michelle with better cleavage and a little better volumen to tie up the overall contest with the victory at 1-1.  The next area of comparison will be their midsections to see which one has the flatter and perhaps fitter looking stomach area.   This area goes to Michelle with her thinner midsection to put her ahead 2-1 with the most personal area of the pussy next to be judged.  The women have to finish their stripping for this area to be decided, and this one also goes Michelle's way to put her ahead 3-1 halfway through the competition.  The next area to be decided is their legs.  Each has nice one but Michelle's is judged to be better tapered and a little firmer in its appearance to give her a commanding 4-1 lead with the arms/armpits left to be judged.  Neither woman can distance herself from the other one in this comparison so this one is called a draw but overall a victory for Michelle who has now clinched the overall tally at 4-1-1 with only the backside areas of back and butt to be judged.  In the back competition, Michelle's is a little better delineated and more of a difference in width from upper back to the small of her back.  That win extends her lead to 5-1-1 with only the butt contest left to be judged.  Michelle finishes up an impressive run with the tighter and more compact ass to take the last comparison and a 6-1-1 overall win in this competition.  Michelle feels vindicated about who is the hottest woman around, while Imogen is wondering where the English judges are, because she suspects there might have been a tad of bias in this entire beauty contest judging.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 11:20:07 PM by tomcfstories »


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Imogen and Michelle redress with even less than show here as they began the catfight

Catfight:  Imogen and Michelle are given the choice of remaining nude as they are now at the end of the beauty contest or putting back on some skimpy clothes at least.  They decide on the latter with Imogen wearing black lingerie as seen below without the white overshirt and Michelle with her lavendar two piece lingerie without the white shorts below.  Perhaps, the ladies will end up using their own or their opponent's lingerie as weapons in the upcoming fight.  Regardless, the women start off with arms out front of them probing for some kind of a hold to try to torment the other.  They grab each other's arms and hands and try to overpower the other or maybe push the other over some of the few pieces of leftover furniture in the large room where this is taking place.   Michelle finally breaks through with an advantage by turning Imogen's body just enough to start a headlock hold as she wraps her arms around Imogen's soft neck.  Michelle vigorously moves her arms to force her foe's head to be dragged along with those movements.  Imogen moves her hands over to engage Michelle's and to try to pull them apart.  Neither woman has strong arms so this battle over the headlock is a draw but since Michelle already has the hold established she is able to main it.  Imogen raises her target to Michelle's hair and begins to yank it hard and towards her which strains Michelle's neck and forces her to release the headlock.  Imogen keeps pulling and yanks those blonde tresses hard enough to send Michelle hard to the plushly carpet in the room of this sorority house.

Michelle lands on her front which of course mainly means her bodacious boobs hit first.  Imogen is quick to stomp on the back of Michelle to send those tits she is as proud of harder into the carpeted floor.  Imogen mounts Michelle's back, reaches around her head, and puts her hands in each corner of Michelle's mouth, which Imogen for one has thought for a lot time is way too big and open too much of the time.  With her hands in the corners, she pulls to the outside to stretch and extend that mouth awkwardly and painfully more than it should.  Michelle screams but of course given the mouth is being worked on, her sounds come out obviously muffled.  Imogen doubles up the punishment by hopping up and down on Michelle's back at the same time she is changing her smile.  Michelle moves her hands up to try to pull Imogen's away but she needs to be careful since pulling them the wrong direction may actually make her mouth situation even worse.  Michelle goes another route which is to pinch Imogen's arms and to cause enough pain in that manner to force Imogen to give up the hold and remove her hands from Michelle's mouth herself.  That does work to some degree but Imogen gives Michelle's mouth a hell of a pull when she finally does take her hands out of thte American blonde's mouth.

With Imogen's hands out of her mouth, the UK hottie blonde really has no anchoring hold on Michelle other than simply sitting on her back.  Michelle bucks her off and sends her opponent tumbling to land on the carpet right beside her own body, but the difference being Imogen lands on her back while Michelle has been lying on her stomach and tits.  Michelle moves quickly to cover her English rival and schoolgirl pins her foe.  Michelle repetitively raises her body up and down, making sure on each downcycle that Michelle lets gravity bring down what body weight she has hard on Imogen's form.  Michelle goes tit to tit with the stacked Imogen, each woman's tits lifted up and exaggerated at this point by the bras still surrounding their bodacious boobs.   On occasion, Michelle stays down on Imogen's trapped form and rubs and grinds her larger body over Imogen, still paying particular attention to try to punish her riva's boobs, still pissed that her own weren't judged better.

But when Michelle stays on Imogen's body this time and the UK stacked babe is seeing that Michelle is obsessed with the tit battle, Imogen reaches up with her free hands and yanks Michelle's long blonde hair and is able to use that as leverage to pull her tormentor off her sexy bod.  Michelle is sent down next to Imogen who is ready for immediate payback as she turns her body and starts delivering thrust kicks into Michelle's right side without even getting up from her own supine position.  Michelle is the one now being tortured as each foot striking her side brings a squeal and grunt, although some of those grunts may also be coming from Imogen as she expends the energy to deliver them.  Michelle is in a prone position as Imogen delivers a knee to her back and grabs her tresses with both hands and scrapes that beauty contest winning face of Michelle across the carpet fibers and then to add insult to injury she moves Michelle's head up and down multiple times against that same carpet.  The English vixen is giving some punishment back to the American honey and even includes a quick couple of reaches back with a hand to spank her opponent's beauty contest winning ass...still very accessable with only skimpy panties covering her pussy and not her butt.  Michelle screams again due to a combination of pain and humiliation.  Finally, she is able to buck Imogen off and send her away from her sizzling, beauty contest winning form.

The women get up to standing positions for the first time in quite a while.  The fighting interaction along with the previous rivalry, the controversy in the candy contest, and the beauty contest have only raised the animosity between the Brit and the Yankee hotties.  Imogen is ready to go tit to tit with Michelle and she lower her black lingerie and shows off her beauty contest winning, titanic tits which are made even more impressive as she shoves on them from the side.  Michelle has been waiting to have a shot to put her own bodacious boobs against the UK jugs and takes off her lavendar lingerie top to show off her own twins.  The women come together in a mutual bearhug with part of this competition being a tits battle which automatically follows with close frontside contact and their awesome orbs.  As far as their lower battle goes with arms wrapped around the opponent in a bearhug mode, neither woman seems to have an advantage.  Neither Imogen nor Michelle have arms known for their strength, and their midsections seem more than fit and capable to handle arm pressure put around them.  So the more interesting skirmish is the tit duel up top where well above average torpedos are pushed forward into the other's massive mams.  Grunts and squeals are heard as even woman tries to give it her all in sending the other's orbs into full retreat.  At the end of the confrontation, Imogen comes out literally on top just as she did in the beauty contest.  Her titanic tits take care of Michelle's mams by compressing them and also sending them squishing out towards the side of her body.  Michelle wanted this showdown but isn't happy with the outcome and isn't going to be embarassed anymore by this.  Michelle removes her arms from around Imogen's waist, cocks back her right arm, and delivers a short fist to Imogen's face to end this close contact.

The women close on each other again and for the first time, they have a dedicated hairpulling contest.  They stumble around the room mostly their movements due to which way their hair is being pulled.  Grunts and screams fill the air as both women verbalize when their hair is being particularly pulled hard at any moment.  They eventually end up on the sofa which is one of the few pieces of furniture left in the large room simply because the sorority sisters had on other place to put it.  They fall on the soft sitting area with hair still being yanked...that is until they spot the pillows that decorate each end of the couch.  They quickly remove their hands for the other's hair, grab pillows, and start slamming the other, hopefully in their mind in the head on maybe the tits of the opponent.  Both get in good blows but the pillows aren't made for catfight warfare and soon start falling apart on the women.  But they are not short on targets as they discard the pillows only to move their hands forward on their rival's tantalizing tits.  The women show grimaces as they get as much tit as possible of the opponent in their hands but find out quickly that their hands are way too small to grab a large percentage.  But they do concentrate on trapping and twisting nipples and getting what they can of the boobs and squeezing them.  But this ends up a draw with neither woman really able to do much damage with her inadequate hands and grips while doing this.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 10:56:01 PM by tomcfstories »


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Imogen and Michelle roll off the front edge of the sofa and down to the soft carpet.  They grab areas of the area including hair or whatever they can get a good drip on and begin to roll around the large area.  One girl is on top for a while and then the other.  Whenever either is on top, her goal is the same.  Give the one on the bottom a good smother using her own humongous hooters which includes the sweat and foul body odor generated by this strenuous match so far.  And when flesh of their tits hits the center of the other woman's face just right, try to restrict her breathing and maybe she will get a break and end this fight right now.  But instead, all that happens is the woman on the bottom eventually gains the top position and does the same type of smothers....tits and make the life of the one currently on the bottom to be miserable.  They end up finally in a neutral position where they are lying on their sides facing each other and push each other way as to end this particular process.

They only make it to sitting positions when the action resumes.  Imogen throws a right handed slap Michelle's way which send the hot blonde's head hard to the right.  She quickly comes back with righthanded slap of her own against Imogen to let the English girl know she isn't getting away with that.  Imogen responds with a fist to Michelle's midsection as she apparently wants to gain an advantage out of this.  That doubles over Michelle and allows her easy access to the American blonde's hair again.  Imogen gets up to her feet, pulling Michelle up by the hair while doing so.  Imogen uses that hair to whip Michelle down to the carpet several feet away and she sends her stumbling down by using those tresses.  Imogen comes in with a hard knee to the sitting Michelle's back as she closes in to take advantage of the fall.  But Michelle reaches back and grabs hold of Imogen's ankles and pulls on them to cause the English honey to fall on her butt also.  Michelle gets up first and delivers a foot stomp to Imogen's precious pussy, the low blow causing Imogen to scream out in agony and her eyes grow wide and with a blank stare with the almost paralyzing blow.  Michelle quickly reaches down and removes her opponent's black lingerie panties, making Imogen the first one nude since the end of the beauty contest.

Michelle moves up the target of her footstomps a bit and drops her feet down on the midsection of Imogen which is in good shape but hardly muscular by any measurement.  Thus, the British babe feels the blows, especially this late in the fight.  Michelle rolls Imogen on to her frontside and continues to stomp her back after she does that.  Michelle enjoys compressing Imogen tits against the carpet as the backside blows translates to frontside pressure.  Michelle sits on Imogen's back to keep up that pressure and perhaps go for a winning hold if not at least a painful one.  Michelle grabs Imogen's wrists while sitting on her back and extends her rival's arms awkwardly and thus painfully behind her.  Michelle adds to the agony by hopping up and down at the same time she is yanking those arms and has Imogen on the verge of tears due to the pain her average arms are having to endure.  Michelle is ready to end this if she can get a submission out of this and starts asking:

Michelle:  "Think your American visa is about to expire, baby, and I ain't talking the credit card!  I'm putting a British bitch in her place and I gotta feels good!"
Imogen:  "You American tramp!  Not only did you cheat in the candy contest but you got lucky here too."
Michelle:  "Not lucky, Limey slut, just a lot better.  Oh, and you forgot me kicking your ass in the beauty contest.  I think I am about to pull on your arms harder if you don't give up....last chance, weak little whore!"
Imogen:  "I give....I give....I can't take the pressure on my shoulders anymore!  You win....let me go!"
Michelle:  "Yeah, I guess it is about time I get to the fun know the postmatch humiliation stuff....I really can't wait."

Postmatch:  Michelle lets go of Imogen's arms and reaches back for a couple of smacks on Imogen's very exposed ass.  But most of the good stuff is on the frontside so Michelle is quick to roll Imogen over to a supine position.  Michelle immediately goes to a titsmother to show Imogen's face her humongous hooters again up close and personal.  She gets her satisfaction with that and puts her underarms on top of Imogen's face which is another great humiliation move and also another way to transfer sweat, the foulest body odor, and to restrict the respirationof Imogen.  Since she is already perfectly located, there is no time like the present to take off her own lavendar panties, the only clothing left on either woman's sizzling bod, and then to press her own most personal area against Imogen's face in a great pussy smother of that beautiful area.  Michelle laughs as she rubs and grinds her sweaty and smelly crotch area around the British beauty's face.  Michelle moves down just a bit and sits on Imogen's midsection as she obviously wants to take another shot at Imogen's twin peaks which have proven to be too tough for Michelle so far.  Michelle goes after them again by grabbing and twisting and pressing those humongous hooters and trapping her naughty nipples as she tries to get revenge for her losses against them all night.  Imogen does withstand that punishment but no doubt Michelle has a little bit more planned.

Michelle asks for dildo and gets one from a sorority sister and immediately puts the toy to work in Imogen's most private orifice.  Michelle looks like she might have operated the instrument a few times in the past as she skillfully gets the British export to cum all over the plastic device.  Michelle takes that and coats the pierced face of Imogen with the white fluid.  Michelle gets up and moves her beauty contest winning ass over Imogen's face, holding it tantalizingly close for several seconds before finally ending the suspense to put her buttcheeks on top of that face of her rival.  Michelle enjoys wiggling and squirming and grinding her butt on top of Imogen's face as her arms flail weakly out to the side of her body.  And Michelle can't help but lean forward periodically to grab those hated globes of Imogen and give them some more uninvited squeezes.  Finally, Michelle puts her hands on the top of her head and shows off her fit arms, well formed armpits, and shoves off her chest for a few great photos taken by not only her sisters but by the invited fraternity guys.  She does end the punishment and goes around collecting not only her clothes but also Imogen's, the latter to be saved of course as souvenirs and trophies of her triumph.   And she does goes over to her purse and pulls out what appears to be some sort of receipt.

Michelle:  "Not that it matters now, slut, but if you were wondering where the extra candy came from, might want to check the items on this receipt."  {laughing as she rubs the bottom of her dirty foot across Imogen's face while dropping the receipt on her heaving chest}