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Offline rin753

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« on: May 15, 2021, 05:03:59 PM »

Author’s note:  This ends THE DINER series.  I would like to thank the many many folks who have sent me complimentary messages along the way.  It was totally unexpected and much appreciated.  Having never written any fiction before, the encouragement was very helpful.


You may call it irony, but symmetry may be the better word.  On the very day that The Diner would close its doors for good, the two women who spent so much time there would meet and also bring their relationship to a close. All accounts would be settled as they would test their strength and courage against one another, until one woman broke the other and walked away victorious.  The momentous nature of their meeting was not lost on the participants. They were nervous with fear and anticipation.  And each did their best to hide their fear from the other. Unsuccessfully, of course.

And as they met at the appointed time in the empty parking lot of the old factory building, they both were committed to truly fight. They did not speak.  In fact they would not speak at all to one another until the start of the duel.   They both slung their gym bags over their shoulders and headed down to the dungeon called SB-04.  They would not emerge until the thing had been settled. One woman admitting that the other was just simply better.

Building manager John had done a very nice job on SB-04.  It was almost completely empty now, and the 18 by 18 mats were placed carefully in the center under the bare 100 watt bulb overhead.  There were a few folding chairs stored in the hallway and the women brought two in to be placed on opposite sides of the fighting ground.

The room was set quite warm as Carrie had instructed John.  It would be comfortable for the 2 naked woman at the start but they would feel the heat more as they fought. John had the foresight to leave a case of bottled water for the aerobics class that did not exist, and even at room temperature the water would come in handy for the fighters.

Catfighting and hair pulling go hand in hand.  In fact the defining characteristic of a catfight is the hair pulling.  So can a fight between two women with no hair to pull be called a catfight?  Maybe.  However, although they sometimes used the term “catfight,” Carrie and Tina never really accepted it, thinking it to be somewhat demeaning to women who fight one another.  They always simply preferred the word “fight”.  Suffice it to say that if you eliminate hair from the equation you have a fight quite different, and in many ways more violent.

The ritual preparations began with the two women across from one another on the mat.  They spent much of the time while stretching staring at each other.  Instead of being shy about eye contact before a fight, they sought it.  It was probably to show each other that they were not fearful, although, of course they were.  Each held up their arms and turned the back of their hands outward to show the other that their nails were trimmed.

They women began to disrobe.  Tina took off her sweat shirt and bra.  She would not be wearing the bra home.  Neither woman would.  Now topless the brunette sat in her chair to remove her sneakers.  She spoke.  It was the first words uttered since they had arrived.  “Carrie, before we start there is something I want to say to you.  From the first moment I met you at The Diner those many years ago, I have hated your guts.  I’ve always tried to remain civil to you because that is the way I was raised.  But make no mistake, I hate you.  The opportunity to hurt you today gives me great pleasure.  I will show you no mercy.”

The blonde also had something to say.  “You know Tina, Bob was right.  You are a kunt, and you can’t possibly hate me anymore than I hate you.  Defeating you today, and hurting you worse than you have ever been hurt before will be glorious for me. I’m going to make you regret that you ever showed up here. I can’t wait any longer.  Come and fight me.”

Now totally nude the women stood and faced each other.  They presented an awesome sight.  Yes they were middle aged with a few extra pounds in the midriff and tits slightly drooping, but otherwise they appeared fit, athletic and formidable. Unlike their lean daughters, they were both more meaty.  Extra strength in the arms and thighs and calves. Neither was a push over, and from the experience of fighting each other twice before, respected the fighting abilities of the other.

The fight was the longest of the three they had. Four rounds.  Almost 45 minutes all told, including the three timeouts. And if a fight could be described as a kitchen appliance it was not the whirling blender of their daughter’s fight, it was more of a crockpot.  Slow and simmering. But do not let a lack of movement have you think that they were not constantly trying to hurt each other, because they most certainly were. It was both horrible and epic.

They came at each other with fists up, and with no hair to grab both unleashed punches with both hands, aiming at any available flesh below the neck.  The thuds, smacks and grunts echoed throughout the dungeon.  At least half a dozen times they would come together in a flurry of hits and then back up and then quickly reengage.  Arms, tits, stomachs and thighs were all fair game.  At one point Tina landed an especially hard shot to one of Carrie’s tits, and the blonde winced in pain and turned her back on her rival.  Tina was on her in a second and brought her down to the mat controlling the blonde’s back. “How’s that, bitch?” she asked.   With her arm around Carrie’s neck she went after any soft flesh to attack.  She felt for Carrie’s pussy but could not get to it, so she resorted to hard punches to the kidneys.

Carrie squirmed below the brunette and kept Tina from locking her legs around her, turning to face her rival and rolling both of them over so now the blonde was on top.  She sought Tina’s tits and found them. Tina responded with hard slaps to Carrie’s face, and succeeded in pushing the blonde off her.  They regained their feet and agreed to a time out.  Tina probably had a little better of the round, but it was close and both had done damage.

Now they began to feel the heat of the room.

The second session started the same as the first with a flurry of punches and slaps, but that did not last long, and they tied up in a clinch.  With no hair to grab they were forced to wrap arms around each other and try for a takedown.  They tested each other’s core strength and the equality on that front frustrated each as they tried to dominate.  They were reduced to a macabre dance around the mat, straining and struggling, often repositioning their arms for better leverage.  It was at this point that knees came into play as each tried to damage that way.  Thighs were repeatedly hit, and a moan from the opposition told a fighter that they had scored a good hit.  Carrie twisted Tina trying for a takedown and the brunette was forced to spread her legs apart to maintain her balance.  The blonde struck gold….or actually pussy, with a direct knee to Tina’s vagina.

Tina cried out, slumped and went down with Carrie on top of her.  Tina played defense as she waited for the pain between her legs to subside, covering up from the predictable onslaught from the blonde.  She had one of Carrie’s legs trapped in a scissor which prevented her from mounting her.  But even so Carrie did some hard hitting to Tina’s flanks and tits, and attempted some face slaps that the brunette successfully blocked.

They were now drenched in sweat and were becoming more slippery by the minute.  Carrie, intent on pounding Tina, lost track of holding the brunette down and Tina effected a roll, and now she was on top.  Tina aimed more for control of the blonde than trying to hurt her, and after some feverish wrestling the two fighters broke apart and a second time out was agreed upon. In general the blonde had the better of the round, but once again it was quite close.

They were getting tired and were hot from the heat of the room.  Both took water and not only drinking it they poured it over their heads.  They were now wet with sweat and water from head to toe. After a few minutes they stood and faced one another for the 3rd round.

It is unclear why they passed on punching at the start of the round, but instead they immediately came to grips with one another.  Shuffling around the mat they both lost their balance and toppled over and found themselves side by side on the mat.  This turned out to be the longest round of the fight, but also had the least amount of action.  The fight became quite static.  Two women on the ground, legs interlocked both using their hands and arms to do the most damage possible to the other.  Tits were an especially favorite target for slapping, punching and grabbing. Cries of pain from both women rang out.  They did more talking in this round also.  “Bitch!” “Kunt!” “Whore!” were offered up in abundance.

At one point towards the end of the session they found themselves in the oddest position you might ever see in a catfight. They were both in a sitting position, legs stretched out in front of them, side by side and facing one one another.  They latched on to their rival’s tits with both hands and squeezed with all their might.  The agony was incredible.  They looked straight at one another faces contorted in pain. 

And then Tina spit on Carrie’s face. It shocked the blonde and she responded with “You fucking bitch,”  and did not hesitate to spit back at Tina.  Both women had spittle dripping off their faces, but neither wanted to relinquish the hold on their rival’s tits and wipe their faces clean. Finally Tina could take the pain no longer and she released one of the blonde’s tits and slapped her hard across the face breaking the stalemate.

Carrie rolled and then rose to her knees and closed the distance on Tina who waited for her also on her knees.  And then by some bizarre mutual agreement they each grabbed a tit and the pussy of the woman in front of them.  No pretense of defense by either.  Just pain against pain.  And there was plenty of that. This time it was the blonde that could not stand the suffering any longer.  She released her own holds and then broke the clutches of her rival.

And in another unusual move both women simply sat back on their haunches and starred at one another.  The attacks by the women to the other’s breasts and vaginas truly defined this fight. It was almost as if they wanted to destroy the very femaleness of their adversary.  Not happy with simply hurting each other they sought to obliterate their identity as a woman.  It was uncivilized and appalling.  Carrie asked for a time out.  Tina agreed.

They slowly got up and walked back to their chairs.  Once seated, they both began to cry.  They tried to hide it with towels over their faces but they were not fooling anyone.  They wept into their towels. This struggle was taking an emotional toll on the women. They had both been beaten up badly.  They were exhausted and tired and hot and frustrated.  The serious nature of their conflict was worse than could ever be imagined.  Any other pair in a similar situation might offer a draw and end the punishment, and that would be a fitting end to this fight, but these two would have none of that.  And each still thought they would win.

Carrie was the first to stand and move back onto the mat.  Then the brunette stood, took the last of the water in her bottle, poured it over her head, and moved to face her rival for what was to be the last round. The single motif that defined the fight was the in close struggle between two women with equal strength. And the final round had that in spades.

They slowly moved together, and with breasts mashed against each other, came to grips with holds around each other’s torso.  They would not be apart for the rest of the fight.  In fact, the closeness of their bodies for the rest of the fight produced what seemed to be a single individual, only with four legs, four arms and two heads.

This had become woman against woman as if they were the last two women on Earth. They toppled to the mat, still in the mutual bearhug, and now with legs fixed and intertwined. They rolled, each on top for a bit of time. They had little strength left to hurt the other, they simply wanted control, thinking staying on top would bring victory.  Each considered quitting but fought the urge to surrender.  This fight was just too important to each of them.

The end was not very spectacular.  But it was definitive.

Carrie rolled on top and managed to stay there.  She took her left forearm and pressed it hard against the Tina’s jaw, turning the brunette’s head to an odd angle.  With her right hand she reach between their bodies and found Tina’s left tit and crushed it with all the strength she had left.  Tina knew she was in deep trouble.  She searched between for Carrie’s pussy but once again could not reach it.  With her face twisted to the side she could not see her rival and could only try and feel for Carrie’s face to try and push her off or maybe grab on to an ear. Carrie dodged that attempt and kept hurting the rival below her.

The blonde sensed victory and it gave her a bit of new found strength.  She continued to put immense pressure on Tina’s jaw and breast.  “It’s over bitch.  I’ve got you now.  I’m breaking you.  How’s it feel bitch?  I’m better than you.  C’mon, say it bitch and I’ll let you go.  Go ahead kunt.  Say it.”

Tina held out for awhile, but it was useless.  She had no strength left to fight back.  She began to sob. “I can’t.  I can’t. I can’t anymore.” Carrie felt no sympathy when she heard the cries below her. 

“Just say it, bitch.”

Finally, between the sobs came the surrender. “Please stop.  I quit.  You are the better woman.”

Carrie rose from her beaten rival and screamed out her victory.  “I won!  I won!  I won!  I did it!  I beat you!  I did it!  You thought you could beat me, but I showed you! With my bare hands!  I broke you!”  She retrieved a full water bottle and poured it over her head right in the middle of the mat with the loser on her back below her.  She dropped to her knees right next to Tina and simply stared at the supine figure of her beaten foe.  Tina had not moved since the end of the fight, and she was still crying.

What came next was somewhat unusual, but understandable given the circumstances.  Carrie laid herself flat on top of Tina.  From head to toe they were mirror images of each other.  And Carrie just laid there, for the longest time, not doing anything more than reminding the woman below her who had won the fight.  The blonde went check to cheek with Tina occasionally whispering how she had defeated her.  “I’m on top of you right now because I beat you.  Do you understand that, bitch?”

After establishing her dominance for a few minutes by simply lying on top of her, Carrie brought her head up so she could look Tina straight in the eye.  Nose to nose the winner said the following, “You lost. I want you to eat me now.  Will you do that?”

It was an odd thing to request when she might have simply demanded it, and we will never know what would have happened if Tina had said no.  But instead the brunette replied weakly, “OK.”  To the victor goes the spoils.

Carrie rose up and moved her body forward, straddling Tina’s face as she lowered her vagina on to her rival’s mouth. Tina, who probably had never had sex with another woman, was tentative at first, but soon she was fully sucking on Carrie’s pussy. The blonde was soon rhythmically rocking above her.  The pussy Tina had been trying to destroy just minutes earlier was now on her mouth as she used her tongue to caress it.  Tina took her hands and cupped Carrie’s ass cheeks to steady the target of her mouth. The blonde felt the pleasure course through her body. “Oh, that’s good, bitch. That’s good. Fuck me, bitch, fuck me.”

As Tina continued to eat the pussy of her rival, the blonde above her told her, “Stick your finger in my asshole.  Do it.”  Tina moved her hand from butt cheek to asshole and with her index finger she ringed the anus, and then inserted it.  The combination of mouth and finger, vagina and rectum, was too much for Carrie to resist.  Her body rose up, her back arched, her head fell back, her eyes closed and her mouth dropped open.  She came like a clap of thunder. “Oh God!  Oh fuck!  Oh God! I’m coming! Fuck! Yes!”

She rolled off Tina, now the complete victor.  Tina, still on her back, brought her arms up and crossed them over her face, as if trying to hide.   Carrie dressed and left her there.  Her last words to Tina were, “Nice fight Tina.  Don’t ever forget who won. And thanks for the orgasm too! You know the way out, right?”  And with that Carrie left and the two women never saw each other again.

Tragically, 3 or 4 years after the fight in The Dungeon, Carrie was killed by a drunk driver in an auto accident.  At the wake there was one person there that no one seemed to recognize except for Carrie’s daughter Amanda.  It was Tina. 

“Tina, it’s so nice to see you here.  Mom would have appreciated it.  I know she would.”

“I’m so sorry for your loss, Mandy. Your Mom and I experienced things together that few women will ever know. I just wanted to come and pay my respect to the better woman.”

And as she drove home from the wake Tina looked out her window and spotted the closed and shuttered remains of THE DINER.


Offline Vanessa

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« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2021, 06:54:42 PM »
WOW! Just that. Fantastic ending to a phenomenal series. My only preference would have been for the brunette to have won. Lol.
Loved the final act of respect.

Please don’t stop writing. Your style and understanding is spot on. Wonderful read Rich. Thank you



Offline Samoa Joe

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« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2021, 09:20:39 AM »
No matter how busy I've been with things like family and work, I have made time and checked in everyday to read the next chapter in this epic saga. Its been great to look forward to, thanks for the ride, I might not follow a series like this again, but I will enjoy reading back over your work sometime. Cheers to Carrie and Tina.


Offline Donnafights

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« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2021, 12:57:31 PM »
You should one more with the daughters! This was a great series! Sorta reminds me of me and my daughters with a rival and her daughters!


Offline xanan

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« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2021, 12:02:13 PM »
wonderful story, you're really gifted. please keep writing


Offline Rocko23

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« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2021, 10:39:27 AM »
This was wonderful. A fitting end to series and glad Carrie won. Thank you.


Offline Debbiedoes

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« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2021, 08:41:22 AM »
Wonderful ending, fitting too.
I can imagine the time it must take to write and then edit stories of this length.
I can only hope you find more time, please. x


Offline MarkRussell

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« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2023, 07:00:30 PM »
Great series and story.   I feel like I know both women now


Offline sally

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« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2024, 11:01:18 AM »
WOW! Just that. Fantastic ending to a phenomenal series. My only preference would have been for the brunette to have won. Lol.
Loved the final act of respect.

Please don’t stop writing. Your style and understanding is spot on. Wonderful read Rich. Thank you


agree!  would have loved the brunette to win!!!!!


Offline Throuple59

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« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2024, 06:49:42 PM »
Such good writing and such a good story.   It also didn’t hurt that the blonde win!!
Just the three of us


Offline rin753

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« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2024, 03:24:40 PM »
Such good writing and such a good story.   It also didn’t hurt that the blonde win!!

Thanks for the compliment.  If anyone is looking for the other chapters, the links are in my profile.
