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Bridal Party Wars - Roberta (dark blonde) vs Marilyn (blonde)

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Bridal Party Wars - Roberta (dark blonde) vs Marilyn (blonde)
« on: September 17, 2010, 05:40:38 PM »
Bridal Party Wars - Roberta (light brown) vs Marilyn (blonde)

This first part was published in the poll for Bea vs Niki, two brides who got into a fight. There were several other fights that broke out and their stories will be completed over time. If you have already ready this part you can go on to the next post.

Original post which started the fight:
Roberta 32 years old
Marilyn 29 years old
5’10” 125 lbs {34B-23-35}
5’9” 132 lbs {36D-24-36} old
This fight did not occur on wide expanse of lawn that led from the mansion down to the fish pond. When everyone rushed out Roberta and Marilyn retired to the bar with their escorts. Roberta was in a long, elegant floor length gown. Actually Roberta’s gown dragged on the floor which was all the more reason not to get grass all over the hem.  She felt too refined and too much a lady to go tramping off and watch two stupid brides ripping each other apart. Marilyn decided a drink was what she really needed.  Marilyn sat down at on a tall bar stool. She crossed one long elegant leg over the other. Her gown was split in front and most of her legs were exposed. After a couple of minutes she uncrossed them, lifting the other leg high and the air and crossed them the other way in a great Sharon Stone imitation. Except Marilyn was wearing panties, back panties. Roberta’s date almost popped out of his head as he watch this exhibition. He sat starting dumbfoundedly staring. His concentration was so great he did not hear what Roberta said to him. He was totally oblivious to anything except those elegant, super sexy legs. Roberta got up with a sigh of disgust. She walked over to Marilyn.
”Would you please mind covering up your legs?”
”Because this is a public place and you look indecent.”
”I don’t see your boyfriend complaining. He can’t take his eyes off me.”
”You have no class, you BITHC!:
”Whatsa matter, jealous? Afraid to show your skinny legs?”
”My legs are a lot better than yours. I don’t have to flaunt them. I’m not looking for a john like you are. You’re nothing but a bar girl working her territory.”
”Don’t you call me a whore, you bitch!”
With that Marilyn threw her drink in Roberta’s face. Roberta grabbed Marilyn’s second drink waiting for her and threw it in her face.  Marilyn stood up to face off with Roberta.
”You want to show your legs, let me help you, bimbo1” She took each side of Marilyn’s split in each hand and ripped it up, all the way to her wasit.
”You crazy bitch, look what you’ve done to my dress. You’ll pay for that.” Marilyn circled her fingers around Roberta’s strap intended to break them and rip Roberta’s top down. Roberta latched onto Marilyn’s straps and now the two were jockeying around, trying to break the straps or throw the other down. Round and round they went.
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Re: Bridal Party Wars - Roberta (dark blonde) vs Marilyn (blonde)
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2010, 05:42:29 PM »
Bridal Party Wars - Roberta (light brown) vs Marilyn (blonde)
The Fight Heats Up:

As noted this fight started because Marilyn was sitting on a high bar stool with her long, shapely legs exposed with a big slit in the front of her dress. Roberta’s escort was fixated on them. Roberta got jealous and asked Marilyn to cover up her legs. Marilyn gave her a sweet smile and answered by opening her slit wider exposing even more of her thighs. Roberta was an inch taller than Marilyn but Marilyn’s legs were and inch longer than Roberta’s. She had very long legs. Both women were slender with Marilyn having just a tad more flesh on her larger bones than Roberta did. The extra weight gave Marilyn’s legs a fuller but still firm look while Roberta’s legs were on the thin side. It was easy to see why Roberta’s escort just stared at Marilyn’s legs with them being crossed and uncrossed and visible past mid thigh. A rise in his pants indicated they may well have been the best legs he had seen.

In her anger, Roberta had ripped Marilyn’s slit even more by tearing it all the way up to her waist. Marilyn got ahold of the straps on Roberta’s gown to try and break them. Roberta grabbed back and now the two women were twisting, pushing and pulling each other around the floor in an effort to break the other woman’s straps and/or take her down. The emotions of the two women were different. Marilyn was fighting because she was attacked. She did not know Roberta and had no natural hatred for her. But she was one to defend herself and not take anything from anyone. Roberta was very angry with Marilyn for what she considered her outrageous exhibitionism and for the insult of exposing even more leg when asked to cover up. She was out to really teach Marilyn a lesson and ”scratch her eyes out!” Even so, Marilyn was getting the better of Roberta in the pushing and shoving contest. She couldn’t break the straps nor take Roberta to the floor. But with the slit in her gown her legs were free to step out wide and also back and forward. She could plant them to move Roberta around. Roberta’s gown was form fitting on her perfectly shaped ass but was looser at the ankles. Still they constricted how far she could move her legs. What was worse was that the gown was longer than floor length and a few inches dragged on the floor. Even if she got Marilyn in a bad position she would strep on her gown and trip, causing her to lose balance. Only her good coordination allowed her to recover and not stumble. Occasionally Marilyn stepped on her gown. One time when Marilyn did this and shoved Roberta at the same time, a small tear occurred at the seam sown at the waist.

Marilyn used her legs to power Roberta this way and that. She took a firm grip on Roberta’s straps and jerked her while twisting her upper body to spin her around and slam her back against the edge of the bar. Roberta went with the flow and spun even harder. She took Marilyn with her a full circle, tripping her over her leg at the same time. It was Marilyn whose bare back slammed against the edge of the bar as a couple of bar stools went tumbling over.

”Oww!” exclaimed Marilyn as the edge bit into her back at the shoulder blades. Roberta relentlessly continued her attack now that she had Marilyn against the bar. She let go of Marilyn’s straps. She grabbed Marilyn’s blonde hair with her left hand while slapping her across the face with her right hand. She slapped Marilyn’s right cheek with the back of her hand on the return.
”Eek! Ayee!” squealed Marilyn with each hit.
Roberta took Marilyn’s hair in both hands and bent her further back over the bar. Unfortunately, she could not bend Marilyn’s head far enough to pound her head on the bar as she had intention.

Marilyn was pinned against the bar. Roberta moved in between her legs to hold her firmly against the bar. Marilyn pulled on Roberta’s hair to use as leverage to raise her legs up around Roberta’s waist. She clamped her ankles together. The long slit caused her dress to drop completely off her legs. Roberta’s boyfriend almost creamed in his pants as Marilyn’s slender thighs showed off her well-defined, bulging quadriceps as she squeezed Roberta. He could also see she had well defined calves ”Must be a runner” he thought to himself ”Boy, would I love to have those legs wrapped around me.”

Roberta yanked Marilyn’s head from side to side keeping Marilyn from concentrating fully on her scissors. Every now and then Roberta would slap Marilyn with one hand or the other and then grab her hair again. Roberta’s anger was growing with each slap. The slaps weren’t very hard as Roberta would have like because Marilyn’s arms were partially in the way with her holding onto Roberta’s hair. Marilyn dared not let go of Roberta’s hair to slap her back for fear that she would slide down Roberta’s silky gown and loose her scissors. No one slap from Roberta was very hard but the repetition started to do damage. Marilyn’s cheeks became redder and redder with each blow. Her hair was also being pulled out. Roberta was fighting with great intensity while Marilyn was still more in a defensive mode, trying to protect herself.
”Ungh…..arghhh…. grunted Roberta whenever Marilyn was able to increase the pressure on the sides of her waist.
”Oww… ouch…..  eeekk…” yelled Marilyn with each slap and sudden hard hairpull.

Marilyn grew more confident as she increased the pressure on Roberta. She was also going closer to full fight mode as Roberta worked her over. Roberta did not have all that strong core muscles to resist Marilyn as Marilyn’s rising anger caused her to increase the pressure even more. It should be noted that Roberta had never been trapped n such a scissors and was not used to the pain. Marilyn began yanking and pulling out strands of hair from Roberta’s head even as Roberta ripped out blonde hair.. Marilyn got in some better and harder slaps. She was not worried about keeping Roberta pinned to the bar so she could hit all out and even use the bar for support. Fortunes had reversed and now Roberta was getting the worse of the punishment.

”Oww…. OK, bitch….. eek… I’ll show….aww… how…..ohh… fight….aiyee..” said Roberta between shrieks of pain. Marilyn slid her hands down Roberta’s back. She pulled herself into Roberta to get her legs in better position to apply even more pressure. Marilyn actually smiled as her fingers from the knot at the back of Roberta. She searched until she found the ends coming out of the bow and pulled. Roberta’s gown was bareback all the way down until you could see a hint of cleavage just above her ass. The knot came undone and the sides of the gown flared out but the top stayed up. Marilyn moved her hands up to the back of Roberta’s neck to lift and pull herself into even a better position. More good fortune came her way as she found the knot tying the straps at the back of Roberta’s neck. Marilyn struggled to untie this knot but it was more tightly tied. She began to really put the squeeze on Roberta’s waist. ”Looks like you’re the one in trouble now, you prude. Give up? I know a weak bitch like you can’t take much punishment.”

“Ugh…. FUCK…onghh….YOU!” Roberta fought back by circling her fingers around Marilyn’s stretched, exposed neck. She tightened her grip. Marilyn gasped and coughed as Roberta increased the pressure on her throat. Throttling some one is not as easy as one might think. Both women were of average strength. . Roberta could constrict the flow of air to Marilyn’s lungs but could not stop the flow completely by merely squeezing. Especially with Marilyn wiggling around and pulling on her arms. Marilyn kept a firm grip on Roberta’s sides but Roberta could feel the pressure loosed as Marilyn struggled and gasped for breath. Marilyn was obviously more concerned about being choked than applying a scissors on Roberta. ”Time to finish you off, SUT!” Roberta slid her thumbs up so she could press on Marilyn’s Adam’s apple area. Being female, you couldn’t see Marilyn’s Adams apple but Roberta could feel it under her thumbs. Marilyn’s began audibly gasping. She grew weaker and her legs loosened to fall down to the top of Roberta’s hips. Roberta was now free to lean in hard on Marilyn and add her weight to the pressure of her thumbs on Marilyn’s Adam apple. The gasps and grunts were replaced by gurgling sounds. Roberta delighted in the fact that she could actually feel the movement of Marilyn’s Adam’s apple up and done as she gasped for breath and the gurgling of the fluid in her throat. She was angry enough to choke Marilyn to death.

Marilyn was terror stricken. She knew she didn’t’ have much time left. She let go of Roberta’s neck. She found Roberta’s thumbs and circled her fingers around them. This was made possible as Roberta had curled her thumbs to put as much pressure as possible on Marilyn’s Adam’s apple. She pulled Roberta’s thumbs back with strength fueled by adrenaline. Now it was Roberta’s turn to yelp in pain as Marilyn tried to yank her thumbs off. Marilyn was able to pull Roberta’s hands away from her throat and took several welcomed breaths or relief.

Once again Marilyn was able to squeeze Roberta between her legs. ”Arrghhhhh!  Ungghhhhhh!  Roberta grunted as her sides were being caved in my Marilyn’s strong legs, made even stronger by fear and rage. Roberta couldn’t hold out much longer. Those hated legs were crushing her. The pain grew more intense and she had trouble breathing. She snapped her hands out of Marilyn’s grip on her thumbs and sunk her nails into Marilyn’s straining calves. Roberta backed up and pulled Marilyn off the bar. Marilyn’s upper body crashed to the floor. She landed square on the back of her head. CLUNK! THUD!
”Onnhhh…” groaned Marilyn. The blow hurt and fazed her just a bit.  Her came apart and probably would have fallen off of Roberta in Marilyn’s stunned state. But Roberta kept a grip on her calves.. She backed out from between Marilyn’s legs. , Then used them to twist Marilyn onto her stomach. Marilyn was still too dazed to offer any resistance. Roberta crossed Marilyn’s legs at the calves, bent them forward and sat on them, trapping Marilyn’s shins between her thighs. Fortunately her gown allowed her to spread her legs around Marilyn’s. Unfortunately for Roberta’s boyfriend he could no longer see Marilyn’s legs.

Roberta bounced up and down making the backs of Marilyn’s shoes squish into her round, firm butt. ”Eeeeiiiiioooooaaa!!” Marilyn wailed in pain as it felt like her knees would break. ”You wanted to exhibit your fucking legs, well now I am going to really hurt them. HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!!” , Roberta gave a sinister cackle. Roberta’s rage grew even more as now she was punishing those legs that were the focus of her anger. Roberta bent down and sunk her hands into Marilyn’s long blonde hair. She pulled back as hard as she could while pressing on Marilyn’s legs to apply even more force. She pulled Marilyn’s neck back and then her shoulders up and back. The room was filled with Marilyn’s constant screaming. ”Look’s like you are the one to give up. Say you’re a slut and a fucking exhibitionist and no where near as sexy as I am. Go on say it or get your neck or knees broken. I don’t care which.”

Marilyn had never been in such pain before. She tried not to scream but was unable to. She hadn’t known Roberta before this but hated the smug bitch now. She was too stubborn to give up and admit defeat to such a sexless cxnt (in her opinion). Marilyn tried to grit her teeth but her mouth remained wide open with her screams. Roberta increased the pain by jumping up and down on her legs and yanking her head back with sudden jerks. ”This is even better than killing her, forcing her to scream in pain with no let up.” though Roberta to herself wit great satisfaction. Not having quite enough strength to force Marilyn to beg for mercy, Roberta began beating up on the helpless Marilyn. She rapped her on one side of the head and then the other all the while keeping her neck bent back by pulling on her hair. She drove her knuckles into Marilyn’s sides and her kidneys. Shots to the side of the rib cage really produced some extra loud screams from Marilyn. Roberta didn’t think Marilyn could last much longer but if she did, so what. She was having fun beating her up. She glanced over at her escort and smiled. ”What do you think of this whore, now? She isn’t so sexy, is she, getting beat up by a better woman.”
« Last Edit: September 17, 2010, 05:45:55 PM by byline »
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Re: Bridal Party Wars - Roberta (dark blonde) vs Marilyn (blonde)
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2010, 05:41:15 PM »
Bridal Party Wars - Roberta (light brown) vs Marilyn (blonde)
You Must Take what You Dish out!

A brief recap: Roberta had gotten Marilyn flat on her stomach. She was able to bend those hated legs, cross them at the ankles and sit on them to punish them. Roberta was punching every part of Marilyn’s head and body that she could pummel. No one punch was very hard but the totality of them was causing bruises and making Marilyn hurt all over. Marilyn luckily caught ahold of Roberta’s right wrist. Roberta grabbed Marilyn’s right arm to pull it off her right arm. Marilyn clamped onto Roberta’s left forearm with her left hand. Now the two were struggling. Roberta trying to free her right wrist from Marilyn’s grasp by pulling her right arm away while pulling with her left hand. Marilyn was fighting to yank Roberta’s left arm off her right forearm.

The stronger Marilyn won this fight as Robert5a’s fingers slide off of  Marilyn’s arm. Now Marilyn had both of Roberta’s arms by the wrists. Marilyn wasn’t sure what to do next but held onto Roberta’s wrists with her strong grip. Roberta couldn’t yank her arms free but Marilyn could also not hold them in one place. Roberta worked both arms around until she could get her fingers into Marilyn’s hair. So even though Marilyn had her wrists captured, Roberta once again was bouncing on Marilyn’s legs and pulling her hair. Marilyn’s efforts to pull Roberta’s fingers out of her hair only helped Roberta pull harder, leaving blonde strands falling to the floor.

Roberta bent down to whisper in Marilyn’s ear “You dirty exhibitionist tramp, I’m goona rip out all your bleached hair and break your knees to boot. You won’t be exhibiting your legs when I am finished with you.”
“It isn’t over yet, you bitch!” Marilyn let go of Roberta’s arm and slammed her elbow into the side of Roberta’s head. She twisted her upper body at the same time to hit her as hard as possible. Marilyn’s elbow hit Roberta’s right temple and eye. Roberta would have a black eye the next morning. Marilyn continued to drive with her elbow after she made contact. Roberta feel off to the side as her eyes fluttered closed..

Marilyn wanted to rise up on her knees and get on top of Roberta before she could recover. However her feet flopped to the floor. The circulation had been cut off at her knees and she had no feeling in her lower legs. The only thing Marilyn could do was use her arms and body to roll away from Roberta. Eventually feeling began to return to her legs. At first they tingled the way they do when they “fall asleep”. She sat there rubbing her legs and flexing them to get the circulation going again. .

Neither woman was ready to return to the battle. Roberta Was lying there while Marilyn was trying to get her legs functional again. Roberta finally opened her eyes. She was still dazed and confused with a throbbing pain from her temple and eye. She got up on two arms and one bent leg. A dizzy spell hit and she almost crumpled down again.

Finally both women manage to struggle to their feet, Roberta still groggy and Marilyn still on wobbly legs. Instinctively the two women stagger towards each other At first the two women fell into each others arms, more holding each other up than dong anything else. Weak punches were thrown but did little damage. As Roberta became fully awake she sunk her fingers into Marilyn’s hair and she began punching harder with her right arm. Marilyn grabbed Roberta’s hair in return and also began hitting harder. In the beginning Roberta was moving Marilyn around but as Marilyn’s legs fully recovered the battle evened up. Marilyn could hit harder but her body was already badly beaten up form Roberta’s previous pounding. Marilyn’s blows landed with a thud and elicited a small yelp or squeak from Roberta. But Marilyn cried out in pain whenever Roberta’s fists found an old sore spot.

If they continued this way Marilyn knew that Roberta would eventually get the better of her. She stepped back and saw the tear in the seam where the bottom part of Roberta’s gown was sewn to the bodice. She inserted her fingers, planted her now fully functional, gorgeous legs and began to twirl Roberta around in a circle. Roberta was caught off guard by Marilyn. That fact, plus the fact that she was still stumbling over her gown caused her to go around faster and faster with Marilyn as the pivot point. Each step on the gown increased the rip in the seam. Suddenly the seam split completely separating the bottom part of the gown from the top at the waist. The back of Roberta’s gown barely covered her ass anyway and with the torn seam the gown slid down over her ass. She fell backwards with Marilyn still handing onto the bottom part of the gown. The gown slid down Roberta’s legs and came completely off as Roberta fell onto her rear. Roberta was wearing only low rider pantyhose – the gown was cut too low in the back to allow any kind of slip. Contrary to what Marilyn though, an slender but very sexy set of legs were revealed.

Roberta rolled onto her hands and knees to get up. As she started to stand up Marilyn placed her foot on Roberta’s small rump and shoved. Roberta when flying and stumbling forward, crashing into a round table at the waist.. Her momentum caused her to slide onto the table on her belly. Marilyn was right behind her. Marilyn leaped up and onto the table and climbed onto Roberta, squatting on the small of her back. “”Gotcha, bitch, turn about’s fair play!”  Roberta’s rage had returned full force. She was kicking back like a schoolgirl when someone is on her back, fast and furiously. Her high heels were striking Marilyn’s back. Marilyn twisted and captured Roberta’s left leg. She pulled off Roberta’s shoe. She started beating Robert5a on the back of the head with the heel. “This is payback for all the pounding you did on me, cxnt!”

Roberta wasn’t just lying there still taking her punishment. She was wiggling and squirming under Marilyn. She continued to kick  and the other shoe came flying off. Marilyn eventually lost her grip on the other shoe and it also went flying. Marilyn didn’t mind. She wrapped both her hands around Roberta’s hair and began yanking as hard as she could. The table and floor soon had several stands of brunette hair littering them. Roberta kept kicking furiously under Marilyn and finally the other shoe came flying off.

The fighting on top of the table was raucous to say the least. Roberta was squirming and trying to roll back and forth; Marilyn was yanking her head and shoulders back and forth by the hair. The table was not very stable. It had a center post and three support horizontal legs. The table rocked back and forth as the two women fought. Marilyn leaned to the side harmony with the table rocking. The table became too unbalance and over it went, spilling Roberta and Marilyn onto the floor.. The two fighters rolled apart and scampered up quickly. They charged each other without hesitation.

Throwing their arms around each other in an attempt to twist that throw the other down they ended up in a mutual bear hug. Neither had the positional advantage as each had one arm inside the other’s arm. They started squeezing. Neither had the strength to force the other to submit but the bear hug favored Marilyn. She was stronger and had the advantage in the tit department. Hers were larger than Roberta’s and firmer. “Damn, just like her to  have implants” rationalized Roberta.

Suddenly Marilyn cried out “Ayeeee!!” as Roberta screamed “You dumb, phony titted bleached blonde.” Roberta had  raked her sharp nails down Marilyn’s bare back, covered only by criss-crossing strings. Marilyn quickly responded by raking her sharp claws on Roberta’s bare back, completely unhindered as the one strap had already been untied. Roberta upped the ante by sliding both her hands down the rear cleavage of Marilyn’s gown. She grabbed Marilyn’s butt cheeks and left deep scratches as she ripped her fingers up. Roberta’s gown was cut almost as deep as Marilyn’s and Marilyn had little trouble in giving Roberta tit for tat.

Seemed that Roberta was making the first move and Marilyn was following suit. Roberta grabbed Marilyn’s hair and started bending her from one side to the other. Marilyn did not follow suit this time. Marilyn’s hands went up the only strap holding up the top of Roberta’s gown at the back of her neck. Marilyn finished the job she had not been able to complete before and untied the straps. The top was now not attached to anything, having previously been torn away from the bottom of the dress. Marilyn reached in and pulled the remaining top out, throwing it to the floor. Roberta’s breasts were now exposed.

Roberta was embarrassed. She had never exposed her tits in public before and was somewhat a prude as Marilyn had thought. A reflex action caused her to let go of Marilyn’s hair and try to cover her breasts with her hands. This effort only lasted a second or two but was time enough for Marilyn to soap Roberta across the face a couple of times. The slaps made Roberta forget about her tits and slap back at Marilyn. This time Marilyn was ready for Roberta’s counter attack and blocked her slaps.

Roberta went for Marilyn’s hair and Marilyn went for Roberta’s tits. Roberta’s breasts were B-cup sized and Marilyn’s long fingers encircled them completely. Marilyn started mauling Roberta’s boobs. Roberta let go of Marilyn’s hair and tried to pull Marilyn’s hands off her tits to no avail. It was now Roberta reacting to Marilyn’s tactics instead of vice-versa as before. Roberta wanted to get at Marilyn’s bigger tits but they were still covered by Marilyn’s gown.

Roberta sunk her fingers down the cleavage and ripped down hard. The top ripped and Marilyn’s braless D-cups tits boobs flopped out. The way they giggle and bounced told everyone that they were real. Marilyn had stepped back as Roberta was ripping down her gown. Momentum carried Roberta’s arms down while Marilyn raised her right arm and crossed it to her left side. She bent her arm and swung full force connecting with her elbow on Roberta’s right temple again. Roberta dropped like a rock, out stone cold.

Marilyn evened up the score for all the punishment her body had taken by waking around and kicking the unconscious Roberta in several places. A few more kicks in the head made sure Roberta stayed unconscious. Marilyn pulled her into a seating position by the hair. Then she inserted her arms under Roberta’s and dragged her close to her boyfriend. On the way she picked up the bottom part of Roberta’s gown. With great effort she hauled Roberta up onto a chair, facing her boyfriend.  Marilyn ripped strips of cloth off the gown and used them to bind Roberta’s hands behind her at the back of the chair. She tied Roberta’s feet to the legs.

Then Marilyn went and sat on Roberta’s escort/boyfriend’s lap. Her gown was split up to the waist and fell to the sides, exposing all of Marilyn’s bare legs. Marilyn waited for Roberta to wake up. Marilyn was wearing stockings and black panties. She raised one leg and slowly and very sexily worked one stocking down and off her perfectly shaped leg. Her ass told her she was getting a response from the boyfriend as his stirring poked into her. Marilyn repeated the action with her other leg with Roberta forced to look on. Marilyn said in a low, sexy voice “Big fella, that row of half dollars seems to be growing. It feels good on my ass. But my legs are sore from where that prudish bitch hurt them. Could you please rub them and make them feel better?”

“We can’t have such gorgeous legs suffering, can we.” The boyfriend said as he began as instructed. Marilyn displayed her legs so that Roberta could see everything going on. She spread her legs and guided the boyfriend’s hands to her inner thigh and then further up. She guided his fingers into the leg openings for her panties until they found her pussy. He began massaging her vagina inside and out. Marilyn arched her back and tilted her head back. She began making sounds of ecstasy as her pussy was stimulated. Finally juices exploded from her as she came. The boyfriend had done so already and the inside of his shorts and pants were a mess. Roberta was forced to watch and the only thing she could do was glare with hatred and words that would hurt even the most raucous sailor.

Marilyn eventually got off the boyfriend’s lap. She went over to Roberta and said “If I want to show off my legs, I will, and don’t you forget that.” She left with the boyfriend saying “We had better get you cleaned up, BIG FELLA. Let’s find out how really big you can get. I need some lotion spread all over my silky, smooth peach colored body. Then you can see what a real woman is like instead of that sickly string bean. Hope you are good for all night."   ;) :-*  :P  ;D[//color]
« Last Edit: September 23, 2010, 08:36:19 PM by byline »
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