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Lynda Carter

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Offline VAKris

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Re: Lynda Carter
« Reply #30 on: January 13, 2022, 02:17:01 AM »
Just imagining a formal party (pic of Lindsay Wagner and Lynda Carter) where these two arm wrestle; as the contest heats up with a bit of pushing, hairpulling.....Jayne Kennedy walks up.....(She is also in a sexy formal gown). Instant three hot babe battle.....Lynda gets doubleteamed.....lots of hairpulling, slapping, breast mauling, stripping.

Add Catherine Bach to the mix....4-woman until only 1 is left standing.


Offline kevan

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Re: Lynda Carter
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2022, 12:30:12 AM »
    "Lovely Party!" Lynda Carter whispers to a tux wearing server as she takes a drink.
    "Wanna liven this party up a bit?" Lindsay says to Jayne.
    "Yeah.....let's get her....You pull her hair, I'll slap her; then you punch her".....Giggle, giggle.
     "Humpph....that's unfair....I better warn her," Catherine says as she overhears the two lovelies planning to jump Lynda.
     " it...don't be so clumsy," Lynda snaps as Jayne walks by her, bumps her knocking the drink out of her hand.
     "Want trouble?" Lindsay shouts as she grabs a handful of Lynda's long dark shiny hair....She jerks her hard forward....
      " it girl," Jayne says as Lynda lost her balance and stumbles toward her.
      Ripppppppp.....The sound of a beautiful sexy evening gown being torn, ripped apart by another female star.
      Lynda screams as a long arm wraps around her neck from behind. Long sexy strong fingers grab her chin; her lovely head is jerked up and back.....Her arms flail.....
     "Yeah....let's see her big tits.....Wonder woman's wonders-"
      Catherine charges in but it's too late.....a long strong sexy leg blasts out and upward......dress high heels hurt when they connect to ones "sweet spot."


Offline kevan

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Re: Lynda Carter
« Reply #32 on: May 22, 2022, 06:03:37 PM »
          "Shouldn't interefere girl," Jayne laughed as she watched Catherine stagger around moaning, holding her crotch.
           Jayne smiled as stared at the brunettes breasts bulging out of her low cut dress..."  She moved in fast, grabbed a double handful of Catherines hair, jerked her head back and forth.....
           Whaccckkkk.... The blistering backhand sent the "country girl" reeling backwards....but not quite fast enough. Jayne's long sexy fingers flashed out...
           Ripppppp.....The entire front of Catherines dress gave way revealing a strapless bra.......
           "Too bad  for you, honey" Jayne said...."Thought you'd be tougher."
            "Uhhhhhh....Uggggh....Let go of me," Lynda was struggling with Lindsay.....Lindsay had put the busty brunette in a full nelson, forcing her to display her wonderful "assets."
            Full nelson became a half nelson and the gorgeous Lynda was fighting, writhing, twisting with all her might and was just about to break free....Her huge beautiful breasts were now
            completely exposed, bouncing jiggling with every most erotic looking move.....Two large fully erect dark nipples seemed to be calling Jayne's name or rather her talons....
            "Get her.....double team her, ladies!"


Offline kevan

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Re: Lynda Carter
« Reply #33 on: May 25, 2022, 01:03:56 AM »
        'Double team her? Yeah....great idea, Jayne mused....but first-
        "Uhhhhhh," Catherine groaned as her lovely face received another backhand followed by a dazing punch. Angry lightning fast fingers flashed, secured a hold on that sexy strapless bra and
         a hard yank....."Country girl....dazed and topless."
          Angry protests became muffled as Jayne slammed Catherine hard face first into Lynda's chest. A solid hold on that lovely head.....Muffled sounds....
         "Wow....what a way to go" someone shouted as Jayne held the whimpering groaning Catherines face into Lyndas heaving breasts.
          "Just don't bite 'em," Lindsay snickered as she secured a complete full nelson again....she snickered, winked at Jayne as she jerked Lynda backwards forcing her chest out.....
          "She's weakening.....she's almost outta here," Jayne said....she dropped one hand and gave a loud resounding smack on Catherine's ass cheek......
          "Too bad she's not wearing those whacha call 'em-Daisy Dukes".......a collective but not totally disappointed collective groan was heard....


Offline colt 45

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Re: Lynda Carter
« Reply #34 on: May 30, 2022, 06:55:04 PM »
Linda vs Lonnie Anderson


Offline kevan

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Re: Lynda Carter; 4 way tussle cont'd
« Reply #35 on: May 31, 2022, 08:41:38 PM »
         "Umphhhh" muffled gasp escaped Catherines lips as her body weakened, gorgeous legs buckled....
          "And you're out, sweet country girl," Jayne snickered as she reached around the slumping brunette, cupped her breasts and gave them a long slow most erotic squeezin..'
          "Nice tits," Jayne laughed as she pulled Catherine back, and rather gently laid her down. She tweaked, pulled, played with the two stiffening nipples, gave her a kiss on the cheek and jumped up,
          ready to join the rather intense action; Lynda had broken free and was exchanging slaps and punches with Lindsay....Each delivered powerful blows and their moans, groans, and cussing was
          providing all onlookers a most hot show.
          "Why you bitch," Lindsay screamed as Linda grabbed her gown, tore it clean down to the waist. Lynda snickered, gave her left breast a most nasty slap....
           Wham....Lindsays answer was a well placed punch to the chin than snapped the busty brunettes lovely head clean back.
           "Good one," Jayne shouted as she lunged, grabbed a double handful of Lynda's beautiful hair....


Offline kevan

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Re: Lynda Carter
« Reply #36 on: June 03, 2022, 12:10:25 AM »
        One gorgeous brunette now struggled furiously, but frantically against two equally beautiful rivals.....both determined to take her down.
        Slaps, punches, sexy moans, groans, gasps....Lynda scored a wild punch to Jaynes ribs, grabbed silk fabric and yanked hard.....a few delighted gasps.....lovely lace bra....
        "Hmmmmm-too bad...she didn't go braless like the other two," someone stated their complaint.
        "Ouchhh....stop....that hurts....." protests as both Lynda's and Lindsays beautiful breasts received pinches, slaps, and that "unwanted?" feel .......Lightning fast moves....
        Lindsay's lovely face blushed with anger as Jayne gave her a hard and fast nipple pinch and twist.
        "Now that would be a real fight," one lady said hoping that Jayne and Lindsay would go at it......Long legs, loveliness in a fireball of fight.....
        "Let's take her down," Lindsay shouted as she drove a fist into Lynda's solar plexus.....
        As if on perfect queue both her and Jayne each grabbed a huge luscious breast.....sunk their long sexy strong fingers in deep....
       "Uhhhhhhh...Umpppphhh," Lynda gasped as her luscious boobs felt pain....her groin exploded in a burst of hurt as one nasty incredibly rude hard knee made contact....


Offline kevan

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Re: Lynda Carter
« Reply #37 on: June 30, 2022, 05:41:10 PM »
   "What's the matter? Hurtin' down there?" Jayne snickered as she relished the busty brunettes groans.
    "We're gonna squeeze your tits, extra hard," Jayne contined as her long sexy fingers dug into Wonder Woman's wonders even deeper...." she smiled as she watched
Lindsay's fingers capture a large dark nipple, pinched and pulled it....
     "Owwwww.Ouchhhh...Stop....Let Go," Lynda bawled....
      "Hey ya go-Catch!"
       Goldness flew threw the air....Jayne caught the flying surprise...
      "Oh, hmmmm, the golden lasso of truth?" Lindsay said..... Both beauties snickered, then simultaneously said,"Aha....I know what to do..."
       A good solid punch to the lovely brunettes belly; gasping, heavy breathing, whimpering.....
       "Lets make her tell the truth....." giggles, taunts as they wrapped the special rope tight around that lovely chest....
       "Now....tell the your boobs hurt?" "How much" Are you turned on?" they laughed....
        Jayne and Lindsay teased and taunted their gorgeous hapless prey.....
        Suddenly Jayne slipped behind Lynda, clamped her hand over her mouth.....
        "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six---


Offline kevan

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Re: Lynda Carter
« Reply #38 on: July 02, 2022, 06:41:46 PM »
     "You're goin' down....and you look sooooo hot so helpless, Wonder Woman, WonderBabe," Lindsay snickered as she moved closer.....
The tall beauty licked her lips as she pressed her perky breasts against the busty brunette's big breasts....She smiled and let out an ever
so soft gasp as her stiff nipples pressed into Lynda's thick dark love nubs....
       "Uhhhhhhh....Umpppfffhhh...Unggggh..." Lynda gasped as her rival pushed.....a warm flush flooded her upper body as she felt two "bullets" drill into her,,,,,,
       "Yeah, you got her," Jayne laughed....She felt Lynda weakening even more....
         Blinding head pain; Lindsay delivered a naughty headbutt....Jayne stepped back, pulling Lynda down.....
        "Uhhhhhhhhh," the hapless brunette crumpled......completely down, loveliness laid out...
        "Now for some fun," Lindsay sat on Lynda's belly, flashed a mischievious smile at Jayne and cupped two luscious breasts; she squeezed, twisted them slowly.
         "Soft dreamy moans" escaped Lynda's lips....."NuuhhhhUhhhhh"
         "They're hard as rocks," Lindsay snickered as her long sexy fingers tweaked, pulled her lovely conquests nipples..
          "Let me have some fun too.....Share!" Jayne said as she reached out....
          "NOOOO....She's mine, All mine," Lindsay snapped slapping Jayne's hands hard...She pushed them away angrily, rudely....
           "Oh my, you're one selfish BITTTTTCHHHH!" Jayne snarled as she stepped back.
           "Nice, you are soooo nice, so sexy, sooo Big," Lindsay continued her boob "massage" relishing Lynda's "out of it" groans and moans of pleasure and "reluctant protest."
           "Wait for it----it's coming" a very happy observer noted./
            In one hot smooth move, Jayne had reached back, unsnapped her bra, positioned it just so....


Offline kevan

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Re: Lynda Carter
« Reply #39 on: July 04, 2022, 04:46:57 AM »
     "Gotcha," Jayne snarled as she wrapped her bra around Lindsay's lovely throat, pulled it tight.....Lindsay gasped, struggled as Jayne pulled her to her feet. As the gorgeous actress stuggled, Jayne brought her knee up hard slamming it into Lindsay's lower back....She jerked her flailing screaming prey backwards......
      "Struggle, squirm honey, stick those boobs out," Jayne snarled. She dodged Lindsay's angry hands, fingers that tried clawing her face, grabbing for her hair.
      "Not fast enough, you're mine, all mine....Whooppppsss...OUCHHH."
       Jayne yelped as she felt her lovely hair being yanked hard.....Lindsay breathed angry curses, threats, promising to deliver pain to Jayne....
      "One hundred dollars on Miss Bionic Boobs," one entranced onlooker shouted.


Offline kevan

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Re: Lynda Carter
« Reply #40 on: July 13, 2022, 02:10:27 AM »
      Jayne screamed as Lindsay grabbed her hair, tucked her upper body and with a mighty jerk and pull sent her tall sexy rival head over heels, in one sexy full body flip.
     "Uhhhhh," Jayne gasped as her sexy ass smacked into hardness, her long sexy legs kicking outward.
      In a flash Lindsay grabbed the flailing legs by the ankles, jerked her legs outward and apart.
     "Spread 'em honey," Lindsay rasped as she placed her foot into her gasping rivals' "sweet spot"
      "Aieeeeee....Somebody stop her....Argggggggh."


Offline kevan

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Re: Lynda Carter
« Reply #41 on: July 19, 2022, 09:17:20 PM »
    "Tables turned....Now you;'re gonna pay!" Lindsay hissed as she ground her foot into the "target." Jayne's bra still hung loosely around her neck.....Dominance felt soooo good.....she relished Jaynes sexy squirming, whimpering,
      "Had enough yet?"
      "Yes, please, please stop....Umppphhh."
       "Well okay, then....let me help you up..."
       "Upsie pretty daisy," Lindsay snickered...
        Whump. Thud.....
       "Surprise! Bitch!" Jayne's fist blasted into her surprised rivals lower belly and a hard knee slammed into her crotch.....The vicious head butt sent "bionic beuties" powers flying.....A double handful of silky hair....a hard head wrench; sexy leg....weakened leg at that curled around another sexy leg....down the two beauties went; kicking, cussing, struggling, legs intertwined, hissing, clawing. Jayne secured a hold on Lindsay's left breast; she squeezed the firm perky mound hard, clamped down on the stiffening rock hard nipple....
         "Nice tit....oughta twist it off," Jaynes raspy voice, angry, yet quite sensual blasted into her rivals ear....."Pain or pleasure....which do you like best?" her sultry voice taunted as she playfully began to tweak the tormented nipple.
          "Aieeeeee....gonna pound you senseless!"


Offline Yuanmonos

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Re: Lynda Carter
« Reply #42 on: October 09, 2022, 05:03:52 AM »
In character as Wonder Woman fighting Joanna Cameron's Isis.


Re: Lynda Carter
« Reply #43 on: October 31, 2022, 01:04:15 AM »
