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Hang her by her tits...
MMA, Martial Arts,Kickboxing and NHB / The resort, a sequel
« Last post by Ashley2000 on Today at 10:15:56 PM »

and Dakota is linked in the first story.

After suffering a thrashing like she did from Louisa, most women would have become shy to fight again.  Dakota though, was different.  She was competitive and a bit psychotic.  Her edge and frustration about losing made her a bit trigger happy and any woman who crossed her ended up suffering from her renewed wrath.  In the four months that followed her vacation, Dakota got into 4 fights, one with a girl who was much bigger than her or Louisa, so it wasn't as though Dakota was picking on easy prey just to boost her ego.

She was in another of her sour moods that evening as she got ready to go out.  It had been a shitty day at work and she just wanted to go out and enjoy herself.  She hoped to find the guy she had been fucking and make her way back to his place.  And so the night went well as he invited her back to his big flat, where he and his roomies were having a little late-night.  It was crowded but as the party started to wind down, she found him and told him she wanted to meet him in his room in ten minutes. She instructed him to get naked in his bed and she would be there.   He smiled and kissed her and said he'd meet her.  She went and found her friends and told them to leave without her.

She snuck to his room and got there before him so  she went into his bathroom and got undressed, waiting for him to come in and get in the bed. 

She heard the door open and waited a few minutes, listening closely while the music and noise outside continued.  She thought she heard him get into bed so she opened the door to the bedroom and started to say, "Okay baby--"

But she was cut off, because sitting on the bed, completely naked, wasn't her fuck boy.  It was another busty blonde woman.

"Who the fuck are you?" challenged the woman. 

"I'm Dakota, who the fuck are you? "

"I'm Dana, are you the cow who has been fucking my fiancé?" asked the woman on the bed.

Dakota was stunned briefly, but answered nonetheless.  "Honey, if he's your fiance, you are in big trouble, because yep, I've been fucking him."

Dana got up, not reacting the way Dakota expected and was clearly angry with Dakota. 

"BItch you should stay away from my man and find your own..." 

Dakota looked at the door and thought, "He's going to be coming in soon" in her head...

"Oh bitch, don't look at that door, he's not coming for at least 20 minutes, his boys just got him caught up in a game of dice.  We have plenty of time to sort this out.." and she started to walk towards Dakota.

Dakota quickly realized that the stupid bitch wanted to fight her.

"Listen, Dana," she said with a sneer, "You don't want to fuck with me.  I will mess you up so bad, you won't know what state you come from.  Please back up and I will gladly leave you and your fat ass and sorry fiancé alone.  I didn't know he was engaged."

Dana didn't back down.  She stepped forward and the two naked women made contact.  Dana's massive breasts pressed into Dakota's massive breasts and heavily made up face got almost nose to nose with her foe.  "Listen you fat cow.  I'm not gonna let you walk away from trying to steal my fiancé that easily.  You're gonna pay a little price for that."

Dakota leaned in, but her breasts and Dana's were even matches for one another and they both mushroomed out between them.

"Don't test me bitch." hissed Dakota. 

Dana bumped Dakota back with her breasts and then shoved her with both hands by her shoulders, causing Dakota to stumble back into the bathroom door.  She could tell immediately that Dana was strong and that it would be a real fight, not some pushover fight.

Dakota clenched her fists, knowing she wasn't getting out of this situation without blows but before she could swing, Dana grabbed her hair, physically yanked her forward and forced her head down (she was stronger than Dakota anticipated) and delivered a brutal knee to Dakota's face.  A second followed close behind, right into Dakota's big chest. 

Infuriated, Dakota drove forward, her shoulder slamming into Dana's gut and she drove the other blonde back onto the bed, where she was able to throw several punches perfectly into the other woman's exposed, shaved pussy.  Dana grunted from the blows but kept her grip on Dakota's hair and threw several stunning blows to Dakota's head before physically pushing her off.  The two women got to their feet and began to trade heavy, brutal blows.  They grabbed each other's hair with one hand and widened their stances and swung with the other.  Neither mounted any defense as their punches pounded the other's torso and big breasts.  Both women were wincing and grunting from the assault and Dakota used her powerful upper body to yank Dana and slam her into the wall.  As the blonde was flattened against the wall, Dakota pressed forward and slammed two punches to her gut and a knee to her crotch. 

Dana's face went white and then she lashed out and raked her nails down Dakota's face, causing her to shriek in pain.  She went to swing in retaliation but Dana blocked it and punched her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her.  Dana then kicked her in the gut sending her stumbling back onto her ass and allowing the big blonde to leap onto her and pin her to the ground.  In a rage, Dana began pounding Dakota's face with rights and lefts, fattening her lip and causing her eye to swell again.  Dakota was frantic.  Dana was big and had her pinned underneath her.  It was like Louisa all over again.   She tried to buck and she thrashed wildly as face was pummeled. She grabbed Dana's massive tits and dug in her claws as she used them for leverage.  Dana grimaced in pain and growled as she grabbed Dakota's big tits and countered with the same assault.  Dana's nails were longer and sharper than Dakota's and they punctured the skin and tore into Dakota's sensitive fleshly more viciously than Dakota's attack on her own breasts.  Despite her advantage, adrenaline favored Dakota and she was able to buck wildly enough to shift Dana so that she lost her balance and was. unseated from her dominant position.  The two women rolled to their sides and began punching each other awkwardly.  Dakota caught Dana with a solid punch to the nose and followed with two more that hurt the woman badly, drawing a lot of blood causing tears to well up in Dana's eyes.  The blonde shot a hand between Dakota's legs and grabbed her pussy.  Dakota whimpered and shoved her own hand into Dana's crotch causing Dana to whimper.  They clawed at one another viciously and Dana slid a finger inside of Dakota and used it for leverage to increase the pain Dakota was suffering.  Dakota squealed as she was mauled and violated and took her free hand and slammed Dana's head into the floor, causing her to release her grip on Dakota's pussy, so that she rolled away and struggled to her feet as Dana crawled away, injured and dazed as well.

Before Dana could get to her feet, Dakota leapt on top of her from behind, causing Dana to collapse to the floor under Dakota's weight.  Dakota grabbed her opponent's head by the hair and slammed her face into the floor twice before Dana elbowed her with a back elbow that crashed into Dakota's temple and sent her rolling off of the blonde.  Both women were exhausted and injured.  Flashbacks from her brawl with Louisa were racing through Dakota's mind as she struggled to get off of her back and Dana struggled to get to her hands and knees.

Dana got to Dakota before Dakota could get up and the big blonde scrambled on top of her foe and pressed her body down.  She shoved her left hand between Dakota's legs again and Dakota instinctively grabbed her wrist with both hands but already had her hand in place, shoving four fingers inside of Dakota's pussy and drilling down onto her clit with her thumbnail.  The pain almost caused her to pass out as her clit was assaulted and her pussy was nearly fisted.  Dakota arched and shieiked, tears welling up in her eyes instantly as she released Dana's wrist with her right hand and slammed a brutal punch into Dana's already damaged nose.  Dana's head snapped back and she rolled off of Dakota, clutching her nose and face.  Dakota, now floridly crying, scrambled to her feet and stomped Dana in the head.  The big blonde collapsed down onto the ground and Dakota grabbed the back of her head by her hair and slammed her head again onto the floor before yanking her back to her feet and driving her into the bed and bending her over at the waist.  She leaned on top of Dana, who was badly dazed, and kept her pinned face down on the bed.  With a violent thrust, she jabbed her hand into Dana's pussy and shoved her thumb into her ass.  Dana shrieked wildly, muffled by being face down in the bed as Dakota mauled her ass and pussy from behind before yanking her backwards to her feet again and then using her powerful legs to run her forward into a high-boy dresser, crushing her big breasts against the heavy furniture. 

Dana moaned as she fell to her knees and turned to a sitting position leaning against the dresser.   

Battered and crying, Dakota challenged, "Are we done, bitch?"

"" Dana forced out.

And so Dakota kicked her in her big chest, grabbed her tits and dug in her claws until she punctured the skin and caused Dana to sob and then hauled Dana to her feet.  She then pressed her forearm against Dana's big, battered chest, and began to deliver heavy, sluggish, punches into her gut and pussy.  Dana whimpered and finally gasped, "Stop, please stop...I'm done you monster....I'm fucking done....."

And Dakota stumbled back sobbing onto the bed. 

The door opened and the man walked in.  "What the fuck???" was all he said.

Fictional Catfight Polls! / Re: Catfight Hatefight
« Last post by BattleStud on Today at 10:08:44 PM »
Should the winner finish the loser off pussy to pussy
Fictional Catfight Polls! / Re: Drunk Rivals Fight
« Last post by BattleStud on Today at 10:06:36 PM »
This would be a great fight
Sexfighting and Titfighting / Re: Tiffany vs Michelle
« Last post by D69again on Today at 09:13:38 PM »
I missed your stories my friend!
Sexfighting and Titfighting / Re: Tiffany vs Michelle
« Last post by D69again on Today at 09:11:00 PM »
I missed your stories my friend!
If Disha Patani challeging Deepika Padukone  at a Bollywood swimming pool adult party resulting a total erotic catfight who will win? Disha is slim & fit and a bit younger while Deepika is also robust and fit.

Rule: Everything from  slapping, hairpulling to any kind of erotic attacks allowed except kicks and punches.
Another great chapter.  Thanks for sharing it.  I especially liked that you filled us in on Anna's back story and how she got into this type of competition.  Exciting to read from start to finish.
Thank you for all who voted or commented and especially for Miss Leslie for taking this fight and being a great opponent and Mr. Tony for setting the pol up and bring me into the fold. sorry i tried to make a post a day with work being crazy. Still thank you all and kisses  and hugs
In my weaken state Natalie grabs the sand chair from BAM Natalie slams the chair on my head " ouuuuu fuck " I see stars as I fall to the mat dazed.

TGIF Bitches!
Lovely Leslie
I get up hurting from the surprised chair shot i pick it up and hit miss leslie with it dropping her! She hits the mat and i drop my weight on her back pulling hard on her head in a camel clutch type move " bitch give up or i going make you suffer!" i pull harder as i hear the crowd cheering

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