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Fighting for a significant other.

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Offline snw

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Fighting for a significant other.
« on: March 12, 2023, 07:13:37 AM »
Wondered if 2 girls that are interested in the same guy, and how it was settled. Have or would you agree to or suggest a friendly wrestling match to decide who has free run for him. Maybe arm wrestling even to see which girl backs off. If so was it done with him watching but unaware the match was to determine who had won first shot at him. Or maybe both girls are friends and one tries to show the other up by wrestling her in front of him? Say he was a boxer and the girls knew it’d get him hot to see them box each other. Then going all out to not just win but embarrass your rival. I guess have you ever had a physical confrontation for the purpose to impress a mutual love interest and was he impressed or if you were the one who lost the match how did you handle it.  Oh and especially if you knew how much it turned him on to do so.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Fighting for a significant other.
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2023, 12:21:55 PM »
Not 100% what you're asking, but freshman year of college, mid-1980s, there was a girl-guy-girl 'throuple' from Eastern MA.  The two girls' parents are very tight, so the girls keep it civil and casual during high school.  In fact, all 4 of said parents don't think the guy is Mr Right--they don't mind the other girl being in the picture--that way, things won't get too serious too fast.

One of the girls (let's call her girl #2, since that's what she had become by that summer) and the guy, stayed in-state for college.

Girl #1 went away to an expensive Vermont private school, 2 miles due north. 

Anyways, about 2-3 weeks into Sept., Girl #1 quickly realizes her mistake.  The guy is returning her phone calls (this was pre-cell phone) less and less, and even worse, his stories of how he spends his time has inconsistencies--she catches him in multiple lies.  She tries to make him jealous by making new guy friends, but the Vermont school is small and its social life is non-existant.

Girl #1 then actually enlists her parents to ask Girl #2's parents to see if Girl #2 is making a play for the guy.  Girl #1 gets reprimanded by her Mom that their firendship with Girl #2's parents are important for all 4 of their careers (their company's have a vendor-client relationship, and all 4 earn commissions from that relationship staying active).

So a pair of heart to heart mother-daughter phone calls happen one weekend:  Girl #1-her Mom, Girl #2-her Mom, that the 2 girls need to "work out between themselves" their unsustainable throuple situation, and the parents don't want to be involved and don't want to hear anymore about it.

Now, since this was IRL and not fantasy, no, Girl #1 and Girl #2 did not face off in a nude boxing match.


Girl #1 DID make 3 weekend road trips down to MA to try to show the guy her prowess in the bedroom.

But his weekday cheating with Girl #2, and his phone call lies, continued.  So Girl #1 stepped aside and moved on.


Offline Kateintense

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Re: Fighting for a significant other.
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2023, 05:53:39 PM »
Well, I wouldn't do that. Maybe the difference is between being a girl or a woman. Even I, when I was close to max screwed up, learned my lessons.  Relationships are important. including new ones that might develop into something long lasting. Beisdes. why  would any guy not wonder about the value of a relationship and attraction by the woman to him, if she will risk it on a brief physical contest? Egos of everyone involved are a big part in this but it's just high schoolish to let my life be so influenced some guy's fetish. You want world class sex, want a real woman instead of a girl in yer life, then be a man worth having. Going to bed with me, valuing me, would give both of us a helluva lot more than rolling with some insecure bitch. I mean, WTF if yer living a life and not just wanting to sit at the cool girs table.

A fight/match  between two wives would be hot, but only after I know I have trust, love, some commitment from my man. When it is really MY man I'll fight for him. You give a lot to a guy and and it can dev into something lasting a long time. Why fight for something that  cant be derailed by  a 10 min sexy show? I'd want to kick her ass, but I'm a grown up. Its fun for cyber, but when it  goes real those girls are  fools.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Fighting for a significant other.
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2023, 06:19:46 PM »
You give a lot to a guy and and it can dev into something lasting a long time. Why fight for something that  cant be derailed by  a 10 min sexy show? I'd want to kick her ass, but I'm a grown up. Its fun for cyber, but when it  goes real those girls are  fools.

I 85% agree with what you are saying conceptually, and 95% live by it in my personal experiences.

But when you get old like me (and, yes, it's cliche but true that getting old beats the alternative) you'll realize that the outside world, and the people that live in it, don't really care about your personal philosophy and ethics--they do their thing regardless. 

If you're saying 'Huh?', I say:

> A very close friend in a very happy marriage can get divorced unexpectedly--and he formerly innocent flirtations with your man stop seeming innocent.

> A pandemic can happen, and your man can start Zooming too much with his female boss.

> A female neighbor can start asking for handyman help from your mann too much.

Anyways .... life presents unexpected twists, which our ethics didn't consider.


Offline snw

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Re: Fighting for a significant other.
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2023, 05:39:45 AM »
You give a lot to a guy and and it can dev into something lasting a long time. Why fight for something that  cant be derailed by  a 10 min sexy show? I'd want to kick her ass, but I'm a grown up. Its fun for cyber, but when it  goes real those girls are  fools.

I 85% agree with what you are saying conceptually, and 95% live by it in my personal experiences.

But when you get old like me (and, yes, it's cliche but true that getting old beats the alternative) you'll realize that the outside world, and the people that live in it, don't really care about your personal philosophy and ethics--they do their thing regardless. 

If you're saying 'Huh?', I say:

> A very close friend in a very happy marriage can get divorced unexpectedly--and he formerly innocent flirtations with your man stop seeming innocent.

> A pandemic can happen, and your man can start Zooming too much with his female boss.

> A female neighbor can start asking for handyman help from your mann too much.

Anyways .... life presents unexpected twists, which our ethics didn't consider.

I love this scenarios which would play in to what I was asking. Such as say a neighbor asking the husband next door foot help often. Calling and flirting heavy when he’s there. Obviously trying to attract his attention at first in her showing some skin to him. Then small talk to eventually finding out of his female competitor fetish. There is a neighborhood cook out maybe where she gets something started without the wife knowing exactly what she’s up to. Maybe challenges her to arm wrestling. Or rough housing and doing so where it seems playful while keeping a close eye on the reaction the husband has. Winning a competition against her and then inviting him over to “help” while asking his thoughts on when she bested his wife in. Comparing the two and making slight insinuations to her being stronger, bigger boobs, until she’s finally broken his defenses down. 

Like the first one as well a close friend who the wife has mentioned how such things turn her husband on. One day she’s over talking to the wife while the husband is there. Asking to arm wrestle her or wrestle for fun. The wife knowing such a thing would really turn him on and no doubt be disappointed if the friend was willing to do it while his wife tried avoiding it. It would be a win win for the friends goal if she did do it and lost she’d wonder what he was thinking about her losing? Does he look at the friend differently now. Or not doing it must look as if she’s afraid to try it for fear of losing. She could then say I tried to make your fantasy come true but your wife is apparently afraid I’ll beat her.  Thanks for the set up ideas they were right in line.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Fighting for a significant other.
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2023, 11:16:41 AM »
If you wanted cul de sac cookout scenarios, why didn't you just ask:

> Ladies, can one of you open this pickle jar?

> I have the worst knot in my back; does either of you know how to massage it out?

> This cooler of ice is too have for one person; who can help me dump it?

> How many detentions did you each get in high school? .... What for?

> Honey, are you going away again this June for a week at your Mom's?  7 days, right?  Starting the 23rd?  That's about 8 hours away, right?  Not back till July 1st, right?  .... Me?  Oh, you know--I'll just be hanging around in the house.

> My wife isn't patient enough to learn bridge.  .... Play alone?  Oh, no no; it's a team game.  2 vs 2; I need a partner.  .... You're interested?  Oh, ok.  Yea, I can teach you.

> My sister was telling me that any 2 girls who are friends wonder who would win a fight between them .... Is that true?

> You two both look good in straight hair.  Is that coincidence one of you got it done a month apart?

> Here, I just got this nice picture of the sunset.  What's your text .... so I can send it to you?

> Your router's in the basement?  Can you show me where?

> You both have such sharp nails today. .... Why?

> Pleaae don't tell her we tongue kissed.  She has a nasty temper.


Offline cfight

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Re: Fighting for a significant other.
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2023, 12:41:59 PM »
Wife and friend, either from the neighborhood or maybe a coworker, both like to bicker with each other in a friendly way. One day the two of them are sitting next to each other on the couch and having another one of their bickering sessions. The husband says to them You two need to fight. Both women look at each other and laugh. The friend says I would but your wife knows I can kick her ass. The wife says that she can kick her ass. Everyone laughs but both women begin to think about it.


Offline snw

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Re: Fighting for a significant other.
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2023, 11:52:35 PM »
Lots of scenarios I could see that this could happen irl. It wouldn’t necessarily have to lead to an affair or a breakup.  Maybe the newly single friend next door has always had a flirtatious thing with the husband next door. Even though she’s friends with the wife there’s no denying there’s an attraction between her and the husband.
One day he’s working in the yard as she is. The wife’s gone and she recalls him being excited by the thought of two women competing in arm wrestling or wrestling. She asks him to help her do something being in a bikini top and shorts he’s already stealing some looks. When they finish in a joking manner she say’s better get back in your yard before you know who comes home. I’d sure hate for her to get all mad at me thinking I’m messing with her man. I really would hate having to kick her ass! All in a joking lighthearted way. She sees it’s getting the reaction she wants as he says oh so you think you could take her huh? She’s pretty strong you know. She responds by flexing her muscles saying she doesn’t want any of this , trust me. Seeing he’s hooked now she says tell you what next time we get together maybe I’ll arm wrestle her just so everyone knows who’s the stronger woman so nothing like that happens. Turning away leaving him hanging until she gets the chance to actually challenge her friend/his wife.  It could end there with her knowing she turned her friends husband on like crazy just to make herself feel desired, or it could turn into the beginning of something else. Depending on the wife she could take it further wanting to wrestle her friend not wanting her husband to be thinking about her losing to the neighbor. Lots of very hot scenarios. I could certainly see something like this happening irl especially if the two women weren’t all that close or the husband and wife or gf/bf were having some issues. 
As you say could be the flag football thing that happened when they were younger and now due to a mid life issue she needs to feel like she’s still got it.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Fighting for a significant other.
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2023, 12:34:05 AM »

As you say could be the flag football thing that happened when they were younger and now due to a mid life issue she needs to feel like she’s still got it.

Well, that's a while different kettle of fish.  You didn't say anything about Wfey and Other Woman knowing each other years ago.

A white-hot scorching scenario on this one is the Prodigal Daughter coming home to, say, clean out the childhood home for her Dad who just passed away.  While away, she had a broken marriage.  She's jealous AF of the hometown girl with the solid hubby.  Her initial flirtations with him are innocent .... her more recent one's, not so much.

Hometown girl is a nagging witch, irking Prodigal Daughter even more.

Dammit, she's entitled to good sex for once. 

And a good catfight.


Offline snw

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Re: Fighting for a significant other.
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2023, 02:11:47 AM »

As you say could be the flag football thing that happened when they were younger and now due to a mid life issue she needs to feel like she’s still got it.

Well, that's a while different kettle of fish.  You didn't say anything about Wfey and Other Woman knowing each other years ago.

A white-hot scorching scenario on this one is the Prodigal Daughter coming home to, say, clean out the childhood home for her Dad who just passed away.  While away, she had a broken marriage.  She's jealous AF of the hometown girl with the solid hubby.  Her initial flirtations with him are innocent .... her more recent one's, not so much.

Hometown girl is a nagging witch, irking Prodigal Daughter even more.

Dammit, she's entitled to good sex for once. 

And a good catfight.

I like it.


Offline snw

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Re: Fighting for a significant other.
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2023, 11:37:42 PM »
Reasons for 40something IRL Prodigal Daughter to feel resentful of her own broken marriage, versus nagging Wifey's rock-solid family status (below may or may not be overlapping--you decide):

> Prodigal Daughter's ex turned out to be bi-polar.  Besides his erratic behavior, he had three inpatient hospitalizations in 14 years, and passed along his condition genetically to two of his and Prodigal Daughter's 3 kids.  [Wifey's hubby just has treatable anxiety, not bi-polar disorder.]

> Prodigal Daughter is 45-going-on-25.  Wifey looks her age.

> Prodigal Daughter does the Stairmaster 6 days a week.  Wifey can't walk 3 miles without pain and joint swelling.

> Prodigal Daughter gets catcalled in the grocery store.  Wifey gets asked for directions in the parking lot by confused elderly.

> Three years ago, Prodigal Daughter got into a shoving match with a 20something eoman bullying her younger sister.  It got broken up quickly, but the adrenaline rush was intoxicating.  Wifey's only raised hands in the last 10 years were directed at her own husband.

> Prodigal Daughter's only alone time with Wifey's husband was in 2016, when they were downtown on errands and got into an Uber together from opposite rear doors.  In their haste to allow the compact Uber to pull away from the busy curb, Prodigal Daughter's butt accidentally plopped onto the husband's lap.  He was totally hard--and big.  Prodigal Daughter wants to stay on this lap and continue to feel him thru her pants.  But she doesn't.  She's regretted not doing so ever since.  Now 7 years have passed.  Life is too short.

Now the one where she got into the shoving match. If it had been in front of the husband and she could see the way he looked at her afterwards. Then wanting to or couldn’t help himself, taking about it. After talking about it continuously on the ride home the wife was getting tired of hearing him go on asking the what if’s, or were you this, to the sister. Loving the attention and sparkle in his eye as he looked at her she was willing to take the conversation wherever he wanted. The two of them left to their sudden favorite subject the wife goes about other things. Of course the questions lead to a what if you got into it with wifey. Until she’s laying out a story as she gives him some glimpses inside her blouse, with a hand brush or two, until she’s whispering in his ear. That’s when the plan starts to making some sort of confrontation between the two of them is devised.


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Re: Fighting for a significant other.
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2023, 03:44:19 AM »
It sounds like wifey really needs her eyes opened, or closed by the frenemy. I wonder if Wifey thinks he’ll break it up if she starts losing, is why she seems like she’s ready for it? Or does she know that backing down to her frenemy would be worse than actually losing the fight? Whatever it is or isn’t I’m certainly ready to find out!


Offline Die For Dina

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Re: Fighting for a significant other.
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2023, 12:07:02 AM »
Can this be moved to the story section so that we can get back to the actual discussion?  Just a thought?


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Re: Fighting for a significant other.
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2023, 12:43:32 AM »
Can this be moved to the story section so that we can get back to the actual discussion?  Just a thought?

The story time elements of this thread have been removed and if there is a repeat I will ban sinclairfan for life. The man has a dozen half finished "stories" on this site but attention whores got to whore.
The world would be a better place if men had the same fear of sexual violence that women live with. My condolences to the families of 90 percent of male catfight fans.


Offline r3born

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Re: Fighting for a significant other.
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2023, 06:42:37 PM »
My personal experience. In high school this girl that I once shortly dated made a move on me again by sending letters. My current gf at the time found out. They arrange to meet in an empty classroom, I wanted to leave them alone to settle things. But my instinct told me to keep and eye on them. Their argument started becoming louder and louder until my gf at the time slapped the other girl. They both didn't back down and started to kick each other. Worrying that we might get in trouble I decided to separate them. Their beef was on going for few more weeks until they finally came to their senses and became cordial again.

Sometimes I fantasize if they would have agreed to settle this in my car or one of our room. But we were kids, we really did not have any private space to go to at the time. Looking back it was crazy how both girls were not able to control their hormones and territorial instinct. I think school also was like an environment where things like this can possibly happen since everyone is kind of finding who they are so they're bound to step in to each other boundaries. In more mature setting, it's probably going to be really hard to have a scenario that would end like it did.