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catfights in the workplace

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Online al2468

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catfights in the workplace
« on: March 26, 2023, 12:17:51 PM »
I have been retired for 20 years and would be interested to know if catfights between rivals in the workplace are as common now as they were years ago? Years ago it was not  unusual to encourage a physical altercation between two women in the workplace. Does this still occur, or as I believe, this is now considered sexual harassment et. Though it didnt happen on a regular basis, it was not that far fetched to have two women actually agree to fight for a job or promotion. Dont think that would happen today, Your thoughts on this?



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Re: catfights in the workplace
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2023, 01:40:05 PM »
 I haven't been retired for as long as you, but I worked for a large company. I quickest way to get fired was to fight, and I worked in a male dominated job. There were some physical altercations but the combatants were never seen again.


Online sinclairfan

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Re: catfights in the workplace
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2023, 01:40:43 PM »
I have been retired for 20 years and would be interested to know if catfights between rivals in the workplace are as common now as they were years ago? Years ago it was not  unusual to encourage a physical altercation between two women in the workplace. Does this still occur, or as I believe, this is now considered sexual harassment et. Though it didnt happen on a regular basis, it was not that far fetched to have two women actually agree to fight for a job or promotion. Dont think that would happen today, Your thoughts on this?

I'm old, so I can speak to aspects of this one.

Fighting over a job or promtion was already strongly frowned upon by the mid-1990 (formal corporate sexual harrassment training started in 1991).  But there was one vestige of the Dark Ages which survived.  In hotel/ restaurant/ conference booking, even though the same groups would book the same events at the same venues year after year, the lead sales agent st the venue would get a hefty commission, many muliples of her base salary, for doing very little work.

So the most attractive sales agents would pitch their services to the group head contact.  If he was into girlfights, he might hint to 2 rival sales agents how they could impress him enough to get next year's business.  And, if those 2 women didn't particularly like each other anyways, they might be ok with the idea too.  Win-win-win.


Offline Kiva

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Re: catfights in the workplace
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2023, 02:44:33 PM »
I work in a female dominated profession. Nurses have a reputation for cattiness, much of it earned. Some of the events depicted in my story “Nurses Eat Their Young” (link in my profile) were based on my actual experiences as a new nurse xxx years ago.

Workplace culture is much different today. At the last two hospitals I’ve worked, employees are required to undergo mandatory training in sexual harassment, bullying, racial and religious diversity, LGBT awareness, dealing with anger, etc. They are strongly encouraged to report bullying, harassment, etc. I also teach and I’m careful with how I interact with students, lest anyone think my verbal testing of them gets interpreted as an attempt to humiliate by making them look stupid.

Sometimes, I think it can go a little too far. I’ve seen employees fired for crimes I personally thought should have been handled differently. Overall, it’s a good thing. Having lived through working with women who wanted to kill each other, I can say  it creates a toxic, miserable, unproductive environment, male fantasies notwithstanding.

I realize I’m speaking about hospitals and, I believe, large companies. The strippers at Dino’s Bar and Grill may operate under a different workplace ethos.
Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend thirty seconds in my head. That’ll freak you right out.


Offline wasteland1952

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Re: catfights in the workplace
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2023, 02:48:57 PM »
A few years ago, there was a pretty decent fight between two women that was captured by a security cam in the hallway of some office building.  As the two women were passing each other in the hallway one seemed to push the other.  She then put down her coffee cup, and the two started fighting.  They were apparently making enough noise to attract attention because people would open a doorway, watch them fight for a while, then close the door again.  As I remember it, the women weren't broken up, rather they stopped fighting and went on their way.

I did a quick search on the net for this fight but didn't come up with anything.  Maybe you know the one I'm referring to.


Offline Horny-Jew

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Re: catfights in the workplace
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2023, 10:21:44 AM »
It would never, ever happen nowadays in any kind of work place/business, even a bar, strip club, etc,...Companies take this behavior extremely seriously nowadays. Even a woman who throws a paper cup at another woman in the lunch room could probably be suspended, if not fired. There would be so much ramifications that their careers would be over. They've be lucky to ever have a job being part of a prison crew that helps pick up trash on the sides of roads.

If I fantasize two sexy women in a work place (dressed in clothes I prefer for a fight) starting a catfight, I'd probably be so sexually aroused that I'd cum... but in actual reality, I would try to break it up or call security to stop it.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2023, 10:28:37 AM by Horny-Jew »


Offline suhmann

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Re: catfights in the workplace
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2023, 09:33:41 PM »
Well, I do not know how because of a position or promotion, but I have seen several fights when two or three branches of a bank or post office were united. (in connection with repairs or when looking for another office).. I work with them (deliver money and valuables to them). In 90%, one woman immediately concedes during a conflict. But when two middle managers and both alphas meet, the powder burns quickly.. I even turned off the DVR and closed the door behind me... In one case, after a fight, two brawlers lit a cigarette, told me that the conflict occurred because of the management, who assigned another team to them and it was inconvenient for people to work, minor quarrels began.... And I agree with the comments above, the girls were not fired, but punished with a bonus.....


Offline rin753

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Re: catfights in the workplace
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2023, 02:27:39 AM »

Don't know if this qualifies, but my latest story, JUST ONCE is a fictional account of 2 State Workers who decide to meet in private to catfight.

The story has 39 "likes".  I'd love to have 40!  Anyone?



Online sinclairfan

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Re: catfights in the workplace
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2023, 04:21:28 AM »
Well, I do not know how because of a position or promotion, but I have seen several fights when two or three branches of a bank or post office were united. (in connection with repairs or when looking for another office).. I work with them (deliver money and valuables to them). In 90%, one woman immediately concedes during a conflict. But when two middle managers and both alphas meet, the powder burns quickly.. I even turned off the DVR and closed the door behind me... In one case, after a fight, two brawlers lit a cigarette, told me that the conflict occurred because of the management, who assigned another team to them and it was inconvenient for people to work, minor quarrels began.... And I agree with the comments above, the girls were not fired, but punished with a bonus.....

Among the reasons fights over promotions fell out of fashion from 1983 to 2023 was that unemployment in the U.S. was consistently low.  Why fight over a job when employers needed to fight over YOU?

If we're headed back to the 1970s, with high unemployment, that plum high-paying job may again be something to hold onto by your nails.

Speaking of the 1970s.....

When women started entering traditionally male-dominated blue collar jobs like car repair or welder or sheet-metal, if a plant or factory had two-and-only-two females, Break Room chatter would turn to:
> Which one was hotter,
> Which one was better in bed, and finally....
> Which one would win in a catfight.
Eventually, one day, one or the other would would be in the Break Room, and would chime in, "Pfft, I bet I can take her."  And everyone would spread the gossip to the other girl.

No mention on here of work-wife versus IRL-life battles.  Not much an employer can do abuot those.  Office Christmas parties were where these used to play out.


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Re: catfights in the workplace
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2023, 01:27:26 PM »
It's not always about a promotion that two women would fight over, sometimes the two women just don't like one another. This happened to my wife years ago when she worked at a bank. She was a teller supervisor and they just hired a new assistant manager. From day one the two women did not care for each other. My wife was always complaining about her to me and I'm sure the other woman was doing the same with her husband. After several weeks it came to a boiling point at a staff meeting when the other woman made a remark to my wife and she exploded. Needless to say the meeting ended right after that. My wife ended up walking out.


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Re: catfights in the workplace
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2023, 04:10:45 AM »
Expecting to encounter any physical altercation at workplace is low owing to codes and laws which can risk career unless both the opponents have terms of privacy understood between them. Rather than fights set up for promotions or selections, just a difference of behaviour between colleagues or superiors getting over the line while communicating with subordinates are reasons enough to trigger animosity and tension between females at workplace where competition exists naturally. However apart from verbal altercations anything more is remote fantasy. Best chance is when some sporty events are organised off work.

Since the start of my career hv always fantasized fights between girls and had seen some female colleagues bitchy. Even i tend to discuss with my spouse about her workplace rivalries.


Offline lumberjack66

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Re: catfights in the workplace
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2023, 01:07:13 AM »
I have only been working 40 years or so.  In the 80's I know there were some off-site showdowns but they were careful to keep it out of the workplace.  Not fights over jobs or positions, just two women that hated each other.  That was also more minimum wage type jobs.  I haven't heard of any actual fights at work in decades.  I am sure it still happens.  But I am sure it is rare.  I did run into one exception last year.  A co-worker signed up for a charity boxing tournament and "invited" her archrival to sign up as well.  It was in another state so hard to get a lot of details, but they did fight.
I love catfights and chatting.  Look me up on trillian at ljack66   (I think... just figuring Trillian out)


Offline Rita_FF

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Re: catfights in the workplace
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2023, 07:32:19 PM »
I had such an experience, I work as a lawyer in a bank. But it was not at the bank office, but at the New Year's corporate party. I got into a fight with my colleague because of a personal animosity between us at work. Unfortunately or fortunately, colleagues stopped our fight. It ended for this bitch with a broken lip, for me it ended with a black eye and a scratched neck. I'm not sure which of us would have come out victorious in this fight if the fight hadn't been stopped. But I'm glad I didn't get fired after that.
But my fight is an exception to the rule and it started, among other things, because we were both a little drunk. And because I myself provoked this fight because of my fetish. There is always a tense atmosphere in our office, a lot of competition and swearing between colleagues, but it never comes to a fight.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2023, 07:40:41 PM by Rita_FF »


Offline Horny-Jew

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Re: catfights in the workplace
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2023, 04:18:58 AM »
Nowadays, at a Christmas party, if the two women (who hate each other) saw each other, they would just ignore each other. There wouldn't be any catfight, because there's too much ramifications if they tried. Like I said in anothjer posting, their career would be dead.


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Re: catfights in the workplace
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2023, 01:24:14 AM »
Hmm, 20 years ago I have no idea how things went down with female fights, because back then the most I was interested in was playing computer games and summer break. But fights are really less compared to what the situation was 5 years ago. There used to be a lot of fights in the nightclub near my house. One girl had her rival with a shoe with a thin metal heel. It was more scary than interesting to watch. But for a few years now, the atmosphere in the club was more like sitting in a library. Everything is quiet and peaceful.