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Tawny VS. Melanie

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Tawny VS. Melanie
« on: March 19, 2012, 08:56:10 PM »

Tawny is a five foot seven, twenty year old young woman. She is someone I’ve known for years. She has bright blue eyes and light golden straight hair which flows all the way to her shoulder blades.  Her face is like the girl next door that went from; cute tomboy to someone you’d love to spend some intimate time with. Her smile is genuine and her subtle 34C breasts just beg to be touched; especially when she wears that white T-Shirt.  Not to mention she has a round derriere that cries out for a personal booty rub in her blue boy toy shorts.  Of course I do believe the fascination I’ve always had for her is mutual.  I love the way she winks at me when she sees me looking down from the apartment window. She often flirts with me as she prepares to lie out in the sun. Cleverly, teasingly, seductively, she pulls off her shirt revealing her tantalizing pert pink nipples as they struggle to elude her light blue string bikini top.  This game we’ve been playing first began when we both moved into the apartment complex. This playful pastime is about to drive me crazy.   However, lately this devious game of romantic horseplay has a new competitor for my affections. Melanie is her name. This delicious brunette adversary moved into the apartment complex a few days ago, and since her untimely arrival Tawny has gotten even more resolute about capturing me in her blonde lioness lair. This Raven haired loveliness is five foot seven and has long locks which fall to her mid back. She has deep brown eyes. Her breasts are smaller than the blonde’s about a 34B, but her ripe brown nipples seem to plead an escape through her black bikini top.  Watching me glance her way, and to her pleasure away from her blonde adversary, the brunette vixen promenades tossing her long tresses, then she settles a few lounge chairs away from Tawny. Both ladies have curvaceous 36 inch hips and small 24 inch waists. Looking down I’m now staring at them intently.  Simultaneously they both look up and give sexual smirks towards my window.  Upon this realization they abruptly glance toward one another and give competitive catty sneers.  Seeing them in full rival form I realize this fantasy is beginning to overwhelm me.  Suddenly my desires and excitement are even more intensive. Heading for my bedroom I’m filled with wild imaginings. Then I hear a knock at the door. Standing at my door is Tawny. “Hello” my sexy blonde lioness articulates as she enters my apartment. “You’ve been watching me lay out everyday, haven’t you?” She continues. Cautiously I admit my guilt:” Yes I have your so attractive.” I add.  “You’re very handsome yourself. “ She responds while sitting on my couch. With a deliberate intent she gives me an indication she approves of our conversation. I walk over and sit next to her. I can’t believe this blonde bombshell who I have known since high school is sitting right next to me.  This realization of my arousal soon becomes noticeable to her as she looks downward before looking deep into my eyes.  Looking back into my Eyes I see her eyes are full of primal lust.  Suddenly my arms disobey my cautious thoughts and reach out for her.  I touch her soft face and lean toward her, my lips preparing to touch her pedals of moist desire. We fall back upon the couch.  Sweet tender kissing becomes more physical. My heart begins beating like a young stallion.  I hear her moans of approval as I caress her breast.  Her nails flex and begin digging into my back. Her thighs wrap around my waist and then she begins stroking the back of my thighs and calves with her feet. My muscles begin to tighten with every rub of her legs upon mine.  I can feel her begin to shiver as well.  The moment is about to escalate to a place of uncommon release, when suddenly there is a knock at the door. The moment then begins to fade as the knocking continues. With great regret I stand and walk toward the door.  I open the door and standing there is Melanie. “I’m so sorry to interrupt; I hope you weren’t too far into your endeavors.  She claims as she looks past me and directly at Tawny. “Perhaps when you’re done with your practice doll you’ll be interested in a real woman.” She continues. “Excuse fuckin me Bitch?” Tawny retorts as she stands and moves toward the defiant brunette. “You heard me you blow up bimbo.” Melanie replies to the blonde’s obvious annoyance to the brunette’s statement. “Bitch I’ve wanted to grab those locks since you moved in!” Tawny proclaims as she lunges for the brunette.  They engulf one another’s soft locks of hair. Heads snap back and breast smash together. Their smooth but tighten thighs rub as they struggle.  Tawny manages an attack as she slams her right knee upward pounding the brunette’s groin area. Melanie’s knees buckle and she falls to her back. The cunning Tawny lunges for her fallen adversary. With her left knee astride the brunette and her right knee between the brunettes’s legs the blonde attacks.  Placing her left hand just below Melanie’s chin the blonde prepares to deliver a hard strike to her rival’s face.  The brunette counters as she attempts to get hold of Tawny’s face with her right hand.  The brunette also attempts to guard herself against the on coming blow.  The attempt to halt the impending assault upon her face is successful however Tawny has snagged the brunette’s bikini top and has begun ripping it off.  The blonde also has suffered a setback as Melanie has slammed her right palm into the blonde’s chin.  Tawny’s head snaps back.  With a quick thrust upward with her lower back and pelvic area the clever brunette flips the shaken blonde off.  Tawny lands flat of her back.  Now Melanie is about to launch her first assault.  First; the hostile panthers’ thighs straddle the dazed blonde.  Secondly: she snatches Tawny’s locks of hair with her flexed fingers.    A cruel clenching of teeth mixed with a fierce sneer develops on Melanie’s face as her ruthless aggression is released. The brunette tosses the blonde’s head side to side. Tawny squeals as she feels her hair being pulled seemingly from its roots. The pain brings the blonde back from her momentary bewilderment. Her teeth clench and her lips contort as she eyes her escape.   Reaching up she engulfs Melanie’s exposed breast and sinks her nails into the soft flesh. Melanie’s sneer turns to an open mouth horror as the blonde begins mauling her breasts. Tawny thrusts her lower pelvic area upward and arches her lower back tossing the brunette off. The two adversaries now lay side by side. Melanie wrenching on the blonde’s hair and Tawny tweaking and compressing the brunette’s breast. This twist of events nearly has me nearly setting off my stimulated manhood at what I am witnessing.  Two extraordinary ladies are come to grips, trying to discern which female is the better woman.  The skirmish continues, with clothing obviously being torn.   Because of this new development, the blonde and the brunette she cats are now mutually battering vulnerable breast but also yanking raven and light blonde hair wherever their flexing fingers may take them.
The unyielding defiance in their eyes and malicious snarls tells me they still have plenty of fight. As they wrestle about Tawny and Melanie mutually become predator and then they fall prey. This is a vicious cycle which lasts for quite a few moments.
Shimmering Beads of sweat and lose strands of hair lying on the carpet are abundant as the vicious struggle begins to slow down. Tawny straddles Melanie and as her breast smothers the brunette’s breast and her thighs are astride the brunette’s thighs the blonde grabs the brunette’s wrist and tries to pin her.  Subsequently the brunette thrust her blonde adversary off and attempts to pin Tawny. Moans of fatigue begin to fill the room. Both ladies are now in survival mode.
The ferocity of the fight has come down to a slow endeavor to smother and pin one another. Tawny eventually once again straddles her rival and pins the exhausted brunette. Melanie is unable to continue. The brunette’s body is now limp as Tawny sits on her defeated adversaries’ midsection. She grabs the brunette’s hair both on her head and from her groomed womanhood and claims her victory.