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A Society Fight Story - "Heather versus Karen" - "This Time Its Personal"

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Society Fight Story – Heather versus Karen

This Time Its Personal!

The Society returns in a contest that promises to be epic!  I was recently approached by Heather (heatherfights) and Karen (Karen80) to discuss with both of them being a part of a Society event. I have spoken with both on a number of times and know them both pretty well.  AS many here know, they are as intense rivals as there are and their “blood feud” and rivalry goes back a ways, to 2009 at least and even predates my time here by a number of years.  They both declared to me a desire to settle their differences, which can really only be described as good old-fashioned hatred!

The question for me then was what was the proper way to do this?  All three of us wanted to do something a little different than the usual “poll”.  It was suggested I write a story describing how I felt the fight would go and all concerned agreed that made the most sense at this point.  We agreed that at different points along the way we would discuss my writing to that point, make changes (of which there were few surprisingly) and then move forward with the story.  They left it to me to settle on a final victor and to my surprise, these too hated rivals felt that at the end I had made a pretty good representation of how a fight might actually go between them…. or at least as far as “Round 1” was concerned.  We also felt that the story would be a great set-up for a future Society Poll Fight/Story depending on how the story was received.  I also suggested we divide the story up into parts for posting purposes and that would give any and all readers concerned the opportunity to post their questions/comments/ cheers/jeers/suggestions.  In that way I might actually make changes to what had already been written based on what the audience members said, commented, and/or suggested.  After a few days, I would then post the next part of the story and continue on with that format to an ending.  SO you...the readers....could have an influence on the ending...depending on how things go....

So there you have it…and let the games begin!

Who will win what promises to be a grueling battle between Heather and Karen?

Will Karen humble and embarrass Heather and force her into a shameful submission?

Will Heather gain her revenge for an earlier poll defeat and hammer Karen until she cries like a little girl and begs for mercy?

The Society returns with two old and intense rivals facing each other in the crucible of combat, a desperate fight to the finish.  It also returns in a unique story format I hope everyone reading finds different and entertaining.  To say that Karen and Heather have a score to settle would be an understatemen!  

These two hate each other's put it bluntly!

This story places the tough, sultry, busty Pennsylvanian... Heather (heatherfights) against the voluptuous and skilled British bombshell... Karen (Karen80).  These ladies have clashed before and neither bears any love for the other, in fact, far from it.  I’m not sure we have seen this level of hatred and disdain between two Society participants before.  The fight will be savage and dirty…but that’s nothing unusual for the Society.  If it gets pretty erotic along the way, that probably won’t hurt either.  In fact, it’s very much encouraged!!

Heather’s profile:;u=9666

Karen’s profile:;u=26374

It’s a big apartment and a big story!  It’s a big fight with two women with big designs on destroying each other!

If it follows suit with the previous fights between these two, we are in for a treat!  

So without further adieu, here is my version of a Society Fight between Heather and Karen.



THE STORY - Part 1

Karen stood near one corner of the expansive living area that seemed to take up much of the $75,000/night penthouse suite on top of the extravagant Four Seasons Hotel on 57th Street in Midtown Manhattan in New York City.  The venue was different than the one she had been to previously as a guest.   Karen was a native of London and while she had been to New York a few times, this time it was different.  There was extensive remolding being done on the regular venue for Society events, the penthouse on the fortieth floor of the Times Square Building in Times Square.  The Four Seasons however gave us the perfect arena considering size and opulence for what was hoped would prove to be the encounter of the Society Series season this year.

Karen couldn’t believe it was finally happening.  She walked over to her friend Michelle and asked her for about the hundredth time to pinch her hard to make sure this was really happening, and that she wasn’t dreaming or lost in either some bizarre, confused fog or she had been kidnapped by aliens.  This entire “happening”, the extravagant cocktail party, the gorgeous opulent room, the people, even the view out the expansive floor-to-ceiling picture windows that seemed to make up the entire north and west walls of the penthouse, were beyond her comprehension.  The windows looked out over the wide green expanse of what is the always-magnificent Central Park and with a light mist and fog hanging over the trees it was a scene that was something bordering on the surreal.  

For Karen it was a chance at proving herself on a much larger, public stage, a chance to finally finish an unfinished task,


It was a chance for her to prove to everyone what she herself was confident that she knew in her heart to be true.  That was that she was simply… THE BEST!…and this was finally her opportunity to prove just that.  She walked along the windows of that glass wall, dragging the forefinger of her right hand along the smooth, cool glass and occasionally peering back over her shoulder and looking at the crowd of people that were present for this event, then looking back out over the expanse that is iconic…Central Park.  The park was so large and expansive, but not as large as her desire to crush her hated rival once and for all and not as large as the upcoming event!

People were here from all walks of life…politics, finance, real estate, oil and gas and entertainment.  It was a veritable “Who’s Who” of everyone who was anyone in New York City.  It was to be an event befitting one of the world’s greatest city…the city that NEVER sleeps.

There was another thing that was different about this, as opposed to Karen’s first time here as a guest of her close friend... Michelle.  Karen remembered how she marveled that first time she was here as she stood in that room, looking out at that party, and how self-conscious she felt and how she had to keep reminding herself that while she was there, she was NOT one of them.  That was an unusual feeling for Karen to have as she could basically be described as a woman who had everything.

No longer…No longer she kept saying over and over in her head!

It was like a broken record!

Karen said to herself…she would be one of “them” soon enough.  So she would show she was worthy!  She was used to such opulence and she wanted more.  She could never get quite enough and would fight for ALL she could get!

Tonight she was here for a very SPECIAL reason.  The large assembled throng of Society members was all here for a reason.  In fact, Karen was the reason they were here, or at least…one of two reasons.  This was NO ordinary party, NO ordinary event.  

This was a happening.

This was not just a gathering of New York’s rich high society elite, the city’s rich, famous and powerful.  There was none like it in the country, maybe the world.   In fact, fans of the genre were here from all over the world because this truly was a SPECIAL occasion!  Michelle and Michael had spared no expense when they decided why not make a New Years Eve party in the Big Apple something REALLY special!  It would be a party to END all parties!  Not only throw a party to match all parties, but have the catfight to end all catfights along with it!!  It was only natural to have such an event at the Society Club in New York City.  While there were imitators and duplicators, everyone knew about the REAL Society Club and how special its venue was in mid-town Manhattan.  

It was the most secretive, exclusive and elite catfight club in the WORLD!  The women who regularly fought here were the elite members of the cat-fighting world, the best of the best!  The prize money they earned as a result of putting their bodies on the line was beyond the comprehension of any other underground “club” or any Society club “wannabe”.  The clientele who were in attendance and the club’s members were evidence of that.

As Michelle had explained it to Karen on her first trip to New York, no one was “invited” to join the Society.  Michelle had asked Karen to come with her on her last trip to New York as Michelle’s guest.  Fighters, who by virtue of their skill and ability, caught the attention of the Society, might be asked to come to New York and prove their worthiness for membership by fighting …either fighting a Society member…or fighting another candidate.  If she won, she might earn a place among the Society’s regular members, and a ticket to a very different and often very lucrative and affluent lifestyle.

One just had to only look around and see the effort that was made to make this party truly world class.  One of the examples would be its trademark ice sculpture…that was something you would NEVER see on the Society page of the New York Times!

At the front of the room near the main entrance was a rather large ice sculpture of a LIFE SIZE woman.  This was not just ANY ORDINARY woman…She was a very sexy attractive woman as evidenced by the sculpture…well endowed to say the least.  The most interesting part of the sculpture was where her vagina was.  It wasn't hard to find as Grey Goose vodka was shooting out of it and streaming down an icy waterfall, there to be gathered by a group of the sexiest bartenders ever assembled…for distribution in opulent long stemmed Swarovski crystal vases.  

Society Cocktail parties were the “events of the year" and always proceed a fight as a way to help get the assembled membership and their guests really in the “mood” for the match.   A Society Cocktail is famous for many reasons…one of which was its trademark ice sculpture that you can't miss as you enter the penthouse.  The ice sculpture is certainly not something you see every day and not typical of the New York Times Society page fare.

The ice sculpture doubled as a liquor luge - so far, so good - but this one depicted an anatomically correct woman, naked and on all fours…back arched.  In case you don't know how a liquor luge works, someone pours the booze into one end of the sculpture. As it works its way down the ice, a second person waits at the other end of the block with mouth agape, ready to drink it up.  In this case, the liquor was poured into the icy woman's mouth and came out at the, uh…well…vagina.

That face you're making now, with your mouth open? That's just how people on the receiving end of the luge would look.

I doubt a better flow had ever been seen…or tasted.

BOTTOMS UP! to speak...

Yeah I know....the line is already forming to take a ride in the "luge down that course!"

And what makes this country great!

For Karen, this was the chance she had been waiting for, for more reasons than one.  She had worked too hard, waited too long for this chance.  She was ready for the opportunity of a lifetime.  She knew she had had to be ready to enable her to achieve what had become an almost obsession with her.

That “Obsession” was Heather.

Their rivalry in the underground cat-fighting world was the stuff of legends.  Now Karen had a chance to make a very public statement…the most public statement possible.  That statement would be that she would show…on that most public of cat-fighting venues available…what she felt she already knew.  That was simply the fact that her past victories over Heather were no fluke, and Heather wasn’t worthy of even setting foot through the door of the Society!  She felt Heather wasn’t fit to carry out the garbage there…and in fact should be carried out as PART of the garbage!  The fight would be one for the ages and one that should keep the onlookers in person and on closed-circuit television on the edges of their seats.  Karen expected a close, brutally fought encounter but at the end she would send Heather in tears back to Pittsburgh and as Karen called it, Heather’s proper place as “Queen of the Trailer Park.”  

The intense hatred between these two combatants had become so intense that they often couldn’t be in the same room with each other!!  This was vividly illustrated a few days before the main event, when both made their pre-fight visit to the Society facility in mid-town Manhattan to get a feel for the layout.  As is often the case in life, strange things happen and in this case we had the strangest of all occurrences take place.

I’ll let Karen tell you what happened in her own words!

As is tradition, a limousine was dispatched to bring me over to the Society facility from her hotel room at the Ritz-Carleton in mid-town Manhattan.  As the limo pulls up in front of the building, the driver gets out and comes around and opens my door.  As I get out, the limo driver says,

"Take the elevator all the way up to the top floor to the boardroom, the elevator will open right into the boardroom and go in and help yourself until everyone gets there.  Michelle and Michael will be with you shortly so make yourself at home”

At this point, for those not familiar with the Society, I should probably introduce Michelle and Michael, as if they needed an introduction.  Michael heads up the Society Board and could be described as its Chairman.  Michelle was Michael’s girlfriend and was mainly responsible for talent evaluation and marketing. She had become Michael’s “right hand” and loved putting together special events in New York.  She was also in the middle of putting together a new Society Club in London.  Michelle was also my best friend and I had known her a few years now.  She often allowed me to stay with her and Michael on my frequent visits to New York.

I wink at the driver as I leave the car...then give him a tip and thank him as my heels click and my dress sways, my breasts lightly bouncing with each step.  I make my through the front door of the hotel and then head down a long hallway...noticing a dozen male eyes ogling me as I make my way to the elevator.   As I make the corner to the elevators I see a busty blonde figure standing and waiting for the elevator. The realization finally hits me as I approach the elevator doors…that it’s that fucking BITCH…Heather!............OMG!!

I shake my head as Heather turns, smirks and says,

"Well look who it is, the QUEEN OF ENGLAND herself!...except the Queen, even at her age looks a helluva lot better than YOU DO!...Hello Karen!...LONG TIME NO BEAT UP!"

“How’s Tricks?”

I bit my lower lip as the anger just boiled over inside of me at Heather’s words.  I walked over and stood by her in front of the elevator door, tapping my heels to the music playing in the lobby, looking skyward, and struggling to ignore her and not make any eye contact…and shut out that irritating voice of hers from my ears.  I was having a pretty good day until I heard that annoying voice of hers, that voice that was so close to sounding like fingernails SCRAPING down a chalkboard!!



It was the voice of the BITCH of all BITCHES and THERE she was standing right next too me as we both waited on the elevator door to open.  Heather was wearing a red dress, heels and trying to look better than the TRAILER TRASH BITCH and HOOKER that she was.  As always, she was her running her mouth and I quietly rolled my eyes up and did my best to ignore her and not respond to her insults as I watched the lights showing the elevator moving down the floors one at a time… closer and closer to the lobby.  I just stood there looking right at the elevator doors hoping they’d mercifully open soon and maybe…. just maybe…she somehow doesn’t get on, but I know that’s going to be too good to be true!


That incessant music kept playing in the entryway to the elevator and it continued when the door FINALLY…. MERCIFULLY…. OPENED!  Unfortunately I have a sense Heather is going to get on so I consider letting her go first so I can extend my foot out and TRIP the bitch and watch her fall flat on her UGLY FUCKING FACE but that would be too easy and much too good to be true!  I take a step forward into the elevator and as I do THAT CLUTZ Heather makes a quick step forward too and our shoulders BUMP HARD as we step in, the large metal doors closing behind them.  It was almost like one of those old 3 Stooges movies as the door wasn’t open quite wide enough for us both!  We both bumped shoulders and managed to squeeze between the closing elevator doors!   After the “bump”, we turned to face each other, glaring as we almost simultaneously SHOVED EACH OTHER as we raised our extended arms, our open palms jamming each other in the chest!  We both stumbled backwards and hit the opposite walls of the elevator as it began its ascent!



I heard the ding of the bell for the elevator and just as soon as that bell goes off, it was like the signal for a fight to start!!...Two wild crazed!!…Hate-filled wildcats suddenly squaring off!!  The doors finished closing behind us both on the elevator and it’s like a green light flashed for Heather as she swung her right arm up from her waist in a wide arc and sends her wide open right hand, palm flattened, up HARD against my left cheek with a VICIOUS SLAP!



My head snaps to the side behind the force of the slap and my blonde hair flies as I grit my teeth, wincing, and my face red and contorted with anger as I scream out!   I instinctively swung my own right arm up and around, my palm slapping into Heather’s left cheek HARD…the sting resonating throughout my hand and the numbness shooting up my arm!!




I glared at Heather and screamed,


"What in the HELL are you doing here, and WHY are you dressed like you should be on the nearest corner MAKING A LIVING LIKE A FUCKING WHORE?”

It’s at this point I…you’re esteemed author…will take back over describing this fiasco!

Both these she-cats glared at each other and both emitted a loud
hissing sound over their trembling lips, then a snarling sound as the screams and the insults soon followed!  They could have filled a dictionary and created a new language with what they were calling each other!  The two busty blondes moved in nose-to-nose as their faces grew redder with anger and the spittle flew from their shaking angry lips!



Heather glared at Karen and screamed,

"SHUT UP cxnt!!   I was ASKED to come here and go straight to the boardroom!  What did they ask you to come and do?...CARRY OUT THE FUCKING TRASH??

“Are you applying for a housekeeping position…SKANK??"

“That’s so FUCKING HILARIOUS!...Living like a PIG the way YOU DO!”

“You’re certainly dressed for the part though!”

The bad taste of Heather’s words lingered on Karen’s tongue and in her mouth. They stung and past words and insults that had passed between the two of them suddenly shot to the front of Karen’s mind. Listening to Heather now only made the bad taste in Karen’s mouth that much worse and she had finally reached a tipping point as she gritted her teeth so hard she felt they might shatter!  Karen curled the fingers of her right hand tightly into her soft palm and SLAMMED her clenched right fist across Heather’s chin, the American blonde falling back against the wall of the elevator with a THUD, her head whiplashing back HARD and bouncing off the wall of the elevator!!


Heather’s head twisted to the side with the force of the punch and her head bounced against the hard elevator wall!!

Heather shook her head a few times, blinking as she raised her left hand up and rubbed her chin, wincing and grimacing as glared at Karen with her blue eyes!   She then suddenly came off the wall with both her hands curled into tight fists as she screamed out like a Banshee and lunged at Karen, her own right arm swinging up from her waist in a wide arc, her knuckles cracking into Karen’s jaw!!


Karen’s torso twisted from the impact of Heather’s right fist and she fell back against the elevator door hard!!  Both women then lunged at each other, both thrusting their arms up; their claws bared as they each grabbed handfuls of each other’s hair, the long silken strands wrapping around their fingers as they began to twist each other’s head from side to side like bobble head dolls!!



Karen had listened to that SKANK for a long time and if she let herself lose control of her thoughts, that result could still bring her down greatly.  But she had learned, she had grown and she had trained for this moment.  Her pure primal hatred for Heather was finally SET FREE from its “cage”.  She had TRAINED ENOUGH, HARD ENOUGH, LONG ENOUGH, that she was absolutely certain after this fight, no one would EVER be talking about Heather ever again as any sort of a cat fighter!!  She had been given a golden opportunity and it was now up to her to take advantage of it.

But she hadn’t planned on doing it in an elevator!

Both women twisted each other’s head from side to side violently, slamming each other’s body from one elevator wall to another…screaming and cussing…spitting…kicking at each other’s ankles with their pointed heels!!  Heather shoved Karen back in one corner of the elevator and drove her knee up HARD into Karen’s stomach!!


Karen grunted out as the air flowed over her lips from her now oxygen deprived lungs!

Heather screamed out,

“GAWD with a FAT GUT like that I am shocked you EVEN FELT my knee…WHORE BAG!!”

Karen doubled over, gritting her teeth through the pain…then she instinctively swung her right arm up in a wide arc and SLAMMED her right fist up into Heather’s ab...twisting her bare knuckles as the sunk deeply into Karen's not-so-ready abs!!



Heather then felt the same pain in her midsection that Karen was feeling in hers as she grunted out LOUDLY!!  Both women paused a moment in the corner of the elevator, each with a hand WRAPPED TIGHTLY in the other’s hair, then each began swinging her free hand at the other woman’s abs and breasts...each still cussing and screaming...SHRIEKING OUT!!

First their fists...and then their claws found their way against each other's chests!!...the distinctive RIP as fabric was torn down the front of each other's dresses!!

Suddenly there was a loud “DING” and the elevator doors suddenly opened to the boardroom.  Standing there waiting were Michelle and Michael, their jaws dropping as the opening elevator doors revealed the two hated rivals struggling against the back wall, their hands in each other’s hair, hands clawing at each other’s breasts and tearing down the front of their expensive stylish dresses!!!

Michelle screamed out,


Michael’s eyes bugged out as he screamed out,


Michelle quickly stepped in and grabbed Heather while Michael moved quickly and took ahold of Karen’s shoulders as they both struggled to pull the two screaming wildcats apart, all the while the two hated rivals continued to yell, spit, cuss and CLAW at each other!!  They finally pulled them both into the boardroom and separated them, the elevator door closing behind them, as Michelle turned and looked in red-faced anger at both of the half-crazed blondes!  Michelle shoved Heather into a chair and Michael did the same with Karen.  As Heather tried to get back up from the chair, Michelle forcefully SHOVED her back in the chair, her palms jamming into Heather’s chest!   Michelle then raised her right arm, pointing her right forefinger in Heather’s face and speaking angrily!

“Sit DOWN Heather…and DO NOT GET UP!”

Michelle turned to each and glared at both a few times before speaking in a loud, shaking angry voice, her lower lip trembling,


“You can’t even WAIT until the REAL FIGHT STARTS...You pull this FUCKING SHIT?”


Michelle looked into each of the women’s eyes; her head switching back and forth between the two as she began to calmly speak,

“If we see any more of this CRAP…. I’ll CANCEL THE FIGHT!”




Michelle stopped a moment…and took a long…slow…deep breath…

“Look…You all can fight in a God Damn alley for all I care!!”

”But you will NOT FUCK UP what Michael and I have put together!”

Both looked at Michelle with startled looks.

She then looked at Heather first,

“Heather, I want your WORD there will be NO MORE OF THIS SHIT UNTIL THE FIGHT?”

Heather nodded up and down as she bit her lower lip, her face then turning away.


Heather then turned her head and her gaze met Michelle’s,

“But Chelley…SHE started it when we got on the fucking elevator and……”

Michelle then glared at Heather as their eyes met, her voice rising as she leaned down, her face inches from Heather’s,


Heather looked up at Michelle and slowly nodded her head up and down affirmatively, murmuring in a low raspy voice,

“I promise Chelley…and I’m sorry

Michelle then turned and looked down at Karen,

“Karen…Do I have your WORD?”

Karen’s gaze met Michelle’s and she shook her head affirmatively and whispered,

“Yeah Chelley…I promise…I really do”

Michelle then looked at Michael and he nodded as she began to speak,

“Save that energy for the fight!...OK?”

“Now lets get you two cleaned up a bit so we can go over the final details”


All I have to say is it beats the HELL out of old fashioned elevator music!

So much for the preliminary bout…Now for the MAIN EVENT!

Let’s SEGUE back to THE Society Cocktail Party…

Karen caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror that made up most of one wall.  At five feet eight, she was almost as tall as any of the women in the room, and her four-inch heels elevated her even further.  Her golden blonde hair, styled to dangle over her toned bare shoulders, made her stand out among the flock of blondes and the few scattered brunettes mingling about the room

She winced a little as she turned in front of the mirrored wall to admire herself and her body, her breasts still in pain from the brief clawing she took at the hands of Heather in the elevator yesterday.

Karen had also decided to make a fashion statement tonight, as was not atypical of her.  With the help of her close friend and confidant, Michelle, she chose a short “Little Black Dress” to be her “weapon of choice”.  Long gowns and cocktail dresses were the “uniform” for most of the women here, and Karen decided she would break out a weapon of mass destruction.  The LBD clung closely to her slender voluptuous figure like a second skin figure, hugging every curve and nuance of her gorgeous body.   The dress clung to the taut hard abs of her belly, while it also showed off her toned arms and shoulders, the sinewy muscle development.  The “Little Black Dress” (although there was not much “little” about it except the hemline) had a beautifully designed plunging neckline that showed off Karen’s ample cleavage and the almost perfect shape of her voluptuous breasts.  The dress was designed to leave most of her lean, toned calves exposed down through her ankles converging to her shiny strapless patent leather heels.

Most of the eyes in the room tonight were on Karen and she knew it and that was just how she liked it.  She was used to being the center of attention because of her looks.  She fed off a crowd and the more supporters she had in her corner, she figured the better she would perform, she wanted that energy on her side.

She had gotten many looks since she had arrived, and rightfully so, the vast majority admiring and even lustful.  Karen reveled in the attention she was receiving because of her almost “super-model” looks and she was quite used to it.  She smiled to herself.  Standing out from the crowd, making herself noticed, was what she did, what she wanted to do, what she craved and lived for!
The veteran members of the Society knew her now from her previous visits as Michelle’s guest and would stop buy and offer their best wishes.  She was a crowd favorite almost immediately as she was the overtly sociable type and delighted in the attention she was receiving.  Truth be known, it was her drug, her “cocaine” and she was totally and hopelessly addicted to it!

Michelle walked up behind her, tapped her on the shoulder and handed her the glimmering crystalline flute of champagne and smiled into her eyes.  Michelle and Karen were close friends and at one time had a serious relationship before an amicable break-up some months back, although some doubted they had really actually broke up.  It was Michelle who introduced Karen to the Society and whose efforts were in many ways the reason for this event finally coming to fruition.  This had the potential to be the biggest cat-fighting event ever held by the Society and Michelle, always the marketer, was well versed in the possibilities of such opportunities.

As she handed Karen the glass she leaned in, kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear,

“Can’t believe it can you?”

“I told you it would happen in time”  “Would have been nice to have this in London but who knows, this may be the event to kick start the London operation I have long desired”

“I’m glad we were able to have it here what with the remodeling going on at the penthouse”  “This is a great spot and I hope it meets with your approval”  “The members seem to really like it”

Karen smiled and took Michelle’s hand and squeezed it, leaning in and whispering over the din of those present,

“I’m blown away by everything, it’s amazing!”   “I owe you and Michael a debt of gratitude for putting this together”

Michelle smiled and whispered back,

“Oh you made it happen really, your hard work and persistence paid off and Michael and I are just happy to be facilitators”  “It’s now up to you…and Heather of course”  

“If you perform as well against Heather as you did when I came over to London and you and I fought, you’ll do just fine”

Karen frowned at the mere mention of Heather’s name and Michelle could see that look of disdain and disgust on Karen’s face.

Then Karen raised an eyebrow at Michelle and whispered,

“But you BEAT me then Chelley!”

Michelle laughed and said,

“Yeah, but it was close!”

“Besides, save that anger for the fight, let it MOTIVATE you and DRIVE you”

“Show these people who you are and why you’re the unstoppable force”

We'll see if Heather is the "immovable object"!

“I have to go greet some more members I see have arrived, so relax, get ready and show them why they all are so lucky to be here to see you.”

“I also haven’t seen Heather yet and I need to keep a lookout for her”

I have to keep you too apart!...Michelle giggled...

Karen thought to herself that being here tonight seemed almost unthinkable to her after the years of fighting in the underground clubs and backyards and garages, makeshift rings.  All of the “garden spots” through which Karen had slowly had fought her way up the ranks of the supposedly more skilled cat fighters, making a name for herself, especially in the UK and Europe.  When she had first started fighting as an amateur and even later as a professional, she had never even heard of the Society, though there were the constant rumors of its existence.  She had been completely dumbfounded when Michelle told her of her involvement with the Society and how this might be a great time for Karen to advance to the “next level”.  Michelle was the marketing whiz behind the Society and was also the matchmaker as she and her boyfriend and business partner Michael were masters at evaluating talent and putting events together for the elite Society membership.  Events like this one tonight said the magic words to them,


Karen walked around mingled with as many of the assembled throng as she could. She was in her element and she knew the value of socializing at these events and what benefits it could bring her.  She felt a familiar uneasiness in her stomach, a familiar fluttering in her belly, that same sensation that she got inside of her before every fight.  But it was nothing new for her.  It told her she was on edge, maybe even a little nervous.  It also told her she was mentally “into” the fight and that she was tanned, rested and ready.  Although London was home, she always felt at home in New York.  She knew the city well from the times she had visited Michelle on a number of trips.  Michelle and Michael saw to it that both fighters felt welcome and at home.  They went the extra mile to see that even they’re smallest of needs were met.  They had resolved that the more relaxed and at home the women felt, the more focused they could be on their ultimate performance.  

Karen was rapidly becoming a favorite of the Society membership as she had a flair and a style all her own.  Her flair for fashion certainly didn’t hurt, as did her charm and that face and smile that was irresistible.  She was not only drop dead gorgeous but she was very outgoing and friendly, which played well to the crowd.  Karen had grown up with wealth and she had been given all the benefits in life that most people only dream of.

She was sophisticated, educated and her mannerisms were very engaging.  She was everything Heather simply wasn’t.

She had reasons to want this fight very badly too.  She had heard the rumors; the whispers that maybe she “got lucky” and she couldn’t in a million years beat Heather again.  She was determined to put those thoughts to bed forever.  She was determined to show once and for all that she was the best and no “Trailer Trash Queen” from Pittsburg was going to take what Karen had earned.  She would fight tonight and no matter how many times she fought, that tiny hint of apprehension was always there in spite of her outer exhibited confidence.  She welcomed it though.  She was a veteran and she knew any little edge that kept her head “in the game” and kept her from being over-confident would only help her in the end.  Even the best and most experienced fighters such as Karen could have an off night. She knew she COULDN’T let her guard down and no matter how much she hated Heather, she worked under the assumption that Heather could beat her if Karen wasn’t on her “A” game. A bad night in a Society fight, because of the high level of competition, could REALLY be a bad night if one wasn’t careful.  A career could be set back a year or more because of a bad performance so the stakes tonight were very high.

She lifted an arm up to straighten the thin strap of her black silk Katie Ermilio black dress as she stood among a small group of party guests.  She feigned interest in the conversation between an American hedge fund vice president and a British risk analysis manager regarding their latest M&A success.  A French IMF bank officer stood by Karen’s side and his eyes couldn’t stop diverting to the deeply plunging neckline of Karen’s designer evening gown and the display of ample cleavage.  His left hand was continually gliding up and down her right arm.  He would occasionally whisper something in her ear and she would force a smile and let her eyes meet his for a brief instant, then turn away, her dark eyes rolling with both an almost disgusted and amused look.   Most who noticed the scene probably were assuming he was laying the groundwork to try and charm her into bed later.  The truth was, Karen was likely more interested in his younger red-haired supermodel-type wife.  Such are the goings on at a Society cocktail party.  Sometimes the drama and intrigue at the party can exceed that in the fight.  She listened politely to the banker but she couldn’t help but let her eyes survey the room.  

The floor-to-ceiling windows that covered three of the walls reflected her image back to her.  She smiled secretly, pleased with what she saw.  Her blonde hair was loose and fell across her bare shoulders, framing her flawlessly made-up face.  Her arms and shoulders were muscular and toned though feminine, a testament to her rigorous workout regime.  The Little Black Dress hugged her full bosom, her narrow waist and the seductive curvature of her full hips.  It was slit almost to the hip on the left side, revealing the full expanse of one shapely but powerful, toned thigh.  The well-conditioned muscles were clearly displayed when she walked and she was truly a vision.  She had foregone any jewelry tonight, letting the unadorned elegance of her dress send its message…simple, direct and purposeful.

As Karen looked around the room while feigning interest in what the banker was whispering into her ear, her eyes caught sight of the one woman who could ruin what could be the greatest night of her life…Heather!

Heather must have felt the warmth of Karen’s glare as she turned and their eyes met and their gazes just locked immediately with laser-like intensity.  As much venom and hate that had passed between the two of them over the years…there had always been a bit of a strange attraction between Karen and Heather...and most of it was sexual.  As Heather looked around the room…there was one moment…one woman, actually at the party… who made all of it worthwhile ... just the way she looked at Karen, across the room. An expression of unbridled awe…seasoned with a teaspoon of envy…a half a cup of pure unadulterated LUST…a dash of jealousy!

It was exactly the way you WANT another women to look at you when you've put this much trouble into your appearance…Your work and conditioning. Many of the other women all just looked away…acting like they were “something” better, except for a few that openly sneered at her…always out of shear jealousy…but that was to be expected.  Heather didn't really mind at all. The men ogled, as men can only do…as men just CAN’T help themselves…a little different than men did all the time, regardless where she was or what she happened to be wearing. So Heather had expected that, too. Half of the men, as they ogled, looked stupefied. The other half ogled with expressions of dark calculation and unbridled desire.  Again, this was all pretty fucking typical.

But the looks Heather and Karen exchanged were completely different…and SPECIAL…

Heather couldn’t be any MORE different than Karen.  Heather was basically “blue collar” to Karen’s “trust fund” woman.  To look at Heather you wouldn’t have known they grew up world’s apart.  Heather was also blonde and about Karen’s height.  She didn’t quite have that “aura” Karen had but she certainly had every bit the rockin bod!   Heather was about 5'8" and 135/140lbs 30yo...36DD-25-36, and it was all put together in one very solid package.  Heather was a striking beauty in her own right with classic features and a body built for sex…and for cat fighting.  She was not accustomed to being ignored and seeing all the attention Karen was getting from various members was grating on her already frayed nerves.  Heather had a reputation as a cat fighter who took NO prisoners…and she never backed away from a challenge.  She would do what it took to win a fight, as her skills were many and varied.  She was as good with her bare fists as she was with her nails and she planned on using both against her hated rival …Karen!  Heather was from a blue-collar suburb outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and had built a reputation fighting in underground clubs.   She made no secret of her hatred for the blonde from London…who seemed to look down on Heather from the first time they met. Heather was usually able to keep her quite active temper under control but she was really struggling with that effort tonight…and it seemed she was “losing” that battle.

As Heather stood casually at the bar, sipping on her champagne, Michelle came up by her side and leaned in, kissing her on the cheek.  Heather feigned a smile and didn’t turn and look at Michelle.  It was obvious her laser-like focus was trained on Karen and Michelle was quick to pick up on that.  She leaned in and whispered in Heather’s ear…

“I’d save that anger for the fight…it’s wasted in here right now”

She worked hard at it but sometimes it took control of her despite her best efforts to keep it from controlling her and her actions and emotions.

"Oh Puhleeeze!"

Heather cackled with a disgusted sigh.

 "She's just another annoying boring…snobby Limey bitch who thinks her tits are the Crown Jewels and feels compelled to shove them in everyone's face."

In spite of Michelle’s efforts to calm her, Heather continued to fume and bitch about Heather.  Heather was not a woman to be sneered at or to be taken lightly by another rival female. Nothing…in fact…made her angrier.  She was a force to be reckoned with on every level one could possibly imagine.

Heather turned and looked Michelle in the eyes and smiled..

You know Chelley…I have had this dream for a long time regarding how I’d “take care” of Karen…

I dreamed we'd meet in some high priced luxury penthouse suite…much like where we are tonight…maybe we’d be in long flowing low cut gowns and high heels with garter belts and stockings and sheer panties. We would start off by sizing each other up visually…our eyes seething with hate as we would begin circling around each other in silence… looking for an opening as we felt out hearts pounding…our eyes appraising one another while occasionally thrusting out our breasts to prove who was bigger…fuller…more PERFECT.

We might even raise the hems of our gowns to show each other where we were going to shove our tongues after we had BEAT THE OTHER senseless!  Then the catty taunting… the dirty…filthy…name calling, and threats would begin. We'd flex our claws and bare our teeth to show one another all the weapons we had to win a cat fight…all of our nasty weapons. Eventually one of us would break down and give in to the anger…the hate…the rage and SLAP the shit out of the other… who would respond with all her anger and rage and return the SLAP!  The fight would immediately escalate to each of us trying to pull each strand of hair from the other’s head!  Next would come the inevitable face punching… scratching…clawing…clothes ripping…some serious breast mauling…all the carnage that we'd invoke on each to inflict pain and win. From there the fight would just degenerate to more sordid levels of dirty violence and perversion!  Eventually we'd both be writhing around on the floor or on the bed; locked in a bloody…sweaty…erotic embrace!   We’d go at it until one of us lost all will to fight…to go on.

"You can certainly paint an vivid…colorful…interesting picture," Michelle said, shaking her head…biting her lower lip

"And it's all FUCKING true…and you know it!" Heather continued. "Fighting Heather here…in front of all these people…in this setting… brings out the brutal…violent sadistic side most women like us keep hidden away…locked in those deeply secured of places where only we can go.

"I plan to fuck that bitch up beyond all recognition!  She will feel all the fucking anger that I have built up inside of me all these years, and then some!" Heather said through her tightly clenched teeth and narrowed out a look that made Michelle's shiver for a moment.

Michelle smiled,

“Gee Heather…I wasn’t aware you liked her so much”

Heather turned and gave Michelle one of those “looks”…Michelle grinned and responded…

“You forget Heather…I HAVE seen that side of you”

Heather finally broke into a smile at Michelle’s words…

Heather had resolved that by the end of this evening, she would be doing the looking down…. preferably at Karen’s prone…beaten body!

They had a number of fights over the years and this one tonight would be the climax of a long and bitter rivalry.  Heather matched Karen’s allure with a red gown that was cut low in the front and left little to the imagination as to the main “assets” Karen was exhibiting tonight.

The banker’s tale was interrupted by the delicate but insistent,


…Of a spoon tapping against the stem of a crystalline fluted glass, the sound of which rang out through the room.  All heads turned toward a man who stood behind a long table in front of the windows at one end, backed by the impressive vista of downtown Manhattan.  Tall, dark-haired and bearing a passing resemblance to a younger George Clooney, he was dressed in khaki pants and a blue sports jacket over an open necked white shirt.  Karen knew him only as Michael, the owner of the original apartment, and the co-host of these parties and a Chairman of the Society’s “Committee”.  She noted as he began to speak that Michelle stood by his side and clutched his left arm.  Michelle glanced over at Karen and winked, then leaned in and whispered something in Michael’s ear.  Michael turned and looked into Michelle large dark brown eyes and grinned before they exchanged a brief kiss and he began to speak,

“Ladies and Gentlemen!”

His voice did not seem overly raised yet it carried effortlessly across the broad space of the wide room,

“It’s time for us to begin with the festivities that we all REALLY came here to witness.”  “Oh…and by the way, please feel free to put money in the tip jar at the door and at the bar if you enjoyed OUR free food and OUR free booze”  “Michelle says she needs some more free cash to finish opening up our new club in London!”

“She also needs a few NEW OUTFITS so could you all help a poor guy out…PLEASE?”

The assembled throng burst into laughter upon hearing Michael’s words as he shot a quick glance over at Michelle.   THEY both smiled at each other as Michelle just shook her head and placed her hands on her hips…feigning righteous indignation…


Michelle’s eyes rolled skyward and she smiled broadly as another burst of laughter filled the expanse of the room.  The assembled throng then slowly seemed to grow quieter and Karen could feel the tension building in the air.  Her own butterflies ramped up their buzzing in her tummy.  Michael continued with his introductions,

“We have a special event tonight as you all know…an event that has been a LONG time coming!  It’s an event that only “The Society” could host and do it justice!  

“Let’s not waste any more time and introduce the two women who have compelled us to be here tonight!”

TO BE CONTINUED - Part 2 coming very in tomorrow
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 10:59:41 PM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Online sinclairfan

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Team Heather

Are we picking teams?? Is this going to be a poll? The story is fantastic, bring on more of it


Offline Michelle

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Are we picking teams?? Is this going to be a poll? The story is fantastic, bring on more of it

No its not a poll...I may make it a poll later on depending on how the story is received

I welcome any and all's thoughts as we go along as to who might win though so feel free...
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline SunnyB

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Oooh, Michelle, you have such a naughty sexy mind!!! :P ;)

Loving the trash talk and the wild action, of course, as well as the witty, yet sexy little tidbits like these that had me in stitches ...  ;D ;)

<<The most interesting part of the sculpture was where her vagina was.  it wasn't hard to find as Grey Goose vodka was shooting out of it and streaming down an icy waterfall, there to be gathered by a group of the sexiest bartenders ever assembled…for distribution in opulent long stemmed Swarovski crystal vases.>>
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


Offline Serena77

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I love it! Michelle, you did it again! You built up something special for us! Thank you so much!
The elevator brawl is fantastic :D!
I never met Karen. I had a fight against Heather in the past and I know how much tough she is. So Heather is my favourite for the win. But I can change my mind during the main fight! I'm in the first row 8)!


Offline Michelle

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A Society Fight Story - "Heather versus Karen" - "This Time It's Personal, Part 2"

Continued from Part 1


“She’s back in New York and has FINALLY agreed to fight for us tonight!  Please welcome…from London…Karen!”  

He extended his arm in Karen’s direction and she stepped forward and smiled amid applause from the audience, as she handed her glass of orange juice to an older gentleman standing next to her who had spent the better part of the last 20 minutes looking down the front of her dress.  Karen finally had a way to make a graceful exit from his “attentions” and she made to her way across the room, raising her right hand up and waving to well-wishers as she made her way up to the front of the room.   She stood at Michael’s left elbow as Michelle stepped to the side.  He gave Karen a cordial smile before turning his attention back to the room.

”NEXT OFF!...”]/i]

“Tonight…we have a special treat in store for you.”  “We have relative newcomer to face Karen but I am sure she isn’t new to the more attuned cat fighting aficionados among you.  She is many of you all know and respect”  “She has faced Karen before but know she gets her chance on the biggest stage in the business”  “I’m sure you all will recognize and give a warm New York welcome to...


He gestured to his right and Heather followed the direction of his arm to a tall, buxom, striking woman with startlingly blonde hair who stepped forward looking a little nervous but also with a steely-eyed look of determination on her face.  “Please join me again in welcoming to New York once again…Heather!!”

At first, there was an audible collective gasp from the assembled throng, mixed with some loud cheers.  That then turned to a loud crescendo of clapping that grew louder and louder as Heather walked over and took her place on Michael’s other side.  Her gaze caught and held Karen’s, and Heather saw no apprehension, no lack of confidence, only that same steely-eyed resolve.  Michelle glanced at Heather…and then Karen… and she saw the exchange of looks the two women gave each other and she moved over behind Michael, grasping his left arm as she leaned in and whispered in his ear,

“Good”….”I’d HATE IT if they liked each other!...this would REALLY SUCK!”  

Michelle then stepped over, whispered something inaudible in Karen’s ear that caused the tall Brit to smile broadly and then stepped back to the side.

Heather noticed and thought to herself,  

“She’s still the same fucking arrogant Brit snob she always fucking has been!”  “I BEAT HER FAT ASS and she STILL hasn’t changed!”  “That will make it all the better when I RIDE that Limey bitch’s face in front of the crowd!”  

Heather looked over at Karen and whispered,  

“Are you ready for the beating and embarrassment of your life… BITCH?”

She asked with a wry smile.

The corners of Karen’s pouty mouth turned up a little as she said,

“Question is, are you ready to head back to that Pittsburg trailer park you reside over as some sort of “Garbage Queen”?”

…then shapely Brit blonde added with an answering wink.

“I promise you after I beat you, you’ll just love the taste of MY PUSSY you Wal Mart Skank!”

Heather’s eyes narrowed, her lower lip trembling with anger,

“Words…words are CHEAP…. CHEAP like the trashy Euro slut you are!”  “Let’s see if you have FINALLY learned how to fight and not just talk and whine!”  ‘You’ll regret the day you EVER agreed to another fight with me AGAIN YOU FUCKING WHORE BAG!”

Karen laughed,

“You mean like what happened when we last fought last year and you found yourself unconscious on the ring canvas?”

Heather suddenly took a few quick steps around Michael, moving towards Karen, her hands curling into tight fists as she leaned against the Brit.  The two busty blondes were perfectly matched in height and weight and the American blonde glared into Karen’s eyes, their chests almost touching.  You could also see both were obviously aroused too as their nipples were already straining the fabric of their tops.  Karen spoke again so everyone in the room could hear her words this time, her voice rising with each spoken word,

“Oh, I can fight, and we’ll see who humiliates who, SLUT!!  I WANT this…I DESERVE this…and I’m going to WALK ALL OVER YOUR BONEY ASS to get it!!”

“Ladies!!…”Michael shouted out, interrupting the developing confrontation and stepping between the two angry ladies.

 “…as usual, the trash talk is welcomed and encouraged but we all know there’s only ONE way to settle this…IN THE ARENA!”

 A young woman dressed in a black tee and figure-hugging black pants appeared at Karen’s side, and another at Heather’s…as Michael spoke out loudly…  

“LADIES!…it’s that time of the evening!”  Please be back here in thirty minutes, ready to fight!”  

Karen gave her soon-to-be opponent a last look, one that could only be described as,

“You’ll wish you were DEAD when I’m done…you FUCKING WHORE!”

Karen smirked and then turned away.  Her resolve and determination to finally destroy Heather’s hopes and dreams for revenge and retribution were all she could think of at that moment in time.  She wanted so much more than to beat Heather; she wanted to ROB HER OF HER DIGNAITY and to take her very soul from her!!  This was WAY more than a simple fight….

Heather followed the red-haired, black-clothed attendant down a long hallway, past several closed doors to another door at the end of the hallway.  Her earlier nervousness and stomach flutters had disappeared as a result of the confrontation with Karen and she dearly welcomed that feeling.  The qualms she had previously had vanished and had been replaced by a fierce determination to prove herself and humble this fucking smug, arrogant English snob in front of all the Society members in attendance.  Her heart was pounding and felt almost up in her throat, her pulse quickening in anticipation of what was to come.

The young woman grabbed the brass knob on the door, twisted it and pushed it open, motioning Karen through the door with a wide arcing swipe of her hand.  Karen walked in and found herself in a spacious bedroom with white walls and black lacquered wood furniture.  A broad, full-length window occupied almost the entire far wall, offering a view north to Central Park, but she spent only a few moments admiring that view.  

“Thirty minutes”

…the attendant reminded her.  

“I’ll be back”  

She closed the door quietly behind her, Karen quietly listening to the girl’s heeled footsteps as she walked back down the hall.

Karen wasted no time and walked over to the king-sized bed, setting her clutch purse down on the white cover.  She sat on the edge and flipped her shoes off into the corner.  Reaching down to the hem of her Little Black Dress… with both hands she grabbed the bottom and slowly pulled it up over her head.  She shook out her long blonde hair and laid the dress out neatly beside her purse on the bed.  The dress had its own built-in shelf-bra and Karen had worn nothing underneath it.  Her full, rounded breasts bounced very slightly under their own weight as they came free of the top.  She began bending over at the waist and grabbing the waistband of her pants, began wriggling them down over her hips, and ankles, letting them fall to her feet.  She stepped out of them and placed them too on the bed, standing naked and barefoot, her lightly tanned skin feeling the goose bumps begin to appear at the feel of the cool air on her suddenly bare flesh.

She had been well briefed on what to do, and she turned to the nearby nightstand upon which stood a small squeeze bottle.  It contained a syrupy but unscented body oil and, squeezing a generous amount into her hands, wringing them together a little before she began to apply it smoothly and liberally starting at her neck and continuing all down to the tops of her feet as she bent over, her full breasts dangling seductively from her chest.  Finally straightening back up, she looked at herself in the full -length mirror on the left-hand wall as her nude body gleamed in the soft light.

Checking herself carefully in the mirror to ensure that her entire form was evenly covered, she smiled in satisfaction before she turned back to the bed and opened her purse to remove two small folded pieces of white fabric.  This was the bikini she would wear to fight in, or begin to fight in anyway, since bikinis typically did not last long in fights like this one.  At least that would be the collective hope of most of the onlookers waiting with a growing anticipation for the fight to hurry up and commence.

The dressing room was hot and beads of perspiration were already beginning to form on Karen’s skin as she paused to inhale slowly…deeply. She bounced lightly in place on her toes for a moment and then rested, leaning her palms on her knees, bending over at the waist, her full perfectly shaped breasts hanging from her chest. She then straightened up, wiping sweat away from her forehead and her eyes she gazed at her reflection in her full-length mirror.

“Damn,” she said between breaths,

“You’re looking good, girl!”

Dressed in the revealing white bikini and nothing else, she posed for herself, admiring how her full, breasts looked as they filled out the small white bikini top.

She picked up the bikini bottoms, bent and stepped into them, pulling them up, feeling the material sliding up her oiled ankles and over her knees, then snugly up over her well-developed thighs, pulling the thin straps evenly over the curves of her hips.  The front of the bikini bottom was a narrow white triangle that hugged the mound of her crotch, tight enough to press slightly into her flesh.  She knew that the white material would become wet pretty quickly and become darker.  The arousal she knew she would feel during the fight would ultimately be obvious to every member of the assembled throng.  

Karen didn’t mind as she felt that would garner more support from the onlookers.  She fed off such support and the anticipation excited her to no end.   The bikini panties fit her snugly and dipped low below her navel to expose the hardness, the muscled contours of her taut abs, the straps curving up to sit high over her hips and emphasize the length of her long, lithesome, toned legs.  She turned to one side, and then the other, checking the straps and the narrow band at the rear that dipped between the taut, bare cheeks of her firm toned ass.  She clenched her muscles a little, smiling broadly as she felt that familiar pull, watching the sudden tightening of her buttocks as she flexed the firm muscles, and smiled once more.  She had worked hard on her body, month after month, and those hours of sweating and suffering in the gym, the pain she had endured working out passionately, combining that with work on the intensive, often rough and brutal sparring sessions, had obviously paid off.

She was READY!

The white bikini top was next.  She slipped it over her head, making sure the upper strap was tucked beneath her hair, then pulled the form fitting cups tight over the perfectly rounded shape of those perfect breasts of hers…those breasts that looked as if they had been chiseled from marble!  She then reached behind her to tie the lower strap securely…adjusting the cups over her breasts.  She again admired herself in the mirror and shuddered.  Small as it was, the bikini still cupped and lifted her breasts, which swelled against the thin cloth as she inhaled deeply.  Her nipples, already hard and erect in anticipation of the fight, strained the thin fabric and her small pinkish areolas were almost perfect circles that were faintly visible through the white top.  

Below the top, her belly was firm and flat, her smooth tanned skin showing just a hint of the hard developed muscles beneath, twin shallow valleys curving down on either side to dip beneath the triangle of her thong.  Her hips were gently rounded and her thighs rippled slightly as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her sexy eyes giving herself a final once over.  Satisfied, she began her customary warm-up routine, finding calm in the familiar repetitive movements of her stretching, clearing preparing her mind, sitting down on the floor as she got in a lotus position and began her traditional Yoga exercises as she began to focus her total being on the brutal ordeal that she knew awaited her.

After she finished her Yoga routine, she rose and reached over and picked up the white silk robe sitting on the bed.  She slid it over her toned shoulders and laid back on the mattress, closing her eyes, her chest rising and falling as she began her visualizations of how she’d fight, how she’d react, how she’d win.

She was ready and waiting, covered in the robe that covered body and flowed down to just above her knees.  It was quiet, too quiet but she welcomed the serenity as she thought, tried to focus, calm her nerves.  Suddenly the long awaited knock sounded on the door, startling her.  She opened her eyes as the door opened and the same blonde attendant, who escorted back to the room earlier poked her head through, smiling,

 “Time to go Karen!”

Karen nodded approvingly, without returning the blonde woman’s smile. She got up off the bed and stepped past the redhead and began retracing her steps down the hallway toward the main living area.  The butterflies in her stomach could not even begin to describe the nerves she felt.

As she did, she heard the music she had asked to be played over the sound system as she made her entrance,

It was by Phil Collins, the name of the song was “In The Air Tonight”

She closed her eyes a moment as the words flowed around in her head,

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord

Well if you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand
I've seen your face before my friend, but I don't know if you know who I am
Well I was there and I saw what you did, I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been
It's all been a pack of lies

And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord

Well I remember, I remember, don't worry, how could I ever forget
It's the first time, the last time we ever met
But I know the reason why you keep your silence up, oh no you don't fool me
Well the hurt doesn't show, but the pain still grows
It's no stranger to you and me

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
Well been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord
Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord

I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
And I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord
Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord

As she emerged from the darkened hallway, she noticed the lights were much brighter now, and the temperature in the room was much hotter than earlier, perhaps in acquiescence to her and Heather’s skimpy, revealing attire.  In a way she hoped it would be a …“lack of”…attire everyone would be eyeing before the fight was very old.

The crowd began to part like the Red Sea and make a pathway for her to the center of the room, where a broad open area about twenty feet square was now cleared of people.  She glanced up and noted that a large portion of the audience now looked down from a second-floor balcony that occupied all four sides of the room, their collective vision, the dozens of pairs of eyes watching Karen closely, most admiringly, many lustfully as she made her way to the edge of the thick black rug that covered the open space or “arena”.  She stopped at the edge and stood silently, gazing across the empty arena, waiting for her opponent to appear.

She was not kept waiting for long.  The audience suddenly began to part opposite her, and Heather proudly, impassively, stepped into view, covered in a red robe.  Heather gazed at Karen with that impassive look and with her dark, determined narrowed eyes.  Karen met her gaze and matched the sexy American blonde’s sly smile.  Words passed between them that didn’t need to be spoken.  There was no mistaking the hatred, the disdain, and the pure primal animal scent each exuded that would normally be reserved for a predator cat about to destroy its prey!

 No mercy, no quarter!  

Holy Cannoli!…This might just get ugly!

Karen let her arms fall to her waist as her hands pulled loose the silk sash that held her robe in place.  With a light tug and pull she whipped it open and let it slide down over her right shoulder and down her arm.  She let it dangle to the floor a moment, exposing her right shoulder and breast as she glanced in the mirror a moment and smiled.  The blonde behind her smiled, tilting her head and looking in the mirror over Karen’s shoulder admiringly.  She reached out to catch it before it hit the floor but Karen said, “Let it go” and the sexy blonde let it hit the floor. Karen stood, partially exposed to the crowd – and to her opponent.  She looked over then at Heather and sneered, then she reached up with her left hand and pulled the robe over her left shoulder, letting it slide effortlessly down her left arm to the floor.  Her bare skin glistened under the bright overhead lights, shining as the light reflected off the coating of oil that clung to her skin. She stepped forward onto the rug, raising her arms, inhaling deeply to swell her chest, flexing her toned sinewy muscles to the appreciative assembled throng.  There were approving looks, some gasps, a steady murmur of conversation and whispers, and a number of people reached for their smart phones. The Society allowed its members and guests to wager upon the outcome of these fights and it appeared that the total sum of all bets for this contest would be an all time record.  Karen had heard that the sums were often impressive, even downright scary, depending upon your perspective and monthly income.  The fighters would also get a share of the “gate” and that was done to hopefully add to the motivation of the women involved.  

In this case, NO FUCKING motivation appeared to be needed...not this with much hare involved!

She turned slowly, stopping a brief instant in each direction, letting the onlookers get a long look at the body she had worked so long and hard to hone.  She was ready for this, let there be no doubt, both mentally and physically, and she wanted everyone to see – and to know.  As the completed the circle, her eyes fell once more on Heather, who was watching her with a gaze that seemed to narrow by the moment and a subtle smile.  Karen smiled back and looked at the sexy blonde beauty with a mood, a look of defiance and expectation.  Some who were present said she stared at Heather with a look of arrogance, an almost dismissive look.  This was no doubt a bit of gamesmanship on Karen’s part and it appeared to be working as Heather paced nervously, muttering to herself.

Heather’s hands moved to her waist and she tugged on the sash holding her robe closed, pulling the knot free that secured her it, letting the robe hang open just a fraction.  She then pulled it open slowly, at first revealing her ample, sensual cleavage (My God the Grand Canyon never looked better from the air!), letting her long slender fingers holding the edges of the robe pull it open only so far. It was as if she almost was teasing the crowd, working them into frenzy.  The cheers and wolf whistles filled the air as Karen was almost like a conductor of this sexually charged orchestra.  She continued her very sensual striptease for them and they were eating it up!  Her hands then slid upward along the edges of the robe, over the perfect form of her full firm breasts.  As her hands reached the top of the robe she pulled it back off both shoulders, letting it slide down her arms as she extended them behind her, letting it slowly and seductively slide down to her hands, holding the robe there a moment as she arched her back and thrust out her chest, then dropping the robe to the floor behind her.  Her attendant lunged down to catch the robe as it fell, and Heather smiled and stepped out into the arena, turning and curtsying in all for directions.

She was dressed in a red bikini that clung like a second skin to her lean, toned busty figure.  Her arms and shoulders were coated in a thin film that was a mixture of perspiration and oil. The shining coating let the muscular toned definition show so clearly. The sweat was a result of her own pre-fight stretching regimen, her flexed sinewy muscles gleaming beneath the erotic coating, exactly as Karen’s did.  The oil and sweat almost seemed to act like a magnifier as the bright overhead lights reflected off her glistening skin. Heather’s breasts strained her tight bikini top, her swollen heaving tits, and her now aroused, rigid nipples poking into the tight clinging cloth.  Her alluring, seductive breasts lifted and seemed to just swell as she raised her arms to acknowledge the approving applauding crowd, smiling brightly.

Her abs tightened and rippled smoothly as her torso twisted from one side and then to the other, smiling at the audience, as she spun in a circle while she strode further out onto the rug, giving them all a good look at her just as Karen had done.  There were more murmurs, and several other members of the audience began thumbing their phones.  Her firm tight ass, revealed very clearly by the skimpy cut of her red bikini thong as she turned around, was taut, almost perfectly rounded and very tanned, even in the middle of winter.  Her toned, developed muscular thighs rippled with each step she took.

Karen stopped in the middle of the rug, smiled and lifted her arms, her palms facing up as she curled her long slender fingers back towards her lithe body, beckoning to Heather in a “come hither” motion…or was it a “Come Heather” motion….simply the spider talking to the fly maybe?

“Come here, motherfucker!” she purred.  

“It’s time for me to teach you a lesson you have been crying for…for years!”  “And you WILL be crying cxnt!”

Heather smiled faintly but made no reply as she stepped forward to meet her opponent, her hips rolling slightly, breasts bouncing with each step.  She halted just a pace away from the Brit.  Their eyes locked, each of them tensed like a tightly wound coiled spring, bombs waiting on the long slow burn of their fuses, waiting on the burn to reach the explosive, waiting for the signal for the mutually agreed destruction to begin!

Michael’s voice carried across the room.

“Betting is now at a close.  Ladies…”

He raised his arm, and then let it drop.


He screamed out!!!!


Karen nervously shifted her weight from one foot to the other almost like a Sumo wrestler as she punched her right fist several times into her left palm with a loud smack!  She was chomping at the bit to get her hands on that filthy WHOREBAG as she called Karen!  At the same time, she had NEVER been so nervous in her life!  Sweat was pouring down her body, down her chest and back, staining her paper-thin bikini top!  She looked down and noticed how prominently her nipples were showing through the almost shear-looking wet fabric. She felt her heart pounding now, knowing that the murmuring crowd could see her nipples just as well as she could!  Karen said to herself,

“I wasn’t worried though!  They'll see a lot more in a minute or so...and our tops probably won’t be on all that long!  I visualized myself tearing Heather’s off and waving it over my head as I glared across the floor at that miserable fucking cxnt!  My mind was full of images of me TEARING a few other things off her!!”  

“I just wanted to snatch her BALD!!”

Karen bent over in a crouch and spread her legs about shoulder width apart…her hands on her thighs as she waited anxiously like a race horse at the starting gate to just explode out and CHARGE at Heather!!…. Her fingers were curling in and out of her hands over and over!!…. So tightly!!…. Her sharpened nails almost cutting into the soft skin of her palms as she clenched her fists so tight!  All she could see was her body charging through Heather’s and CUTTING HER in half!

As she heard Michael’s voice, Karen DROVE off her legs and LUNGED across the carpet at that “Trailer Trash Queen” with all her strength, screaming like a Banshee


Karen crossed the distance between her and Heather in what seemed like a heartbeat!  The loud smack of oily flesh impacting flesh echoed around the room as they came together, chest to chest, their generous bosoms pancaking against one another, both snarling and grunting out loudly!  Karen dug her forehead into Heather’s shoulder, smelling the scent of oil and sweat on her slick skin as the two crazed amazons heaved against one another, muscles flexing and straining, toned bulging thighs straining as each sought to gain the advantage, pushing and struggling to force and each other back.

Karen hissed in Heather’s ear as we struggled,

“I’m going to make an example out of you, MOTHERFUCKING cxnt!  When I’m done with you, you’ll be ashamed to show your face in public unless it’s in your God Damn Pittsburg trailer park!”  She laughed.  “Though I’ll make damn sure you show EVERYTHING else in public before this fight’s over!”

“FUCK they won’t even let you back in the trailer park you fat assed PIG!”

Karen then decided she’d mess with Heather a bit and BIT her in the shoulder, sinking her teeth into the wet skin!!  The bit was pretty weak but it was enough to elicit a loud scream from Heather and leave some red teeth marks on her skin!


Heather screamed out, probably louder than she needed to, but she wanted the assembled throng to know she had been bitten ala Mike Tyson and she wanted to garner a little crowd sympathy!  She screamed out loudly and in a manner that would have no doubt earner her an Academy Award for the “Best Performance by a Catfighter in A Starring Role”.

Heather screamed out,

“YOU FUCKING cxnt!!!”

Heather was thinking as the pain flowed throughout her shoulder…

“I was so desperate to charge across the carpet and get my hands on Karen!!  I don’t know when I’ve felt such hate and contempt for her as I do right now.  She walks in here like the fucking English uppity snob as usual and tries to get everyone on her side!  They’ll be feeling sorry for her soon enough after I beat her senseless and I show her for the FRAUD that she is!!”

“I have put up with her fucking “manners” and her “plastic surgeon’s dream tits” for as long as I care to anymore!  This is the last night she looks down on me! When I’m done she will be looking down all right!  Face down in the carpet!!!”

Heather was cussing and screaming like crazy as they struggled when suddenly she felt a sharp pain her shoulder and it flashed through her mind;


She screamed out in pain and instinctively drove her right hard fist in under Karen’s arm, hammering her ribs below her right breast as hard as she could!  She thought to herself,

“I knew how to use my bare fists and this seemed like a great time to give the British cxnt a boxing lesson!”

Heather twisted her fist against Karen’s ribs as my knuckles hit the skin-covered bone!!  AS she dud, Karen grunted out in pain, her face contorting,


Heather snarled at Karen,

“How’s this for PAYBACK….BEOTCH!”

Heather smiled and thought to herself,

“I heard the fucking air leave her pathetic lips as my knuckles twisted against the taut skin covered bone of her sensitive ribs!!  Karen knew I loved to fist fight and she knew she had better cover up those fake surgically enhanced tits of hers or I’d make them my new speed bags!!”  

“That’s right, you heard me, SURGICALLY ENHANCED!”

Karen pulled her elbows in tight to cover her breasts as Heather’s fists slammed into her body!!  As she did, Heather cut loose with her left fist at Karen’s chin and mouth as fast as her fist could pump!!

Heather was determined to show Karen how well she could use her fists and do some early damage, maybe even get a quick knockout!  As Karen’s arms dropped to cover her midsection, Heather moved in and cut loose with some jack-hammer left jabs that shattered Karen’s guard like a rotten picket fence!!”



The force of Heather’s hard left fist and swift hand speed rattled Karen’s chin, her head snapping back like a ragdoll’s!!   A half a dozen unanswered chin-cracking jabs later, Karen suddenly found herself laying on the mat, struggling to sit up, leaning back on her arms and hands, shaking her head and blinking.  A thin jagged red trickle of blood has snaking from the corner of her mouth and down over her chin.

Heather’s eyes flashed in amusement as she smirked down at the dazed and bloodied Karen. She had drawn first blood and IPhone camera’s were flashing among the assembled membership and guests as bets as to who would draw first blood were being confirmed and collected!

Heather leaned down and glared at Karen, whispering in a disdainful voice,

“Payback’s a bitch…BITCH!”

“I see a lot of PAIN in your future!”

Karen slowly sat up on her ass, then she reached up with her left hand and wiped her bloodied mouth with the back of her hand and growled in reply,

“Dream on, bitch!  You’ll be screaming for your “Mummy” before long…not that it’ll do you any good.  Oh and I’ve been with your “Mummy” and she’s WAY sexier than you WHORE! It’s going be a LONG night for YOU, just like it was for HER…except she LOVED IT…and I doubt you will!!”

Heather tossed her head back as she cackled out loud,

“That’s bold talk for a bitch who is down on the floor on her FAT ASS and bleeding!!”

Heather then tuned her back on the prone Karen and thrust her arms above her head, mocking Karen with a makeshift victory pose for the assembled guests who were watching!

That was a mistake!

Karen screamed out and instead of lying on the carpet, she instead launched herself at the other woman, SLAMMING her right shoulder into Heather’s midsection as the American was turning back to face her, wrapping her arms around the blonde and DRIVING her forward, knocking her off balance
And driving her backwards into the carpet,


TO BE CONTINUED - Part 3 Coming very soon, probaby late tomorrow.  Please feel free to comment on things to date and how you think it should go
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 10:54:01 PM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Online sinclairfan

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Cool touch with the musical accompaniment.....


Online sinclairfan

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Next round of the fight should be to "Ready Steady Go" by Oakenfold....


Offline SunnyB

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I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

Oooh, just wonderfully exciting action!  ;D :D ;) Superb, sexy trash talking, and funny but most appropriate little snippets like above are delicious cherries on top! LOL!  :P :-* :D ;)
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


Online sinclairfan

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What Georgette said goes double for me.


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Am I the only one or does everyone want to see how this thing ends?? I look here as soon as I sign on to see if there is another post! Do we have to beg for more Michelle? xo

This one will be a very long battle for sure! Take your seat and enjoy the show, Georgette! Michelle will not disappoint us!


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The Story - Part 3

Michelle looked over at Michael and smiled...then she looked up where the spotlights were beaming down from a balcony...she then nodded n waved her right hand and suddenly the sound system exploded with Three Days Grace - "Animal I Have Become" - "Animal I Have Become" by Three Days Grace

I can't escape this hell
 So many times I've tried
 But I'm still caged inside
 Somebody get me through this nightmare
 I can't control myself

So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
 No one would ever change this animal I have become
 And help me believe it's not the real me
 Somebody help me tame this animal
 (This animal, this animal)

I can't escape myself
 (I can't escape myself)
 So many times I've lied
 (So many times I've lied)
 But there's still rage inside
 Somebody get me through this nightmare
 I can't control myself

So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
 No one would ever change this animal I have become
 And we believe it's not the real me
 Somebody help me tame this animal I have become
 And we believe it's not the real me
 Somebody help me tame this animal

Somebody help me through this nightmare
 I can't control myself
 Somebody wake me from this nightmare
 I can't escape this hell

(This animal, this animal, this animal
 This animal, this animal, this animal, this animal)

So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
 No one will ever change this animal I have become
 And we believe it's not the real me
 Somebody help me tame this animal I have become
 And we believe it's not the real me
 Somebody help me tame this animal
 (This animal I have become)

As Karen lay on top of Heather, Karen wasted little time as she hooked her fingers, baring her sharpened claws and she dragged her nails brutally down the back of Heather’s neck!  Heather screamed out in pain and agony as the burning searing pain shot throughout her torso!!  She grimaced as she reached back with her right hand and rubbed at her burning neck.  She didn’t need to look to imagine the livid red marks Karen had left on her smooth pale skin


Heather shoved her arms up under her body and suddenly bucked up like a wild untamed bronco, stunning Karen with the ferocity of the move and Karen fell off of Heather’s back, rolling to the side and she got to her knees…shaking her head and blinking…glaring at Heather.

Heather watched as Karen slowly get back to her feet and she felt the anger growing inside of her on hearing Karen’s words and she lunged at Karen in a blur, catching Karen by surprise and wrapping her arms around her torso in a tight bear hug, snarling and hissing as she locked her hands behind Karen’s back and pulled in HARD!   Karen wasted little time and countered by reaching around behind Heather, hooking her fingers and baring her sharpened claws as she dragged her nails brutally down Heather’s back!  Heather immediately let go of her vice-like grip around Karen’s torso as she screamed out in pain and agony as the burning searing pain shot throughout her torso!!


Heather grimaced as she reached back with her right hand and rubbed at her burning neck.  She didn’t need to look to imagine the livid red marks Karen had left on her smooth pale skin as Karen snarled,


Heather screamed out and launched herself at the other woman, SLAMMING bodily into Karen, wrapping her arms around the blonde Brit and DRIVING her backwards, knocking her off balance as they stumbled across the arena, locked together, both screaming out like wild animals!!



They reached the edge of the rug and the crowd instinctively parted around them as Karen barreled her hated rival backwards across the white carpet, each fighter reaching up and grabbing the other’s hair as each wrapped loose strands of each other’s silken mane around fingers and TUGGED AND TORE as they both SCREAMED out at the top of their lungs!  The finally landed on the edge of the carpet and Karen was the first to get to her feet!  Karen twisted her torso, angling her right shoulder into Heather’s ample chest and she SLAMMED Heather backwards into the full-length mirror that spanned one wall of the room!!



There was a crash but the mirror held together save for multiple jagged cracks radiating from a bulls-eye where their bodies had slammed into the hard glass!

Their tangled, flailing bodies came to a brutal and abrupt halt as they slammed into the hard tempered glass, the tall mirrored wall shaking and vibrating but not breaking or cracking!!

Karen pinned Heather to the glass with her torso and then made a grab for her arms!!  She wasn’t quite quick enough as the busty blonde American beauty dropped her arm and began pummeling Karen’s ribs with her right fist! Karen grunting out, almost doubling over as her torso folded over Heather’s arm and fist!  The force of the blow drove Karen back against the glass wall hard and before she knew it Heather was pressing her attack, driving a hard left to Karen’s navel, her knuckles hitting the taut muscled skin with a loud SMACK!!  Heather wasted no time as she grunted out and followed the left with a right hook across Karen’s exposed chin!!!




Karen’s head twisted to the side from the force of the punch as she thrust her left arm up across her face to try and cover up!!  Heather tried to drive another hard punch to Karen’s tummy but Karen dropped her right arm down and Heather’s fist hit Karen’s forearm, absorbing most of the blow!!

Karen was in early trouble and she had enough wits about her to drop her arms, managing to catch Heather’s next two punches against her forearms!! Karen was shocked at the shear brutality and intensity that heather was attacking her with and she knew she had to get her act together!  Karen gritted her teeth through the throbbing pain in her ribs and began firing short sharp jabs of her own with her left fist, catching Heather across the chin as her head twisted violently to the side, the teeth-rattling punch contorting Heather’s face!!


Heather showed her toughness and shook off the punches…and grabbed at Karen’s wrists and the two began to grapple with each other against the wall, finally shoving off of it as they returned to straining against one another, each beginning to feel the beads of perspiration forming on her torso…the beads collecting and the perspiration beginning to flow freely…their toned bodies glistening under the bright lights.  Both Heather and Karen tasted the familiar copper metallic taste of a hint of blood in their mouths from the blows each took to the chin and it only served to fuel their growing anger!!

Karen could feel her despised rival’s power, equal to her own.  There was nothing to be gained from this continued struggle…they would each just exhaust themselves pushing and shoving and neither would gain an inch or inflict the pain and injury each was salivating to incur on the other!!

Each woman was possessed with a skyrocketing desire to hurt the other beyond any description…beyond any reason…

Karen knew she had to change tactics.  She had already hurt her opponent, and she would do so again – and again.  Nothing short of reducing her to tears would be adequate!

Karen made her move…taking a sudden step back, twisting her shoulders sharply to the left.  Taken by surprise, Heather stumbled forward, momentarily off balance as she was jerked to the side!!


Karen took advantage of that moment and whipped her arms up, pulling her adversary’s hands with hers as she twisted Heather’s torso and stepped behind her, pulling the blonde’s arms tight across her body as she pressed her own chest hard into the other woman’s back and pinning Karen’s arms to her sides!!  In the blink of an eye, Karen threw her arms around Heather’s waist, linking her wrists tight together in front of Heather’s abs and jerking her back against her into a bear hug.  Heather groaned out loud, her face red, contorted as she struggled to jerk her arms free, but Karen’s arms were like steel bands, squeezing ever tighter as Heather struggled!!

She heaved with all her strength, her small hard biceps bulging as she bear-hugged Heather, pulling and squeezing with her strong arms!  This was a hold she had used before and while it looked deceptively simple, it squeezed an opponent’s body while putting considerable strain on her arms and shoulders, robbing her of breath and weakening her with pain.

 “How’s that feel, cxnt?” she sneered in Heather’s ear.

 “Hurt much WHORE?”

 Karen continued to squeeze heather tighter as her face began to turn red from the strain!!   She could feel the beads of perspiration forming on her chest and back as she struggled to squeeze and hold Heather in her long arms!!

“Fuck…You!!…” growled Heather.  

She took a deep breath, her ample breasts swelling against Karen’s tightly-wrapped arms, bulging above the edges of her bikini top until they threatened to burst free, her hard nipples now coming into view!!    Karen gave a grunt of frustration as the American bought herself some breathing space with her tits, and she strained to pull even tighter!  , Heather’s head sagged forward and Karen smiled to herself.  She hadn’t thought it would be this easy!   Surely NOT!

It wasn’t.  

Heather suddenly flung her head back with a roar of rage, a primal SCREAM flowing over her lips!!  Karen barely had time to turn her head slightly to the side and save her nose.  As it was, the Heather’s skull slammed into her left cheekbone with a force that made her see flashes and stars!!  


She let go of Karen’s arms as she reeled backward, her hand going instinctively to her face, wondering if the fucking whore had split her cheekbone open!  There was no blood but she already felt her cheek swelling.  Her head was spinning and her eyes were still full of flashes as the intense pain filled her throbbing skull!!

Karen whirled and lashed out with her own sharply clawed nails.  Heather yelped as her opponent’s nails slashed across the outside of her left breast, leaving four angry jagged red marks on her skin!!  The Brit’s fingers hooked into the strap of her bikini top, just below the top of the cup, and Karen used that grip to jerk Heather forward, sending a hard left uppercut into the underside of her other breast, bouncing it painfully upward and popping it out of its restraints as Heather screamed out in pain!!



Heather screamed out and tried to twist away, but Karen held on tight to her bikini top and her violent motion only served her opponent, jerking her top to the side and spilling her left breast out, baring her ample tits to the crowd!!  Finally we heard a loud RIP and Heather’s bikini TORE!!  Heather stumbled back, almost loosing her balance as she stood, her perspiration coated breasts bared now.  She gritted her teeth in anger, but did not bother to cover herself.  She could not afford the time for modesty, and certainly not against an opponent like Karen.  The Brit bitch was clearly good, fierce and very determined!

This was way more than a fight…way more than a battle…it was a fucking WAR!

« Last Edit: March 19, 2015, 07:33:15 PM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Online sinclairfan

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Elbows! Elbows!


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Mmm, war ... or whore?  ::) ;D :P :D ;)
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!