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One Sided Celebrity fight stories!

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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #330 on: October 30, 2018, 10:50:48 PM »
So many seemed to enjoy the pack of costume matches I wrote for this thread during Halloween last year so here's this year's edition (the first match below technically isn't a costume match but it's still Halloween themed)!

Selena Gomez vs. Lucy Hale

Before the costume matches kicked off in full swing for the Halloween season, two jobbers desperate for a win faced off in a conventional singles match with the only added flair being carved pumpkins surrounding the outside of the ring. Lucy Hale's orange shirt was a subtle choice of fitting in for the spooky season, but Selena Gomez decided to go with a more overtly festive approach by actually coming out with a tiny pumpkin herself! The pop singer was ever desperate for a win having one of the more pathetic match records in celebrity catfighting but her opponent also hadn't enjoyed much success. Lucy was well aware that this was one of her rare chances for a lop-sided victory and as a result she skipped all the pomp and ceremony to instead just focusing on scoring a much needed W!

While Selena seemed more interesting in cute photo ops posting with her pumpkin prop, Lucy was all business as she came out firing on all cylinders. After an opening dropkick that comically caused Selena to drop down to the canvas and drop her pumpkin, Hale seized on the opportunity to let out some pent-up frustration on poor Gomez. Not that anyone felt particularly bad for Selena, who once again came out completely unprepared to fight and always looked spectacular getting squashed, but it was even more embarrassing to get so thoroughly out-classed by another notoriously weak jobber like Hale. And once Lucy quickly realized that the pop princess wouldn't put up much of a fight, that opened up her playbook to include moves she normally wouldn't be able to pull off inside the squared circle. Such maneuvers included a camel clutch which was able to bend Selena's puny body backward to a surprising degree, a torture rack which continued folding the weaklings body backward except this time while being displayed high in the air like a literal ragdoll and then finally she flipped Selena upside down in perfect pile-driving position! As she dangled helplessly and looking to be once again finished, Selena desperately reached for her pumpkin still laying nearby on the mat and grabbed it only to swing the carved squash plant right in-between Lucy's legs for a painful low blow! Hale dropped Selena down to the mat awkwardly as she crumbled down herself holding her crotch in pain which gave Selena precious time to stagger back up to her feet before her dominant opponent as the crowd boo'd the cowardly cheap-shot from Gomez.

Selena foolishly got way too cocky way too quickly as she yelled back at the crowd for disapproving her pumpkin crotch shot and then took her sweet time in going over to Lucy to take full advantage of the sudden change in momentum. Selena was able to whip the still aching Lucy into the corner, but after a heavily telegraphed splash completely missed the target causing Selena to catapult herself face first into an empty turnbuckle, Hale snatched the momentum right back and after the cheap shot she was now more than ready to dish out some more ultra humiliation for this little cheater. The crowd roared with approval as Lucy rammed her shoulder into Selena's soft tummy, landing some crisp slaps whipping her head side to side and then hitting a neck breaker that spiked Selena's head hard into the mat and seemingly laid her out cold. Selena was as good as finished but Hale had more comeuppance in mind as she dragged Gomez to the center of the ring, proceeded to rip her clothes off until the defeated singer was exposed in a tiny red bra and an even tinier red thong. Lucy then moved the pumpkin right underneath where she was standing and again hoisted up Selena once again except this time in a full nelson hold! As Lucy showcased Selena who was just now coming back into consciousness and instantly began crying and pleading with Hale to let her while trying in vain to untangle her arms from behind her back, Vanessa stopped parading right in the middle of the ring with Selena standing right over her own pumpkin. Gomez looked down in supreme freight and before she could even let out a squeal, Vanessa dropped to her butt also slamming Selena ass-first right on her pumpkin for a devastating and sensationally messy Bubba bomb slam! Not only did the pumpkin explode all over the ring as it smashed under Selena's tush, but the stem of the pumpkin ended up shooting perky in-between Selena's asscheeks and plugged right up her bootyhole!

Gomez let out a beyond anguish squeal as she was slammed and impaled on her own pumpkin as Lucy remained holding Selena in the sit down and position and reached over to grab both her legs and yank them back up against her own body! Selena was held and displayed folded in half with her legs spread wide with the pumpkin stem firmly lodged up her caboose and the combination of utter pain and ultra humiliation finally drove the totally defeated pop star to black out and the victory was rewarded to Lucy via a TKO! Vanessa kept Selena's body displayed in this degrading position to soak in her win and let the fans snap plenty of mortifying pictures of Selena's shame, but Hale still wasn't finished. She scrambled up to her feet and threw the still zonked out Gomez over her knee with the stem of the pumpkin comically sticking out of Selena's butthole and Hale licked her hand only to send it clapping back down onto one of Selena's pumpkin-gut covered booty cheeks to commence the very fitting post-match spanking! Gomez would again come back to bitter reality although she wished she was still in la-la land when she awoke to getting spanked beet-red over Lucy's knee while covered in pumpkin chunks and her own prop literally shoved back up her ass! Hale gave Selena a savage tanning but purposely stopped before she'd pass out again so that she could dump the crying Gomez on the mat.

Adding one last insult to injury after soaking in her victory, Lucy skipped out of the ring to retrieve one of the larger carved pumpkins and climbed back in-between the ring ropes to ceremoniously shimmy it right over Selena's noggin now leaving the defeated cupcake stripped, squashed, spanked, stuffed and now with a pumpkin plopped over her head. You can say it was fitting just desserts for Selena and a much-needed confidence booster for fan favorite Lucy who kicked off the Halloween season in sensationally spooky fashion!

Vanessa Morgan vs. Courtney Eaton

A spooktacular scuffle broke out between the sassy Vanessa and the steely Courtney at one of the many trendy Halloween costume parties around downtown Los Angeles. Vanessa looked ravishing in her painted-on lizard suit while Courtney went with the more creepy route of a cut-up and bruised Little Miss Riding Hood complete with the savage prop of an ax! While thankfully there would be no such savage weaponry in their duel, the axe was nothing more than a plastic toy anyway, the sassy Vanessa severely underestimated her lanky opponent who she callously referred to as a "stick-figure model" which was said loud enough for Courtney to hear and take notice of. Vanessa's attitude would quickly change once push came to shove as she quickly realized that Little Miss Riding Hood actually posed a big problem for her!

Courtney attacked with a feisty and tenacious energy using her long and lanky model figure to tie and knot Vanessa up in a plethora of submission holds that quickly zapped the Riverdale actress of her already limited fighting stamina. In the past, the Australian's slim and slender physique has aided the opponent more so than herself. But against Vanessa her long limbs couldn't be contained and used against her. Courtney looked to have the match all but put in the books when she wrapped the squirming Vanessa up on the ground in a headlock/bodyscissors combo. Morgan's skin-tight one piece lizard suit was scratched up with her beautiful caramel body getting increasingly exposed to the world which added more embarrassment to the predicament she found herself in, but Courtney wasn't about to let Vanessa black out into the Halloween night and escape further humiliation that easily! It seemed as though Eaton's fairytale-gone-dark costume was a sign on how she planned to finish Vanessa off in a manner nobody watching would forget!

The now clearly finished Morgan was about to pass out anyway even after Courtney untangled her body but was suddenly jolted back up in a state of pure panic once she felt her dominate opponent start ripping her costume off! Vanessa tried squirming and squealing but that only served to make the whole scene look more pathetic as Eaton was successful in ripping Vanessa's bodysuit to shreds off her body. That would've been humiliating enough under normal circumstances, but it was revealed that Vanessa was wearing nothing else underneath her outfit! The decision to skip out on the undies proved to be very ill-advised as this only ramped up the mortification level for Vanessa while giving Courtney even more devious ideas on how to finish her now bawling victim off!

Courtney grappled with Vanessa on the ground, who was now more interesting in trying to cover up her bare body than fighting back at this point, and lay down on her back and draped Morgan bent backwards over both her outstretched and sticking up knees in a brutal backbreaking hold! Poor Vanessa's free-swinging breasts and spread pussy were sticking straight up in the air with her body almost broken in two pieces over Courtney's pointy model knees which dug into her spine like she was trying to snap her in two! Vanessa was frantically screaming her surrender trying to stop this nightmare but Courtney figured that since Vanessa seemed to be looking for some action tonight judging from her lack of under garments, she might as well give her what she wanted! While keeping Vanessa trapped contorted backwards over her sticking up knees, Eaton kept one hand pressing down on her victim's chin while with the other hand she started fondling her spread and wide open crotch!

Courtney began slowly inserting her fingers into Vanessa's increasingly wet snatch; the actress now trapped in a delirious state of pain and pleasure as her spine was further broken backward yet also with her sex percolating with pre-cum in a mounting shameful arousal. Eaton expertly kept the move locked in and kept increasing the tempo and intensity of her fingering all while keep Vanessa awake and conscious of everything that was happening and all the eyes watching until finally, and perhaps even mercifully, she couldn't take it anymore and Vanessa exploded in orgasm, twitched and spazzed for a few seconds and then immediately zonked out from both immense sexual bliss and extreme humiliation. Courtney had a sinister glee on her face the whole time even surprising herself with how much she enjoyed physically breaking and sexually dominating another girl as she kept pumping her fingers in and out of Vanessa's now soaked crotch even when it was clear the poor loser was in la-la land. She finally flipped Vanessa off her knees so she landed face-down on the ground in small puddle of her own juices and, in one last macabre touch of Halloween humiliation, Courtney retrieved her prop toy axe and shoved the "blade" right in Vanessa's sticking up asscrack for a fittingly gory final image!

Kendall Jenner vs. Madison Pettis


Kendall had just learned the hard way that the pint-sized Madison packed a mighty punch! The leggy model was in her typically haughty mood appropriately dressed as a cold and calculated fembot dressed in a scandalously skimpy and see-through pink top that barely reached down enough to cover her frilly white panties underneath. She had purposely gone with this costume to accentuate her tall and slim figure against Pettis who stood much shorter and lacked the supermodel body of Jenner but what she lacked in elegance she sure made up for in strength! With her comically long weave of hair and her loud sparkly boots, Madison was not at all intimidated by Jenner's height advantage and steely demeanor and instead used her opponent's misplaced arrogance to further motivate her to teach the snobby model a lesson to never underestimate her opponent both literally and figuratively!

After a shockingly one-sided beatdown that culminated in Madison practically snapping Kendall in two pieces over her knee for a spine-snapping backbreaker, the broken model was on the verge of blacking out completely. Pettis was mostly satisfied with her handiwork this Halloween evening but still wanted an official submission out of Kendall, the arrogant and stuck-up loser admitting to her own failure, and with that in mind Madison scooped the snapped Jenner off her knee. After depositing Jenner down on her stomach, Madison grabbed both her legs up and tied them into a knot before leaning forward and hooking both of Kendall's arms to hoist her high in the air for a scorpion crosslock! Kendall's lanky body was displayed in all her contorted glory as she could only start bawling uncontrollably and profusely pleading her surrender which finally pleased Madison who paraded her squashed victim around to all the spectators giving plenty the opportunity to snap a picture documenting the pint-sized diva's dominance forever.

Ariel Winter vs. Paris Berelc & Kelli Berglund


For the final costume themed match of the Halloween season, it was a special treat as two Disney BFF's worked together to try and take down sitcom star Ariel in a Handicap Match! Both cuties certainly looked sultry and sexy in their devilish costumes while Ariel went with a more simple tribute of one of her favorite actresses Michelle Pfeiffer from Scarface wearing her iconic deep blue evening gown complete with a prop cigarette! The crowd was more than ready to witness a prime slice of double jobber squashing and Winter would live up to her hype!

What followed was a total slaughter. Paris and Kelli purposely chose their costumes not only because they looked incredible in them but also to help themselves look more intimidating and spicy. They were tired of being known as pushover Disney girls and wanted to show that they had some moxie and venom to dish out, but all they proved to be were easy pickings for Ariel to toss around like complete ragdolls! It didn't take long before Berelc's tight red leather mini-dress was yanked down and off her body leaving the mortified devil in just a velvet red bra and thong while Kelli's more complex outfit proved difficult to strip but she was still just as easy to dominate! Winter pulled off incredible feats of destruction locking the two weaklings up in double bearhugs, a double stacked sharpshooter and even pulling off a spectacular torture rack/backbreaker combo with Kelli draped high across her shoulders and the stripped Paris dropped over her knee. Ariel kept both defeated girls displayed before upping the ante by flipping Kelli high up in the air and sending her crashing down head-first right on Berelc's soft and outstretched belly! Berglund comically bounced up in the air from the impact of her noggin getting slammed down into her partners belly who remained broken over Ariel's knee and now with an aching stomach.

Ready to finish both her victims off, Ariel hoisted Paris off her knee and over her shoulders in a sit-down position before slamming her down in an effortlessly thunderous powerbomb that laid Berelc out and spread-eagled in her undies looking like she had just been bulldozed. Winter walked over to Kelli who was withering on the mat holding her head in pain and began finally stripping off that costume impressively ripping it completely to shreds like black confetti scattered around the ring and even tugged both her lace stockings down and off her squirming legs leaving her completely naked! The previous slam onto the belly of Paris gave Ariel the sinister idea for this final act of domination as she scooped up the already crying Kelli and flipped her upside down in a piledriver position. The crowd roared in anticipation as Ariel walked over to hold Kelli right over her flattened BFF before dropped Berglund head-first again except this time square on Paris' panty-covered crotch! Paris bounced up cross-eyed from the intense pain in her coochie before landing back down to the mat completely zonked out and Kelli would soon crash down right atop of her in an amazing 69 position! The naked Kelli was draped atop of Paris with her bare pussy right in Berelc's face while Berglund was laying down with her features smothered by her partner's crotch-covered snatch. Ariel looked down and placed one of her feet on Kelli's upturned and pale-white booty for the concluding victory pose over her two demolished playthings to conclude yet another spooktacular Halloween season!


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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #331 on: April 01, 2019, 03:09:19 PM »
How about Fox News sexpot, Andrea Tantaros, being stripped naked and dominated by CNN's, Brooke Baldwin !


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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #332 on: April 02, 2019, 11:11:47 AM »
If you're still taking requests:

Dylan Dreyer beat down by Stephanie Abrams
Karina Smirnoff beat down by Cheryl Burke
Khloe Kardashian beat down by Nicky Hilton
Julianne Hough beat down by her BFF Nina Dobrev


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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #333 on: April 16, 2019, 06:40:14 AM »
Gal Gadot vs. Brie Larson

What started as an innocent “Women in Comics” panel at a comic convention quickly devolved as the voracious, mostly male audience in attendance started to notice each of the women at the panel getting mighty defensive in regards to the Q and A portion. The questions shifted accordingly to seemingly rile the two young actresses up more and more, questions targeted at the women’s respective physical fitness seemed to especially get under Brie Larson’s skin. But the final straw came when a member of the audience directly asked Gadot if: “out of character, woman to woman how easily could you kick Brie’s ass.” Gadot could only laugh in response, “well it definitely wouldn’t be much of a fight.” Larson’s face went red with both embarrassment and rage before she stormed off backstage to cool her head.

On the way to her dressing room, Larson noticed Gadot’s own dressing room door open as Gal continued to answer questions for the audience on stage. A devilish idea came across Larson’s mind and she quickly enters Gal’s dressing room to wait for her to sneak attack the woman who had upstaged her on stage. Once in the room though Larson immediately started getting cold feet, “what am I doing here?” Brie ashamedly asked herself. “That’s a good question, what are you doing here Captain Loser?” Brie nearly jumped out of her skin turning around to face Gadot standing in the doorway facing her. Gal looked fierce in her tight leather pants and white blouse, Larson’s face flushed red yet again in embarrassment. “Umm, I was just going,” Brie said trying to walk past Gal with her head down. Larson was less dressed up in a pair of tight blue jeans and a bright red shirt. Brie walked right up to Gal but she didn’t budge. Brie looked up at Gal who looked back to her with one raised eyebrow. Gal rolled her eyes and stepped out of the way, Brie paused for a moment before making her way back towards the door.

Out of nowhere Brie’s scalp burned as Gadot took two handfuls of her blonde hair and yanked her backwards back into the dressing room slamming the back of her head down onto the floor. Larson yelped out in pain as her head bounced off the floor. Gal kicked the door closed behind them, and reached down and grabbed Larson by the hair again dragging the dazed woman to the center of the room, “you need to learn to respect your fans Captain Loser, they weren’t done asking you questions about how you’d get your ass kicked. Maybe I can answer some of them for them.” Gal said as she dragged Brie by the hair. Gal let go and started stomping down on Larson’s body with her high heels.

Brie shrieked out in pain as Gal’s sharp heels stabbed into her, “Stop!” she cried out. Gadot ignored the blonde’s pleas and continued stomp down the Larson’s chest. One of Gadot’s heels ripped a hole into Larson’s top as Gadot took a step back from her blonde counterpart. “Oops, let me help you with that,” Gal said insincerely as she bent down a got a hold of Brie’s top before ripping it away from her body, leaving Brie in a simple black bra and her tight blue jeans. Brie instinctually covered up as she curled into a pathetic ball on the floor, partially stripped and covered in marks from Gadot’s stomps. “We have a panel to finish sweetie.” Gadot said ominously as she pulled Brie up to her feet by her hair.

Gal wrapped her arm around Brie’s head, under her armpit and dragged her along with her back towards the stage. Brie hardly had any idea where she was at this point as Gal squeezed her head and pulled her along, Larson weakly slapped at her opponent, futilely trying to free herself. Suddenly a bright light beamed into Brie’s eyes and she heard an approving roar from a crowd. “No, let me go!” Brie started to really panic now as she realized what Gal was doing. Gadot obliged and pushed Brie forward, sending her tumbling onto her hands and knees in the center of the stage. Brie stared out to the huge crowd like a deer in headlights, once she collected herself she covered her chest and hopped to her feet to run back behind the curtains. Instead she ran into the waiting hands of Gadot who, in an amazing show of strength, lifted Brie up over her head with one hand around her throat and another on her warm crotch. Gal carried Brie forward towards the table as the blonde begged and whined. Gal pumps Larson up a couple of times over her head in front of the panel table, before tossing her forward dropping her harshly onto the wooden table with her ass out to the crowd.

The drop knocked the wind out of Larson’s lungs as she laid across the table, now only wishing for this nightmare to end. Gal had other ideas however as she hopped up onto the table and took a seat on Larson’s back, facing her lower half. Gadot reached around and unbuttoned Brie’s tight jeans, and slowly slid them down her legs, only to reveal… a pair of Wonder Woman panties hidden underneath. The crowd erupted in laughter at the sight of the once proud Larson, repping her dominators panties. Gal had to stifle her own laughter at Larson’s unfortunate choice of attire, Gadot grabbed the top of Brie’s panties and wedged them between her pale ass cheeks before raining down some spanks on Larson’s defenseless ass. Tears made Brie’s makeup run as she openly sobbed on the panel table, the most humiliating moment of her life being displayed to an eager audience.

Once Larson’s ass was sufficiently tanned, Gal shifted her position and grabbed a microphone. “Now I don’t think we were quite finished with our Q & A before Brie. How about we finish it up? First off how does it feel to be completely exposed Captain Loser?” Gal held the microphone up to Brie’s sobbing face, allowing the entire convention to hear Larson’s pathetic cries. Brie stifled back some of her tears long enough to answer, “It feels ter- terrible, I’m so sorry, please let me go!” Larson cried into the microphone. Gal mostly ignored her response and opened the Q & A back up to the audience. Larson was bombarded with questions like; “How stupid do you have to be to pick a fight with god damn Wonder Woman?” and “Do you normally wear underwear to match the people kicking your ass?” After about half an hour Gadot finally seemed satisfied with Brie finishing up the Q & A. “I just need you to do one more thing for me Captain Loser,” Gal whispered her orders into Larson’s ear and then held the mic up to her tear soaked face waiting for her to complete her orders. Larson sniffled back some tears and then complied, “I’m Captain Loser and Wonder Woman is superior to me in every way.” Gal dropped the mic and popped off of her broken opponent, who stayed curled up on the table sobbing as the convention hall emptied.



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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #334 on: April 16, 2019, 08:38:20 AM »
Scream Queen Battle: Jessica Rothe vs. Andi Matichak

*** Warning this one gets a little brutal ***

The crowd settled in for the featured bout of the night, a modern scream queens battle between Jessica Rothe and Andi Matichak. Both of the competitors were dead set on proving that they were more than just a pretty face in some cheap horror movies. Jessica Rothe made her entrance first in a black skintight leotard that showed off her tight fit body as she made her way down the entrance ramp and into the ring to wait for her opponent. Before Andi could make her entrance though, Jessica grabbed a mic to give the crowd some of her mind. “I’m ready, send that pipsqueak whore out here to get her ass kicked!” The blonde tossed the mic away as she went to her corner to start stretching.

Her words didn’t seem to carry much weight with the audience but they certainly seemed to reverberate with her opponent. Andi Matichak made her way out from behind the curtains meekly, seemingly intimidated by her opponent’s words. Dressed in a sky blue tank top and a pair of tight grey yoga pants. Jessica sized up her opponent with each hesitant step she made towards the ring, Andi wouldn’t even meet her gaze as she walked towards the ring with her eyes down. Andi hopped up onto the apron and slowly stepped through the ropes into the ring finally looking across the ring to her opponent, she saw the fire in the eyes of her blonde opponent which only made her regret her decision to debut tonight even more.

Andi settled into her corner to warm up, all the while Jessica kept her eyes locked on the younger brunette. The referee had the two women meet in the center of the ring to explain the rules and give them a chance to shake hands in a sign of respect before the match started. Andi innocently held out her hand for a handshake before the blonde cruelly slapped it away. “You see all of these people,” Jessica said motioning towards the crowd, “I’m gonna end your career in front of all of them.” The cocky blonde returned to her corner leaving the brunette stunned in the middle, suddenly the ref signaled for the bell to start the match. Andi looked up just in time to see the blonde charging for her at full speed, Andi panicked and dropped down to the floor covering up. Rothe had no time to adjust her speed as she ran right into Andi, smashing her knee into Andi’s elbow. “Auuughhh!” Jessica cried out in pain as her knee painfully slammed into Andi’s elbow, Jessica collapsed in a heap passed Andi clutching her knee in pain.

Andi slowly uncovered, not really understanding what just happening, when she looked down to see her blonde opponent in a heap at her feet a devilish smile came across her face. “Please, ref please, I can’t fight, my knee—“ Andi bent down and started to pull Jessica up to her feet, or foot as she couldn’t put any weight onto her right leg. “Please! Andi my knee is really hurt, I’m done,” Andi gave the older blonde a sympathetic look right before sending a devastating oblique kick into Jessica’s injured knee. “Ahhhhhh!” Jessica cried out, “Please no more!” Andi seemingly launched into a rage as she started to brutally stomp down onto the older woman’s already injured knee. Jessica begged and pleaded as she tried to protect her leg from Andi’s onslaught. Andi reached down and grabbed Jessica by her right ankle, pulling it away from the blonde, “Remember how you said you were going to end my career tonight hag?” Andi said while holding onto Rothe’s leg, “No, please no…” Jessica cried with fear in her eyes.

Andi sent swift kicks into Jessica’s already injured leg, relentlessly slamming her with kicks as Jessica howled in pain. The crowd approvingly watched the cocky blonde get put in her place by her younger opponent. “I’m gonna really give her something to scream about!” Andi yelled out to the crowd, her confidence now sky high as she had Jessica in the worst position in her life. Andi then rolled Jessica’s leg around and fell down to the mat with her, locking her injured leg in a devastating figure four leg lock. Tears now freely flowed from Jessica’s eyes as she screamed bloody murder and slapped the mat in submission, it wouldn’t give her any relief of course, this match ended when the winner said it ended and Matichak didn’t seem intent on ending it anytime soon for her previously cocky opponent.

Andi held the hold on Jessica’s battered leg as Jessica lay on her back in anguish in the center of the ring, her face soaked in her own tears. Tension in the arena grew, as the crowd shifted from enjoying watching the loud mouth blonde get put in her place, to the crowd beginning to feel uncomfortable with the amount of punishment that Andi was dishing out. But if Andi noticed, she certainly didn’t care as she sat up while keeping the figure four going and started slamming her fist down onto Jessica’s injured knee. Jessica’s face contorted from the new level of pain as her cries were renewed from Andi’s shift in attack. “Pl- please Andi, my knee! I won’t be able to walk!” Jessica cried as Andi beat down on her knee. “Shut up you pathetic hag!” Andi shouted to her victim.

Andi suddenly let go of her hold and threw Jessica’s leg away, Andi casually got up to her feet and watched Jessica try to crawl away from her. “Please help me!” Rothe cried towards the ref, who only backed away and shrugged her shoulders in response. “And where do you think you’re going?” Andi asked as she stalked her prey. Jessica panicked and crawled as fast as she could towards the ropes, just before she reached her freedom, Andi snatched her ankle yet again and dragged her back into the center of the ring. “Noooo!” Jessica cried out.

Andi ignored her opponent and moved her leg under her armpit and took a seat on Jessica’s back, locking her into a brutal single leg Boston crab. Jessica frantically slapped the mat in submission again, but it fell on deaf ears as Andi cranked back further and further on Jessica’s battered leg. Jessica cried into the mat, pathetically begging for her torture to end, but Andi was seemingly just getting started as she set up to shift her attack yet again. Andi clawed away at the crotch of Rothe’s leotard, ripping it apart and exposing Jessica’s snatch to the now uncomfortable crowd. “Please no…” Jessica begged but Andi launched right into a devastating crotch claw on her exposed opponent. Jessica shrieked louder than she had ever before as Andi settled into her dual holds. Jessica’s mind exploded in pain as she was brought to levels of pain and humiliation that she never thought were possible. Out of nowhere Jessica’s knee gave out a loud “POP” and she passed out from the intense pain. Andi felt Jessica go limp under her while she still had both the single leg Boston crab and the crotch claw locked in.

Andi dropped Jessica back into a heap as she laid on the mat, totally unconscious under Andi. “Ready for the end of your career,” Andi taunted her unconscious prey. She reached down and grabbed Jessica by the hair, dragging her towards the very ropes she had desperately crawled for before. Andi pulled Jessica’s limp body up and laid her against the ropes, Andi then got to work tying off Rothe’s arms in the ropes. Once both of Jessica’s arms were tied off in the ropes Andi took a step back to admire her handiwork. Jessica’s slumbering face was soaked in both tears and anguish, her once immaculate leotard was ripped to expose both her tight ass and her battered pussy. But Andi thought she was still a little overdressed as Andi stepped forward and ripped Jessica’s leotard open, exposing both of her perky tits to the world. Jessica’s face slumped down towards her own chest as Andi set herself up for the big finish.

Andi sent some sharp slaps to the older blonde’s sleeping face until she started to come to. Andi grabbed Jessica’s face in her hand and made her look up at her as Jessica struggled against the ropes, “Now I want you to do what you do best for me, I want you to scream!” Andi turned around so that her ass was facing Jessica and she reached down to pull Jessica’s injured leg up between Andi’s own legs, “No, PLEASE DON’T!” Jessica screamed just in time for Andi to drop her bodyweight right down onto Jessica’s outstretched knee. An earsplitting scream escaped from Rothe’s body as her already decimated knee was given one last dose of extreme punishment. Andi stood up and looked down at Jessica who howled in pain and horror, now it was Jessica couldn’t meet Andi’s gaze as she stared at her broken opponent. Andi stepped through the very ropes Jessica was trapped in, giving her tight ass a playful spank on her way out. “I’d tell you to stay out of my way, but I don’t think I need to worry about you getting back into the ring again.” Andi left Jessica tied up, stripped and destroyed in the silent arena.





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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #335 on: April 17, 2019, 01:22:32 PM »
Great job. Don’t really know these girls. Thanks for introducing them to me.



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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #336 on: December 15, 2019, 08:29:17 PM »
Victoria Justice vs. Emma Watson- Bra & Panties Paddle Spanking Match


These two young celebs have been feuding for months and they are now going to settle their differences in a catfight at a Pay Per View wrestling event in Emmas hometown of Oxfordshire, England! The arena was sold out and the fans were waiting in anticipation for the match. Victoria Justice's theme song, California Girls by Katy Perry, sounded throughout the arena and she came seductively walking to the ring, she was greeted by cheers from the crowd. Victoria looked stunning in her light blue cut-off shirt exposing her soft tummy and her tight faded and ripped jeans showcasing her long legs. Justice entered the ring, got a microphone and said, "Wow the rumors about England are true! Obviously none of you own a toothbrush and if you do it's obvious you don't know how to use it!" The crowd erupted in boo's as Victoria made it clear that she didn't want to be here! She yelled, "You know what England? You all can kiss my.." Victoria was cut off by an eruption of applause as a very angry Emma Watson came running to the ring!

Emma looked stunning in her classy light pink top, black yoga pants, and bare feet! She got in the ring and screamed at Victoria, "NO ONE talks to MY fans that way! In fact since want to make things personal how about we raise the stakes?" Victoria said, "What did you have in mind?" Emma calmly replied, "How about we make this match a Bra and Panties, Paddle on a Pole Match? That is if your not too scared!" Emma was staring daggers at Victoria. Justice asked, "How would that even work?" Emma replied, " It's very simple, even for someone as stupid as you can figure it out, but I'll tell you the rules. When I strip you of those trashy rags that you call clothes and your left in just your bra and panties, I'm going to grab that wooden paddle that's on the floor outside of the ring and I'm going to use it to spank your butt until you cry!" Victoria smirked at Emma, "Oh, you're soo on little girl!! We'll just see who will be spanking who" What happens first in the match?

Emma ran at Victoria grabbing a handful of her hair and threw her forcefully down to the mat. Victorias head hit with so much force it bounced twice. Emma then proceeded to rain slap after slap onto Victorias pretty face, turning her cheeks bright red. Emma said " Aww I turned your cheeks red. Lets see if I can't turn your other cheeks red!" And with that Emma flipped Victoria over and smacked away at her butt as hard as she could. Victoria shouted in pain as she kicked her legs and tried to swat away Emma's hands.

Victoria groans in pain as she holds her chest. Emma kicks her in the stomach and delivers a brutal DDT, driving Victoria's beautiful face hard into the mat! Emma kicks Victoria over onto her back and grabs the bottom of Victoria's top. Emma viciously ripped her top up and over Victoria's head, revealing a dainty powder blue bra! Emma held Victoria's top in her hand and spun it around above her head and tossed it to the floor. Victoria frantically tried to cover up her now exposed breasts. Victoria was in complete shock and her cheeks burned with humiliation. She wildly swung her fist at Emma but missed! Emma sent the humiliated diva to the mat with a dropkick to the humiliated Victoria's chest! Emma stood over her opponent while she pointed and laughed at her!

Victoria sneaks behind Emma and gives her a low blow! While she was on the ground in pain Victoria rips off Emma's yoga pants and throws them on the ground leaving the devastated Watson in a dainty, light pink, cotton panties! Emma frantically tried to cover up her butt and crotch. Victoria laughed at her humiliated opponent. Emma, furious from being stripped, grabs a thick handful of Victoria's hair and sends her flying into a turnbuckle. While the dazed American leaned against the turnbuckle, Emma ran at her at full speed and sent a devastating dropkick to Victoria's chest! Victoria let out a groan as she fell to a sitting position, with her head resting against the bottom turn buckle. She was in the perfect position to Emma's finishing move, the bronco buster! Emma smiled while she ran, jumped up, spread her legs wide, and smashed her crotch into Victoria's horrified face! She made sure to grind herself over every inch of the formally cocky beauty's face! The humiliated Victoria wished she hadn't stripped off Emma's bottoms since her panties didn't provide much of a barrier between Emma's groin and her face!

Emma takes the groggy Victoria, who looks like she can barely stand, and sends a devastating kick to her temple, knocking the brunette to the floor. Emma sat on her opponents stomach, facing the Americans feet, and unbuttoned her daisy dukes, then with one swift yank, Watson ripped off Victoria's jeans clean off her body!! The mortified Victoria was now ownly wearing a dainty powder blue bra and matching string thong! The brunette frantically tried to cover her exposed body! Tears of humiliation running down her face! While Emma was celebrating Victoria grabbed the paddle and swung it at Watson. Emma ducked and sent her down with a vicious kick to her crotch! While Victoria was on the ground Emma grabbed Victoria's ankles, spread them wide and stomped on the losers crotch while Victoria howled in pain!

Emma received the wooden paddle from the referee and walked over to Victoria who she threw on the mat so that she was on all fours. Victoria was babbling like a baby and pleading with Emma, "p..p.puhlease d.don't do this!" Emma smiled into Victoria's tear stained face, grabbed her by the hair, so she wouldn't go anywhere, she then grabbed the waistband of Victorias thong and harshly yanked up, giving her a huge wedgie! Emma made sure the audience got a very good look at Victoria's butt before she took the paddle and viciously whacked Victoria's butt with it! The brunette howled and screamed in pain as Emma spanked her over and over again, the audience laughed at her destruction! Emma turned Victoria's butt bright red! She threw down the paddle, kicked Victoria on her back and squatted over Victorias face, she hovered her thong clad rear over Victorias horrified face before she engulfed the brunettes protesting and crying face in her butt, her muffled screams could be heard underneath Watson! Watson made sure to grind back and forth over Victorias beautiful features. When Watson was done she stood up and looked down at the broken girl one last time, smiled and left, leaving behind her a humiliated and broken Victoria Justice in the ring!


Offline Maizenblue

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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #337 on: December 17, 2019, 12:29:40 PM »
Great story. Keep it up.


Offline takeshiP

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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #338 on: May 28, 2021, 11:15:49 AM »
This is amazing!


Offline mayberry

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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #339 on: July 21, 2021, 05:43:38 AM »
I’d love to see a sexual catfight between Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, with Amy dominating!


Offline bthcool

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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #340 on: July 21, 2021, 03:12:24 PM »
I’d love to see a sexual catfight between Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, with Amy dominating!
Yeah I wouldn't bro >:(


Offline Maizenblue

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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #341 on: December 21, 2022, 07:55:25 PM »
Great story and happy to see this thread working again.


Offline Brandi Lungelow

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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #342 on: July 05, 2023, 12:18:40 AM »
I like the hilary vs Victoria story. Part two is where Victoria accepts that Hillary stole her boyfriend and completely submits to her.


Offline Maizenblue

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Re: One Sided Celebrity fight stories!
« Reply #343 on: July 05, 2023, 01:03:25 AM »
Please let there be a 2nd part where Hillary and the boyfriend continue beating and humiliating Victoria.