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Maturefighter-Mother-in-law vs daughter-in-law milf-young woman

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Offline MistressVicky

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My daughter in law has a big fuckin mouth, and she isn't treating my son the way he deserves to be treated, and she talks a lot of shit.  I am always suspicious of where she is and what she does, especially because she's always walking around the pool in her skimpy little bathing suits with her tits hanging halfway out, and the more drinks she has in her, the more flirtatious the little bitch gets.

Last Saturday was one of the days she clearly had a little too much to drink, and she was acting quite like the slut. I was quite embarrassed and I was sitting with my 19 year old neighbor Princess and even she thought that my stupid daughter in law was out of hand. I have had enough and I get to my feet and walk across to the area where the patio for the bathrooms is. The slut is standing there, bent over, showing her tits to some guy while talking to him. I admit I was pissed, and I grabbed her by her arm and jerked her standing up straight and away from the guy. I was trying to not make a scene so in a low, angry voice I said, “it's time for you to go inside and straighten up. You had enough to drink for today.”  All my sense of not being embarrassed went away as my daughter in law, wrenches her arm out of my hand screaming, “get your hands off of me you fuckin old cow. The next time you put your hands on me you fat fuckin whore, I'll knock every tooth out of your mouth and punch your face in. Perhaps if you had a fuckin man that would even touch an old cow like you, you would stay out of my business.”

That was it. I slapped her “bam,” right across her face with my right hand, swinging her face sideways from the force of my hard smack, and I think I took her totally off guard as she put her hand to her face which was red now, and she turned to face me with anger in her eyes screaming, “that's it you fat cold cow.” I could hear everyone in the crowded pool area screaming, as she lunges at me grabbing my hair with her right hand as she slips her left foot behind my legs and she pushed me over onto my back, and I scream “AAAHHH,” as my back crashes down against the concrete. The young slut is right on me, crashing her little ass down onto my stomach she knocks some of the air out of me, and I cough and gasp for air. This crazy young bitch starts to pummel me. She balls both of her fists up hard and tight and she starts to punch me in my face. First with her right fist “bam,” she punches my left eye, and then with her left fist, “bam,” she punches my right eye. Instantly my eyes start to swell up and turn black and blue. The stupid little bitch screams, “I'm going to blacken both of your eyes you fat cow.” She starts, right fist left eye, left fist right eye, “bam, bam,” but my hands are free and I reach up and I grab the little slut's hair with both of my hands trying to pull her off of me. She stops punching me and she grab onto my bikini top to try and maintain her balance, but I'm 35 lbs heavier then the little slut, and I'm bigger and I'm stronger than her, and I manage to pull her off of me, while she manages to pull my bikini top off of me exposing my big, sexy tits to everyone and the crowd is screaming.” She grabs my hair and the two of us start pulling out each other's hair as we start rolling back and forth and back and forth across the cement like a catfight.

The crowd is cheering and cheering as first one of us is on top, then the other, back and forth and back and forth until finally I manage to use my size and strength to over power her, and I get on top of her. I have done this before and I raise my ass up and then I plop it down onto her stomach, and now “OOOFFF,” she's the one coughing and gasping for air, and then while she is busy trying to catch her breath, I grab the stupid little slut's wrists and I hold them down to the cement, and then I raise up over her, pinning her arms with my knee's. I render my skinny little daughter in law totally helpless and now I'm in charge, and now I really want to teach this little bitch some respect.   

I ball up my fists hard and tight and I scream, “Now who's eyes are going to be punched black and blue you bitch.” I start “left fist, “bam, right eye, right fist, “bam, left eye, “bam, bam, bam, bam,” back and forth. I pummel her eyes until both of her eyes are swollen and black and blue, and now the people, the whole crowd is cheering me, and now I'm thinking perhaps the young slut is feeling embarrassed, and I'm start to get very excited and confident. I”m getting cocky and I'm thinking of ways I can really humiliate this stupid young whore bitch. She starts bucking and kicking and screaming, “Get off of me you fat cow, get off of me you fat fuckin whore.” She manages to free her hand, but she pissed me off and I grab her head and I yank it up off of the ground, and then I shove it back down, “bang,” right against the cement screaming, 'I'm going to make you see stars you stupid little bitch, and then I'm going to humiliate you just like you humiliate me and my son. When I'm finished with you whore, you're going to be my fuckin maid, and you're going to worship every inch of my body with your tongue. You're going to be my whore.”

The little slut has long sharp fingernails and she grabs at my face with them. I'm even more infuriated and I wrench her head up and I shove it back down again and I smack it “bang,” right against the cement again, and for a split second I have the stupid young whore bitch seeing stars, but her left hand with her long, sharp fingernails are at my face again, making me lean back, but luckily I was able to regain my balance and I manage to grab the stupid little bitch's wrist. I start struggling hard, trying to hold her wrist back down to the ground. She's struggling hard too until her wrist just buckles and I lean forward, shoving her wrists down to the ground, but as I do, this fuckin little slut raises her head up off of the cement, and she clamps her teeth down right onto her left breast. “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH,” I let out a bloodcurdling scream as no one has ever tried to rip an important piece of my anatomy off of my body before, and with all my reserve I manage to yanks her head up and “bang,” smash it into the conrete again, allowing her mouth to open as she screams, 'AAHH,” and leap up off of the little bitch onto my back on the ground, massaging my aching, bloody breast and rolling from side to side with tears welling in my eyes. I cry out, 'You bit me, you fuckin bit me, look at this you fuckin dog, you made me bleed.” 

My daughter in law got her skull knocked against the concrete, and she's slowly sitting up and trying to knock the cob webs out of her head. This fuckin skinny little bitch has bit my tit, and the pain is horrendous as I start to try to overcome the pain and get to my feet. The fuckin nerve of this fuckin young whore biting me.” I see my daughter in law sitting up, and slowly I start to try and stand up, managing to pull my hand away from my bloody aching breast just long enough to push myself up.” The young slut is up too, and her legs are all wobbly, and she's stumbling and swaying back and forth. I overcome my pain and I hold both of my fists up like a man screaming, “alright, you wanna fight, you really wanna fight, I'll fuckin fight you whore. Let's settle this once and forth all. The young slut raises her fists up too, and the crowd goes quite, everyone is really excited and they can't wait to see what's going to happen next, as the two of us just stand there, both of us with our fists raised up like two men ready to fist fight, until she comes after me. I see her right fist coming right at my face, and I almost have to laugh as I manage to raise my left hand up and catch her wrist in mid air,” but I'm not the one laughing as she sends her left fist plowing “bang, right into my nose, snapping my head back and making my nose bleed, causing me to stumble backwards on my high heels. She comes after me again, and I see it, and I try to block it, BUT I CAN'T, and the little slut's fist plows hard into my nose again, and now blood is really rolling from my nose as I stumble backwards on my high heels until I almost bang into the wall of the building.

The stupid bitch is crazy now and she comes right after me with her right fist pulled all the way back, but before she has a chance to throw her punch, I jump right at her, wrapping my hands through her hair and I spin her around and run her back the few steps until “bang,” the young slut's head hits the cement wall. All of a sudden my adrenaline is pumping, and my pussy is getting hot and moist, and I start “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering this young blonde slut's head over and over again against the cement wall until the little whore gets this totally shocked and startled look on her face as she starts crying out, “ALRIGHT, STOP, STOP ENOUGH, YOU WIN.” I yank her head forward and I hold her face just inches from my face while I scream right into her face, “How fuckin dare you tell me when to stop, who do you think you are telling me when you had enough. I'll tell you when you had enough, and right now I am far from finished with you yet,” and I had to laugh, because for one of the first times ever since I've known this fuckin big mouth, she didn't say a word, she was just too fuckin startled.

I'm clearly winning at this point, not too bad for an old lady, and my skinny weak little daughter in law is knocked silly, and she's seeing stars, fuckin stars and she doesn't even know where she is any more  I grab her bikini top and I pull it right off of her exposing her tits in front of everyone, and now the crowd is going crazy for me.” I hold my fists up like a man screaming “now I'm going to use those pathetic, little golf ball sized tits of yours as punching bags you stupid bitch.” I start right fist, “bam, left breast, left fist, “bam,” right breast, “bam, bam, bam, bam,” back and forth and back and forth, I”m using this young slut's little tits as punching bags. The crowd is screaming and screaming. I punch those little tits until her tits are all swollen and black and blue. Feebly my daughter in law is holding her hands out in front of herself crying out, “stop, please stop,” but I”m still really pissed off and I'm not ready to fugkin stop. I stop hitting her tits screaming, “You are the most disobedient, young skank, and you have no respect for anyone.” I drag the young bitch over to one of the benches and I rip that slut's bikini bottom off of her, exposing that skinny, pathetic body right off of her screaming, “Now I”m going to teach you respect bitch. I've been waiting a long time for this you big mouth.” I grab her hair as I sit down and I pull the weak, skinny young slut right across my lap. I take her right over my knee. I take the open palm of my left hand and I start “over and over again, “bam, bam, bam,” smacking the left cheek of my daughter in law's ass. Then “bam, bam, bam,” smacking her right cheek of her ass. I'm smacking the shit “bam, bam, bam, bam,”  over and over again until first they start to turn pink and red and get all puffy.

My daughter in law had tears welling in her eyes, and she starts crying out, “STOP, PLEASE STOP,” BUT I'm not going to fuckin stop. I just keep on “bam, bam, bam, bam,” over and over again until blood starts rolling from the cuts on her ass from my spanking, and blood is rolling from the cuts, and her ass is all swollen and black and blue. I scream, “I thought you were so fuckin tough you stupid young slut. I thought you were going to beat me up and humiliate me.” I shove her off of my lap, and she falls on the floor. I put my hands on my hips and I start laughing viciously as I scream, “Admit that you're a whore, tell everyone here that you're a stupid, pathetic, weak little whore.” The crowd has gone silent, everyone wants to hear what happens next.” Tears start rolling from her eyes, my weak, pathetic daughter in law starts crying and she starts begging me to let her go, and apologizing to me.” crying out, 'PLEASE, I'M SORRY, PLEASE LET ME GO.”

I WANNA SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF THIS STUPID LITTLE SLUT, She's on her hands and knees trying to get to her feet, so I grab her by her fuckin hair, and I wrenching her standing straight up on her feet, and she screams, “AAAAHHHH,” from the pain of having her hair pulled out of her head. I let go of the young bitch's hair, and my daughter in law starts to stumble on her high heels, on her wobbly, rubbery legs. I step back and I raise my fists like a man again screaming, “Come on bitch, you haven't had enough yet bitch, then put up your fists and fight me. Come on you big mouth, put your fists up and fight me so that I can really punch you silly.” My daughter in law really has to use her hands to maintain her balance, and when she feebly raises her fists up, I send my left fist plowing full force, “bang,” uppercut into my daughter in law's jaw, and you can hear her teeth knock together and chatter in her head, as her head swings straight up on the air, and she stumbles backwards a few steps on her wobbly, rubbery legs. I punched my daughter in law silly, and I made her see fuckin stars, and as her head comes swinging back down, the young blonde bitch is punched silly, her eyes are swimming around in her head. She has to hold her hands out in front of herself trying to maintain her balance, and then she just starts to stumble, and then to sway, first forward and then back, and then she just gets this silly little smile across her face. She has this goofy little grin right across her face.

I hold her up right in front of myself, and the stupid young bitch, she's laughing to herself. She's giggling, so I start to lower her, by her hair onto her back on the cement. Then I sit down right on her stomach. My pussy is quite moist by now and I move up, sliding my moist pussy onto my daughter in laws hard nipple. I laugh as I scream, 'You're right, I do need sex. I do need to have a good orgasm, and you're going to do that for me, you're going to lick me into orgasm you skinny little bitch.” I think the little bitch understands now. She raises her wobbly head up off of the cement, and her eyes are still swimming around in her head as she sticks her tongue out and she starts licking my pussy. “You were right, my pussy needs a good cleaning, and you get the lesson that you need.” She licks my pussy until “OOOOOOWWWWWEEEEE, OOOOOOOOWWWWWEEEEE, OOOOOWWWWEEEE,” I have one explosive orgasm after another, right on my daughter in laws face.   




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Re: Maturefighter-Mother-in-law vs daughter-in-law milf-young woman
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2015, 09:23:25 PM »
Great story!


Offline avocet26

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Re: Maturefighter-Mother-in-law vs daughter-in-law milf-young woman
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2015, 12:51:17 AM »

nicely written, love these stories depicting the older woman proving showing she still has it!