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Finish Her!

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Offline wheelman

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2340 on: November 20, 2022, 10:31:03 AM »
Very entertaining reads!  A fit, athletic gal like Brie would be hard to handle in a catfight.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2341 on: November 20, 2022, 11:53:22 AM »
Totally hot and exciting fights, many thanks.


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2342 on: November 30, 2022, 05:59:15 PM »
Wow. These azre always so fun and entertaining, and of course, a turn on! Great stuff!


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2343 on: December 10, 2022, 09:08:40 PM »

Here are some quick shots, set in the final moments of a match.  The setting is my alternate reality, where celebrity actresses compete in the Hollywood Wrestling Alliance.

There's no back-and-forth struggling here...each beauty is at the moment of being overwhelmed and devastated by her nemesis!  Oh, and this is definitely a day in which the bad girls win.

I hope you enjoy it.   :)

Aly Michalka vs Michelle Trachtenberg


Michelle was quite likely regretting wearing gear with a plunging neckline, as the V-shaped exposure of her skin made for an inviting target, an R.S.V.P. which Aly happily accepted.  With her right fist, she slammed a blow directly between her opponent's breasts, the Heartpunch staggering Trachtenberg with a pained moan. 

Moments later, Michalka smashed home another such blow, resulting in her victim's eyes going glassy and her legs wobbling as she struggled to remain coherent and upright.  The crowd was baying with fury now, enraged that the arrogant blonde was subjecting the beloved Trachtenberg to such a devastating barrage.

The blonde smirked and gave her fist a kiss, and then threw another devastating heartpunch to Michelle's chest.  Aly turned away from her victim and toward the television cameras, beaming a smug smile as she held her hands out to her sides as if to say, "Admit it, I'm awesome!"  The angry roar of the crowd was deafening now, but Michalka acted as if they were cheering her, sneeringly blowing kisses to the audience.  Meantime, Michelle...her eyes now dull and uncomprehending... swayed uncertainly on her feet, and then toppled backward like a felled tree.  She lay there starfished on the canvas, unmoving save for some spasmodic twitches, as Aly now returned her attention to her opponent, walking over to the brunette's side.

Not even bothering to drop down to cover her rival, the blonde arrogantly placed a boot upon Michelle's fast-bruising chest, then with a smirk buffed the fingernails of her right hand against the strap of her own suit and examined them, as if she wasn't even bothering to pay attention to her fallen foe.  The referee made the three count and called for the bell, and medics placed Trachtenberg on a litter to carry her from the ring, the devastated victim of wrestling's self-proclaimed "Heartbreaker".

Kat Dennings vs Keeley Hazell


Kat's head lolled from side to side, her face drenched with perspiration and her eyes growling glassy as a low mewl escaped her lips.
Keely just smiled and purred, "What's the matter, luv...those girls of yours can't take it?"  Kat's only response was a gurgling moan.  The blonde Brit had the American snared tightly in a bearhug, their bosoms pancaking against each other.  But Dennings was the one suffering, as her own 34DDs were pushed against her lungs, preventing her from drawing a decent breath.  Between her gasps for air and the pain of the boa-like bearhug, the brunette's remaining strength quickly ebbed, and her body grew weaker.

Finally her eyes fluttered shut, and with a sobbing sigh, her head fell back.  The referee lifted her right arm once...twice...thrice...and all three times it fell limp, revealing that Kat had been squeezed into semi-consciosness.

The bell clanged to end the match, and with a self-satisfied chuckle, Hazell let her defeated rival go, sending Dennings collapsing to the canvas in a heap.  Keeley cupped her hands under her breasts to give them a little push signify her claim that her 'girls' had proven themselves superior...and then she raised and flexed her arms as she beamed a happy smile., much to the vocal discontent of the fans.

Lacey Chabert vs Emily Osment


Lacey held out for what to her seemed like an eternity.  Trapped in Emily's Boston Crab, the brunette howled in ear-piercing anguish as her spine was agonizingly twisted, her eyes wide with panic as she frantically reached out for the ropes, only to find her grasp fell mere inches too short...but it may as well have been miles.  That eternity was all of twenty seconds before Chabert began shrieking, "STOP!  I GIVE UP!  LET ME GO!" and wildly slapped her palm to the mat to signal her submission.

The referee called for the bell and commanded Osment to release her hold...but the blonde merely gave one of her signature smirks and applied even more pressure to the back-rending hold.  She'd been predicting for weeks that she would destroy Lacey in the ring, and she was going to savor it for as long as possible.  The arena exploded with a deafening roar of boos and catcalls for her viciousness, but she ignored the rabble.

The ref again ordered her to break the hold, and then began counting "ONE...TWO...THREE...FOUR...F...."  Even as the final word began to escape his lips, Emily at last let go of her victim's quivering legs, freeing her in the veritable last instant before certain disqualification.

The brunette sobbed and moaned face-down on the canvas, her right hand reaching behind to clutch her throbbing lower back.  Emily, still smirking, placed a boot on her beaten rival's rear end and hissed at the official, "Raise my arm!" Which he grudgingly did to signify her victory.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2344 on: December 11, 2022, 10:45:37 AM »
Short but definitely sweet! Love it when the bad girls prevail


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2345 on: December 11, 2022, 10:22:02 PM »
Daisey Ridley Vs Jennifer Lawrence[/color]
a garpeth story rewritten as a cat fight


Daisey Ridley awakens naked in a MMA cage in a darkened room. her head swims, her last memory a lap dance from Jennifer Lawrence, who now stands before you, her arms crossed. "Look who's back. You should've learned to keep your hands to yourself. I enforce my no touching policy... and I like to have fun enforcing it, you ugly lesbo bitch." Jennifer locks the cage door behind her. Terrified Daisey looks for a way out but there only one. Jennifer giggles, holding up the key. "Beat me in a fight and you can go free, fail and you'll die." Jennifer smirks, sliding the key in a garter around her thigh. Daisey races at Jennifer only for a high kick to strike her on the chin. Daisey hits the ground, and starts to cry. "Did that hurt? I know you want to get between these thighs so bad..." She teases, struts up to you and rubs her foot on Daisey’s face. "And you will, when I snap your neck with them."

Daisey starts to sob louder, Jennifer Lawrence’s foot crushing her face. Jennifer pulls Daisey to her feet and thrusts her into a cage wall. Jennifer presses her body against her victim, her big boobs flattening the brits’ tiny boobs, Jennifer then leans in and bites her bottom lip, hard. With a chuckle she pulls back then wraps her hands around the brunette’s throat, choking her. Daisey can't pry them loose. "What's wrong? Am I taking your breath away?" Jennifer teases as Daisey gags and sputters. She leans in giving her a deep kiss then flings her to the centre of the cage.

Jennifer Lawrence charges at Daisey and lands a flying knee to her chest. She rides her to the ground and traps her in a schoolgirl pin. "l bet you wish you were on top." She purrs as the brit struggles under the American’s Thighs. "That's it, I love it when the beta girl begs me for mercy." With all of Daisey’s might she push at Jennifer’s thighs and just manages to buck her off. Jennifer gives a surprised yelp as she stumbles back to her feet. The surprise quickly gives way to a sinister smirk.

"Now you're making it fun for me, come here beta bitch." Jennifer beckons Daisey to stand as she back up into a corner. Daisey charges her. Jennifer quickly jumps, grabs the cage ceiling and ensnares Daisey’s neck between her thighs. The key on her garter presses to her neck. "Oh look, you almost got the key! Too bad you're about to die." Jennifer sadistically giggles. Daisey begs for mercy, clawing at the American’s thighs. Jennifer tightens her legs in response. She moans as Daisey cry’s, bites her lip violently twists her hips, breaking the brits neck. She lets Daisey’s body crumple to the mat. Jennifer drops her ass onto her chest, fracturing it. Before sitting on Daisey’s face for several minutes.



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2346 on: December 17, 2022, 03:52:00 PM »
 :o :o :o :o :o :o
fuuuckkk pooor Daisy! Jlaw such a hot heel!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2347 on: January 07, 2023, 07:05:46 PM »

What’s worse than getting beaten in a fight by a girl wearing an ugly bikini?

The riddle had been vexing Ariel Winter for some time now.  The outcome of the match was long since assured by this point, and there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that she was going to be forced to reckon with that question which was being imposed upon her.  And yet, its answer seemed to be in no hurry to reveal itself.  It crept in slowly as it ensnared her, spreading insidiously as it permeated into every fiber of her being.  Ariel would’ve given anything to avoid facing what was in store for her, but her fate rested entirely in the hands of a pitiless foe that showed no signs of letting up anytime soon.

A harsh tug on her head filled her senses with pain for the umpteenth time as it tore yet another loud and pitiful groan from her lips.  Through her haze, she could tenuously discern the sound of cheers and exhortations brought on by the sight of her suffering, but her present state of mind did not permit her to properly appreciate the sentiment.  The afternoon was hot and sunny at the outdoor wave pool that hosted the match – spectators were gathered around its perimeter, while the bulk of the action transpired at the shallow section where there was a sloped entry into the water’s edge.  Presently, the young brunette was lying on her stomach facing away from the deep end with her arms splayed out uselessly in front of her – her opponent was kneeling straddled atop her backside while applying a crude version of camel clutch.  The mechanically-propelled waves sloshed rhythmically across her legs and belly, heightening her misery that much more as her body was being contorted.

Ariel could hardly have envisioned herself in such dire straits in the lead-up to this match.  After all, she was the hottest game in town – a once in a lifetime phenom who captured the imagination like no other.  Likewise, she was also the toughest competitor in the business – she’d run roughshod over the field and cleared it out of virtually all of her would-be opposition.  All those people in attendance, who had come to see the fight?  They were here because of her.  They loved watching her kick ass as she always did.  They’d fawned all over her as she wowed them in a heartpounding black bikini.  Certainly not a one of them cared the slightest bit about her opponent Hunter King, who barely made a blip when she was introduced.  And that garish blue and pink bikini that she’d chosen to wear?  What an eyesore.  It should’ve been easy pickings as they faced off in the shallows – but right from the very start, anything and everything seemed to have gone completely wrong in the worst possible way…

The hands clasped underneath Ariel’s chin clenched tightly as they yet again yanked back to torture her with the hold.  The brunette had long since screamed herself hoarse, and her voice held back none of her distress as it reverberated across the pool environs with each howl that was drawn out of her.  She instinctively pressed her own hands against the ground and tried to push herself up to alleviate the strain, but her efforts brought her zero measure of relief – a cavalcade of cruel punishments over the match’s course had broken her down and left her dead exhausted.  She still wanted to resist, to hold out, and to carry on, but the growing sense of inevitability was unshakable now.  The audience seemed to have arrived at that conclusion quite some time ago – fickle as they were, they now unabashedly were reveling in the spectacle of her downfall.  This ignominy too was one that she had no choice but to bear.

She remained trapped in the hold for some time.  It was hard to say for how long – the pain it inflicted made it feel like an eternity – but the blonde at last released her and allowed her to slump face-forward to the ground.  The brunette sniveled as she tried to pull herself together, but the respite was only fleeting.  Hunter’s hands were soon in her hair and brusquely tugging upwards on the dark locks, compelling her to follow as she was raised up off of the deck and brought to a standing position on unsteady feet.  Hunter took a moment to snake her hands and arms around Ariel’s collar, and then sharply pulled her in as she lifted her leg and thrust the flat of her right thigh into the brunette’s belly.  Ariel gurgled as she had the wind knocked out of her; two right-handed punches to the pit of her stomach swiftly followed and had a similarly pulverizing effect as she whined breathlessly.  She reached out to try and clinch as she slumped forward, but a violent thrust upward of the blonde’s bicep into the point of her chin rebuffed her flatly.

Ariel felt other girl’s left hand as it migrated to seize the right strap of her bikini top – it made a fist and clenched the thin strand tightly as it pressed into her shoulder.  Hunter formed a fist with the other hand as well, and she loaded it up as she clocked the brunette in the face with it.  Ariel’s head was kicked back as she reeled on her unsteady legs, but the blonde stayed on top of her with the handhold intact.  A second and a third punch followed and smacked the brunette on the cheek and mouth, rocking her that much more.  Ariel’s lights were fading as she staggered back, but she briefly found her senses as her eyes met Hunter’s – the blonde’s gaze was hard as it pierced into her with a laserlike focus, driven by an all-consuming intent of breaking the brunette down.  Moments later, a fourth punch landed squarely on the chin to send her crashing to the ground.

Lying spread-eagle on her back as the ankle-deep waves of water washed over her and receded, Ariel stared vacantly upwards as she began to come around.  Perhaps she’d gone out when she was dropped; if so, she had no way of telling for how long.  There was a presence that was looming over her, difficult to discern at first, but one that came into sharper relief as Hunter straddled her waist and leaned forward to consume her entire view.  The blonde’s hands reached down and caressed the breadth of her sizeable breasts, but then tightened into a death grip as they began to squeeze and gouge into them with all of the malice that could be exerted.  Ariel wailed at the top of her lungs; she grabbed and tugged at the blonde’s wrists as she squirmed and kicked her feet, but it was for naught as her already-ravaged tits bore the full weight of her foe’s ire.  Agonized screams quickly descended into unrestrained sobs as the pain proved to finally be more than what she could bear; she was powerless to deter Hunter from taking anything and everything that she could ever dream of.  The blonde put an exclamation point on her dominance with a set of quick punches that hammered Ariel’s tits and pushed her past any semblance of coherent resistance as she wailed aloud piteously.

Brushing aside the brunette’s hands and the last vestiges of resistance along with them, Hunter lowered herself down to bring the fight to its conclusion.  Ariel was barely cognizant as the coup de grace befell her, reacting only as the curvaceous swell of the blonde’s bosom pressed down against her face.  Those hulking jugs molded themselves snugly against her countenance, while the blonde’s hands and arms encircled her head to squeeze and pull her in tightly  Ariel could do little more than offer a few muffled whimpers and push meekly with her hands at Hunter’s hips as the breath-stealing hold ushered her into unconsciousness.

What’s worse than getting beaten in a fight by a girl wearing an ugly bikini?

That ugly bikini being the last thing you see when she’s shoving it in your face as she smothers you out.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2348 on: January 31, 2023, 02:42:30 AM »
(This is the first part of a series of Finish Her posts requested by a friend.)


Emma Watson versus Lindsey Pelas

No one had expected the beach brawl to be over so quickly.

What had begun as an early qualifier for 2023's Queen of the Beach tournament had turned into one of the fastest squashes in the history of the event. Emma Watson had entered the qualifier full of confidence, sure in herself that she would be able to easily dispatch the woman standing across the beach from her. Lindsey Pelas was just an airhead, she had decided, a blonde bimbo with more boobs than brains. Lindsey might have been thicker and heavier than her, but in Emma's mind that just meant that she was going to be an easier target, a sitting duck that she could quickly take down.

She was wrong. She was oh so very wrong.

Lindsey could see it in Emma's face, the disdain that the Harry Potter star had for her. She could see that Emma was already underestimating her. That was Emma's first mistake, and the only mistake that she would get to make, as long as Lindsey had anything to say about it. The thing was, was that Emma was right about one thing: Lindsey did have more boobs than brains, but Lindsey was experienced, and she had the skills to put those tits to use. She knew just how to use them to finish off even the strongest of opponents.

So, when the bell rang to begin the match, and Emma came charging recklessly across the sand for her, Lindsey was ready. She was more than prepared to handle the foolish woman. Emma came charging in, thinking she could take Lindsey down before the model had time to react, but as she reached Lindsey and threw herself at her, Lindsey suddenly moved. The buxom beauty's arms came up to catch Emma as the witch threw herself toward her, wrapping tightly around her body, and at the same time Lindsey fell backward, landing on the beach and kicking up a spray of sand, Emma trapped atop of her.

Emma squirmed, and she wiggled, trying to get out of Lindsey's hold, but Lindsey's arms were shockingly strong all things considered. Strong enough to keep Emma under control for a moment as Lindsey adjusted her own position, sliding beneath Emma to readjust herself below the woman. She wiggled slightly back in the sand, so that Emma's head was held above her chest, and it was at that moment that everyone watching knew exactly what was about to happen.

Lindsey's arms came up, wrapping around Emma's head instead of her body. She hugged tight, forcing Emma's face down in between the deep valley of her breasts.

Emma screamed, though the sound was muffled by the two giant bra-busters that were pushing against her face.

Lindsey smirked, letting out a playful moan as she felt the warmth and wetness of Emma's cries against the bare skin of her breasts.

Emma struggled, pushing against Lindsey, against the sand, doing whatever she could to try and break the smother.

Then, just like that, after not even a full minute, Emma stopped moving. Her body shuddered once, and then she went still. No more cries, no more groans. She had fallen unconscious, face-first between the heavenly breasts of the supermodel.

Once she was sure that Emma was unconscious, and once she heard her name being declared as the winner, Lindsey released her arms from around Emma's head. She bucked her body up a little bit, throwing Emma off of herself, letting the woman drop into the sand beside her. Then, she rose to her feet, giving a bow to the cheering audience before taking her leave. She didn't even bother giving Emma another look. She simply let the defeated actress lay there in the sand, hoping that when she woke up, Emma would have learned a thing or two about underestimating a 'bimbo'!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2349 on: February 01, 2023, 08:14:04 PM »
Love a Pelas fight, and love it more when she comes out on top!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2350 on: February 27, 2023, 01:08:18 AM »
Max VS Penny - Ball Pit Blitz

"Did she fall in - where did she go?" asked the producer of the event as he sat forward in his chair. In front of him stood Penny, standing upright as she looked around herself nervously. She was clad in a pink lace bra that pushed her perky breasts up nice and high. She had a pair of matching panties that hugged her delicate hips, as she hesitantly leaned forward to look down at the floor to try and see through the mosh pit she found herself in.

The newest battleground that had been chosen for their latest bout proved that the two American beauties could fight anywhere and it would get asses in seats. It had been a while since the two ladies had had a fight, and both jumped at the opportunity before they had even heard at which venue it would be held. Both would later admit in hindsight that they would have even fought in a back alley for the chance to go at one another - their rivalry transcended any preferences they had to their location. Luckily, a back alley was no place for the two women, despite their money-troubled upbringing. Their next fight took place in an opulent hotel, with the ballroom closed off to anyone under the legal drinking age for tonight's match. A lot of close friends were here to watch, but more importantly... a lot of rich socialites who had come to bet on which American coast held the better woman.

As Penny looked to the producers sitting in the front row, her arms at her sides to convey a question of what now?, she felt something brush up against one of her shins. She nearly stumbled over as she took a step backward, her other foot instinctively kicking in front of her. As she extended her right leg, an arm appeared from below and seized her ankle, pulling back hard and toppling the blonde to the floor. No sooner did Penny lose her balance then up came Max Black, smashing through the ball pit's coterie of brightly-coloured plastic balls and sending dozens of them flying into every direction as she made her recurrence into the fight. Max looked around and then down at her own bust, clothed in a black lace bra that was packed to the brim. She reached down and plucked out one of the six balls that had snagged itself in her ample cleavage, shaking her assets to both dislodge the remaining balls whilst intimidating her Californian opponent at the same time.  "Come on, sugar tits! Don't be mad that you can't fit as many into that small rack of yours," Max taunted as she watched the blonde's eyes lock onto her breasts with indisputable jealousy.

Penny clamoured to her feet and tried to tackle Max's legs, but the buxom brunette had other plans in mind. Max steps aside as Penny dives into a flurry of balls, quickly recovering as she goes for another pounce. This time, she slams up against Max as her 32Cs heroically challenge the brunette's 34DDs, actually causing the brunette to lose her footing and stumble backwards into the pit. Max licked her lips as she grinned, she was never one to turn down a titfight... and never one to lose one either. Penny knew that last part just as well, and in fact did not have any inclination of actually going jug-to-jug with the east coast waitress. Instead, as Max came back at her ready to thrust her best assets into the frey, Penny instead gripped Max's hips and let loose an animalistic shout as she twisted both of them into the pit below, disappearing under the sea of multicolour!

Everyone watching the fight is leaning forward in their chairs, while the camera operators are darting around the pit trying to ascertain where the two leads will inevitably pop up to continue their battle. Muffled shouting and struggling could be heard and seen beneath the ball pit as every so often, an arm or leg would pop up into view before being pulled back down out of sight. At one point, Penny tried to stand up, only to be pulled back down as Max's arms seized her waist and dragged her back below. A few seconds later, Max would try the same escape, only for Penny to rise up behind her and apply a reverse bearhug onto the brunette, her arms compressing the brunette's huge rack as she pulled the east coaster back down.

After what felt like ten minutes, Max stood up first, her breasts heaving wildly as her panted loudly. One of her bra straps had been torn, which prompted her to remove the garment altogether and toss it to the side of the pit. Her bare breasts were soaked with sweat, giving off a sheen that held every gaze in the room. Smiling once she knew every onlooker was watching, Max reached down into the pit and grabbed the blonde by her golden hair, 'helping' her out of the pit as Penny cried out from her locks being pulled so rudely. She then wrapped her arms around Penny's waist and, with a deep grunt, hoisted the L.A. native up to her feet and then in the air as she forced the west coaster into a constricting bearhug, Penny's smaller pair slowly disappearing into Max's fearsome frontage as she fought to break the embrace. Max let gravity do the rest of the work as her body suddenly turned to dead weight against Penny, forcing her body against the blonde's as the two fell back into the pit with a huge splash. Max panted hard as she lifted her 34DDs and positioned them over the blonde's face, before plunging Penny's world into darkness as she laid on her patented breast smother.

"A tale as old as time - you trapped between my beautiful breasts!" Max sneered. Penny thrashed, displacing the balls in the pit as her legs kicked out helplessly. The brunette's smirk grew as Penny was close to succumbing to the smother, her reddened face obscured by Max's glistening globes with only her panicked expression visible from Max's view. Penny's squirms then slowed down, as the blonde gave one last breath against Max's deep cleavage before going limp. It was a noble effort, but the girls had been fighting for years, and Max knew every trick in the blonde's playbook. Worse yet, this was one that Max herself had tried and failed on a few occasions herself, "Nice try, princess, but your cute face has been between my juggs more times than any of my exes... and I can tell when you're faking!"

"Shit...!" Penny's eyes snapped open in fear as she let out a loud, muffled scream into Max's bosom. The blonde beauty once again continued thrashing helplessly, expending a large portion of her remaining oxygen upon being called out by the New York waitress. After another minute of what Max now knew was legitimate struggling, Penny could only squirm feebly as she was at last snuffed into oblivion by Max's triumphant breasts. Max leaned forward cruelly, pushing Penny's face beneath the pit as she pressed her double Ds against the blonde's pretty features for another few seconds. Soon enough, the blonde's body ceases to move altogether as Max lifts Penny's upper torso toward her... before letting her unceremoniously drop back into the pit. Max stands up wobbly, but victorious, and holds a closed fist up in the air. Her palm opens to reveal the torn remnants of Penny's pink brassiere, having been removed from the blonde while they were struggling below deck. Max stuffed the bra between her envious breasts for safe-keeping -- which made it all but disappear from view in a not-so-subtle display of her proud assets -- before planting a foot on the defeated blonde, pushing her down beneath the balls as she looked ahead in anticipation towards their next fight.

« Last Edit: February 27, 2023, 03:30:03 AM by Nicole S »


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2351 on: February 28, 2023, 06:47:53 PM »
Nicole, this is magnificent! Truly at last, the Max/Penny feud achieves a sublime level of combat.  Thank you so much for this!   ;D


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2352 on: March 01, 2023, 01:04:19 AM »
Zazie Beetz vs Scarlett Johansson


It started when someone at a party jokingly asked: "Who would win between Domino and the Black Widow?". The discussion soon escalated and since no agreement was reached with the theory, the two women decided to move on to practice and in the midst of the guests cheerings Scarlet and Zazie stripped to their underwear and went at it.
Of course it wasn't a flashy and fast paced martial arts fight; but rather a wild, old fashioned hairpulling, tit-twisting and pussy grabbing catfight. And while there wasn't real hatred between them, both women were absolutely determined to win.
In the end, as Zazie was laying on the ground, Scarlett went on her knee and tried to mount on top of her. But Zazie was able to wrap her legs around Scarlett's waist and started squeezing with all her strenght but Scarlett reacted by digging her nails into Zazie breasts.


The guests understood that this was the focal moment of the fight as the two opponents remained for a while stuck in mutual torture; but finally, with a grunt of pain, Scarlett released her grip on Zazie's breasts and dug her nails into her thighs to try and undo the grip of her legs.
But Zazie grinned her teeth and kept her grip and even took the opportunity to grab Scarlett's dangling breasts.
Subjected to this double torture, Scarlett screamed her surrender.
Zazie got up and ignoring the cheering crowd offered her hand to a surprised Scarlett helping her to rise.
"It was a good fight" said Zazie "And it was fun. No hard feelings?"
"No hard feelings...but I want a rematch."
With a smile the two woman embraced as the guests cheered louder, thrilled that there would be another match between these two amazing fighters.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2353 on: March 02, 2023, 11:01:05 PM »
Nicole, this is magnificent! Truly at last, the Max/Penny feud achieves a sublime level of combat.  Thank you so much for this!   ;D
Hi Jack! I hope you're doing well!
Thank you - that means so much to hear. I have had horrendous writer's block so I'm glad I was finally able to whip up something! Time to brainstorm some more shorties for here, hehe.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2354 on: March 05, 2023, 04:51:28 AM »
Good to see you back, Nicole. Thanks for the great story.