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The "Catpin" Universe Discussion

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Offline Tiberius J.C.

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Re: The "Catpin" Universe Discussion
« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2020, 01:33:45 PM »
All I was saying is that I like the idea of the three of you taking down trained fighters and bullies.
I think that’s a good concept. I’m not sure if every fight needs a catpin. Standing up to a bully or protecting someone else or putting some miserable arrogant bitch in her place because it is necessary can make a very good story.
"FC's Angels" we'll call you, and I love the fact that we have a blonde, a brunette and a REDHEAD who talks with one of them funny English accidents y'all love in the States. That's something they didn't have in the Spelling-Goldberg version. "Once upon a time, there were three little girls…"
Bullies, sickos and miserable arrogant bitches of Texas and the wide world beyond: CEASE AND DESIST! You have been warned.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2020, 01:38:35 PM by Tiberius J.C. »


Offline Tiberius J.C.

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Re: The "Catpin" Universe Discussion
« Reply #31 on: December 23, 2020, 02:03:12 PM »
The other cool thing, of course, is that with THREE miserable-arrogant-bitch-busting heroines, you could take down three MABs at the same time. Kelli could be whipping Blonde MAB, while Kiva schooled the brunette and BarbaraUK introduced Red MAB to a whole world of pain. And at the end (do you still have these things in the States? - we call them merry-go-rounds in the UK) you could superglue their hands, one hand to each of the six radial handrails, and set the thing spinning to create a human Catherine Wheel. What could be merrier (or more seasonal) than that?
Of course, if you wanted to be really mean, instead of their hands, you'd tie their feet to the spokes, make them all wear red pompom hats, set the thing spinning really fast and then give them a shove. Seen from the air, it would look like a spinning coronavirus.
(I expect it's been done though. Anyone got any original ideas?)
« Last Edit: December 23, 2020, 04:21:51 PM by Tiberius J.C. »


Offline papillon

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Re: The "Catpin" Universe Discussion
« Reply #32 on: December 23, 2020, 09:19:22 PM »
I know I'll probably roast in the hottest of hot hells for saying this, but I rather enjoyed the fight Kelli lost against Michi. The setting, the fight and the challenge ("let's do this again in front of our husbands") were all perfect and she was a wonderfully sexy villainess. If you need her permission and can't track her down, isn't that what the CIA's there for? You pay taxes, don't you? Tell them to get their little butts into gear.
Or do they take Christmas off as well?
I do think this counts as an emergency.


Offline BarbaraUK

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Re: The "Catpin" Universe Discussion
« Reply #33 on: December 23, 2020, 11:24:28 PM »
Hunting bullies is fun for a while but then you get good, so you need to start hunting down trained fighters.

Jane Couch, former WIBF light welterweight champion, on her first fight  "it was brilliant to flatten one [a police officer] and get paid for it".

All I was saying is that I like the idea of the three of you taking down trained fighters and bullies.


Offline Kiva

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Re: The "Catpin" Universe Discussion
« Reply #34 on: December 27, 2020, 10:08:05 PM »
Are any family gatherings with Jaymie present part of your holiday plans?
Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend thirty seconds in my head. That’ll freak you right out.


Offline h_k

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Re: The "Catpin" Universe Discussion
« Reply #35 on: December 30, 2020, 11:26:51 AM »
Are any family gatherings with Jaymie present part of your holiday plans?
My guess is that with Kelli and Jaymie in the same room, the atmosphere might be a little strained. But don't you get involved, Kiva. I'm sure you could handle Jaymie, that's not the problem, but she has a pet alligator, remember? I fear for your poor dog. Nothing a pet alligator likes better as an amuse-gueule than a banjo-playing pooch.


Offline Tiberius J.C.

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Re: The "Catpin" Universe Discussion
« Reply #36 on: December 30, 2020, 01:03:58 PM »
Kiva's having a banjo-playing dog puts me in mind of that 'duelling banjos' scene in Deliverance
… and suggests a whole new plot line: for their summer vacation, Kiva and her dog decide to canoe down a river in some remote region of the Appalachians. After a few days, they stop to get provisions at a settlement that's little more than a store with a bar attached and a few shacks. Kiva, with her cute face and sweet butt, is soon attracting appreciative wolf-whistles and the jealousy of the woman behind the bar, who spots Kiva's dog and says: 'reckon your dog's hot shit on the banjo, do you? Wait till you hear mine' and she whistles and an Irish wolfhound appears with a banjo slung round its neck. 'Enos,' she says (her dog's called Enos), 'show these city folk what you can do!' and, of course, Enos strikes up a tune, and he's pretty good, but then Kiva's pooch joins in and he's flipping Paganini! All the hillbillies are clapping, hollering and dancing, and Zadie behind the bar is livid - I mean livid! And, of course, she pulls a Trump and claims her dog won bigly, and you say nothing, but even her own folk are saying your dog won, so she strips off her apron and comes out from behind the bar and walks outside, and stands in the centre of the ring of huts and beckons for you to join her.
"Come on, city girl. You and me. Let's get this on."
And she thinks Kiva's going to be easy meat 'cos she looks sweet and she's well spoken and a nurse and comes from the north east 'like all them Microsoft nerds and grunge hippies' but there's a vein of steel in Kiva's character she hasn't reckoned with.
The hillbilly, in her Daisy Mae jeans cut off at the shins, and checked shirt strips to the waist and Kiva does too, drawing more appreciative whistles, and the fight's on, no holds barred, on the dry and dusty patch of dry earth in front of the bar. To the barmaid's fury, most of the locals are cheering Kiva because Zadie, although quite good looking, is still outclassed in the looks department and a total bitch with it.
At the start, the fight seems to be going Zadie's way and she manages to get on top of Kiva and grabs her by the hair and keeps pulling Kiva's head into her crotch and saying 'how d'ya like that, nursey-nursey? Stick yer thermometer up that!' only Kiva bucks to distract her and brings her legs up quickly and wraps them round the hillbilliy's neck. In the end, Zadie manages to break free and they're fighting on their knees when Kiva surprises her with a left hook that has the woman's eyes rolling into the top of her head and finishes her off with a right.
Stunned silence.
Kiva stands up. The hillbilly's out cold on her back. No one expected this. Then Kiva's pooch strikes up the Dead March, you know, the third movement of Chopin's second piano sonata, (der, der, deder, der / der, der, deder / de, de, deder, de, deder, deder, de deder)…
… and the Irish wolfhound joins in - even her own dog's making fun of her! - and someone passes Kiva a fire bucket full of water telling her 'Zadie there looks like she could do with a drink' and Kiva empties the bucket over the unconscious woman to bring her round before peeling off the other woman's jeans, rubbing them in the mud and wrapping them round her neck as a kind of scarf and pulling the knot tight: "So whose pooch won?" she asks, and the woman's face is changing colour and her eyes are bugging out, and she can't speak but she points to Kiva's pooch, and everyone cheers, and the Irish wolfhound, who's a better sport than his mistress, shakes hands (paws, rather) with Kiva's dog and gives him an appreciative pat on the back, and they exchange addresses and promise to write. And someone passes Kiva a flagon of hooch, and she takes a swig (since she's not on duty) and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand before loosening the knot around Zadie's neck, putting her foot between her loser breasts, and emptying the rest of the hooch over her loser face, leaving her spluttering on her loser back in the middle of the settlement.
Then Kiva puts her shirt back on, gathers her provisions and she and her pooch make their way back to their canoe escorted by cheering hillbillies, while the other woman scrabbles around in the mud looking for her shirt and muttering curses.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2020, 05:38:03 PM by Tiberius J.C. »


Offline h_k

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Re: The "Catpin" Universe Discussion
« Reply #37 on: December 31, 2020, 08:30:43 PM »
Is it a thing to wish people an UNhappy new year? I've never done it before, but I must say Jolene has COMPLETELY worn out my patience, and as for Jaymie and her pet alligator: Grrrrrr!  >:( >:( >:(


Offline FyreCracka

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Re: The "Catpin" Universe Discussion
« Reply #38 on: December 31, 2020, 09:38:02 PM »
Is it a thing to wish people an UNhappy new year? I've never done it before, but I must say Jolene has COMPLETELY worn out my patience, and as for Jaymie and her pet alligator: Grrrrrr!  >:( >:( >:(

I think it's bad JuJu or Karma to do it in the real world but in the "Catpin" universe, it's more than acceptable. The last couple of weeks have been so busy (I haven't even been able to catch up on the new Mother's and Daughters posts) but I have the next chapter about 85% finished.... and I'm not sure if I'll do another before the Championship or not, but hopefully by February we will see what kind of year Jolene will have (even though it's still summer in the storyline, lol).
Fyre: a 5' 5 1/2", 130lbs, 39 years old, blonde hair and brown eyed brawler.

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Offline krispin

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Re: The "Catpin" Universe Discussion
« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2021, 05:04:44 PM »
I know I'll probably roast in the hottest of hot hells for saying this, but I rather enjoyed the fight Kelli lost against Michi. The setting, the fight and the challenge ("let's do this again in front of our husbands") were all perfect and she was a wonderfully sexy villainess. If you need her permission and can't track her down, isn't that what the CIA's there for? You pay taxes, don't you? Tell them to get their little butts into gear.
Or do they take Christmas off as well?
I do think this counts as an emergency.

I second that. Miche was a perfect bad girl..


Offline Kiva

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Re: The "Catpin" Universe Discussion
« Reply #40 on: January 13, 2021, 12:09:28 AM »
I’m open to ideas, thoughts, suggestions. Anything you’d like to see in one of my upcoming chapters? Particular opponent? Type of fight? Storyline? Yes, I’m bound to lose sooner or later - hopefully much later, but you never know.
Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend thirty seconds in my head. That’ll freak you right out.


Offline h_k

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Re: The "Catpin" Universe Discussion
« Reply #41 on: January 14, 2021, 09:38:37 PM »
I’m open to ideas, thoughts, suggestions. Anything you’d like to see in one of my upcoming chapters? Particular opponent? Type of fight? Storyline? Yes, I’m bound to lose sooner or later - hopefully much later, but you never know.
Can't bear to think of you losing.
Kiva, barefoot in blue jeans (and nothing else), standing tall over a vanquished blonde on her knees with her hands tied to a post behind her back, is the image I want on the inside of my coffin lid to contemplate for all eternity, but you've already done that, so, er… [SPINNING WHEEL]
Could you maybe educate Luanne emotionally (she'll never be a threat to you again, you've broken her, but we don't want her to become a wimp either) and then stand by her when she's confronted by a challenge from someone like her former self? I can imagine you both, for the sake of your children but also because she'd want it, becoming close friends. She'd want it more than you (because that's how it works) but because you're a kind person, you'd be patient and nurture what's good in her and show her what she needs to lose. But then, when she was the one in the right, you'd hold her coat (so to speak) and give us a blow-by-blow of the encounter.
A bit beyond my range psychologically but I'm sure you could do it.
BETTER IDEA: expand the areas of her biography to which you've already alluded.
Her childhood is off limits [problematic because of board rules] but her experience at Rice? … and since? There's masses of material there.
Then there's your own work in the hospital - perhaps you suspect someone's stealing or (worse) poisoning patients and she realizes you've rumbled her, and you end up fighting for your life
Or the ordinary business of being a mother: a child knocks Clarissa off her bicycle, steals it, and rides off. You pick up your daughter, make sure she's OK and then give chase on your own bike. You follow the child back to her/his home and demand the return of the stolen bike, but then the thief's mother comes out.
Someone's dog attacks your genius-of-a-banjo-playing-pooch and the owner does nothing, or even eggs her own dog on.
Some Texan cowgirl takes exception to your northern accent?
I dunno. You do these things better than me. Figure something out.


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Re: The "Catpin" Universe Discussion
« Reply #42 on: January 15, 2021, 03:40:24 AM »
Thanks h_k. I must be getting predictable. Or maybe you’re starting to figure me out because I’ve been working on some of these ideas. I do have a plan where I develop a friendship with Luanne. We even drive each other’s kid to dance class. She asks me to second her in a fight against a very challenging opponent. Yes, there will be character development. It’s not fully plotted out yet.

The next chapter will likely deal with a problematic hospital employee. That story development is in process. I’ll definitely get into new territory with that one. If any readers who are real life healthcare workers would like to be in a story, I’d be willing to consider it. If FyreCracka approves, some of her old opponents may also come in handy. I love hearing what readers would like to see.
Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend thirty seconds in my head. That’ll freak you right out.


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Re: The "Catpin" Universe Discussion
« Reply #43 on: January 16, 2021, 07:06:52 AM »
Hard to work a catfight into this, but I was wondering whether your dog can sing as well as play the banjo. You, he and Clarissa could maybe record a sea shanty then since they're all the rage now and put it on TikTok. Not directly on Twitter because you'd probably break the Internet which would cost a lot to fix. But we'd all love to see it.
I'm not saying you do sing like a frog because I think it was very mean what your friend said but if you do, you could be the chap on the left here:
Clarissa could sing the verses since she got Advanced Proficiency in Language Arts and the words aren't easy. Your pooch will have to be on the right so he doesn't poke anyone in the eye with the banjo. So you just need one more person - a sailor would be best - to sing the fourth part and hold the iPhone. Do you get a lot of sailors in Texas? I wouldn't know. We never see Texans in Europe. They must be too big to fit in the planes.


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Re: The "Catpin" Universe Discussion
« Reply #44 on: January 16, 2021, 01:13:17 PM »
Thanks. Lol. Gotta love Sea Shanty. Yes, there are several large ports in Texas. There is a Texas A&M Maritime Academy to train students for the merchant marines. Also, Texas has 18 military installations including a Navy presence, although the Navy’s activity is mostly through air stations. I’ll explain some other time how I know this.
Don’t bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend thirty seconds in my head. That’ll freak you right out.