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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #765 on: April 27, 2016, 07:10:07 PM »
With The Huntsman movie being out, why not a fight with Jessica Chastain and Charlzie Theron?

Second that! Nothing better than a movie tie-in (and quick, before it goes straight to DVD.... LOL!)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #766 on: April 28, 2016, 11:22:37 PM »
Hayden Panettiere vs Brenda Song


It had been a grueling battle between the two petite beauties, their bodies soaked with sweat, their hair tangled and matted.  At the moment, Brenda holds the upper hand as the two fighters writhe across the carpet, twisting her opponent's left painfully with an ankle lock, while also extending her own left leg out so as to press the sole of her foot against the blonde's throat to choke her.  Frantic, Hayden grabs her oppressors foot and pulls it from her windpipe, and then sinks her teeth into the soft flesh of her arch!  Song shrieks in anguish, her focus shattered, allowing Panettiere to yank her foot free of the Asian's grasp.

Now it's Hayden's turn to ruthlessly twist her adversary's ankle, while simultaneously kicking again and again with her left leg at Brenda, the blonde's heel smashing repeatedly into her victim's belly and breasts, knocking precious air from her.  With adrenaline flowing through her taut body and her opponent suitably stunned, Panettiere makes her move to finish the battle.  Getting up to her knees, she rolls Song over onto her belly.  The blonde then folds the Asian beauty's legs back at the knees and crosses them at the ankles.  Mounting Brenda's back, Hayden sits upon her foe's feet to fully pin her legs painfully down, then pulls Song's arms up over the blonde's own bent knees.  Then, she slips the first two fingers of each hand into the corners of her adversary's mouth, locking on a double mandible claw as she lifts Brenda's upper body off of the floor, painfully bending her spine.  "Smile pretty for the nice spectators, bitch!" Hayden sneers as she stretches Song's mouth into a grotesque rictus.

The brunette is only able to withstand this torture for less than ten seconds before she starts to tap her hands furiously against the legs of her rival, signaling her submission.  For no good reason than to be vicious, Panettiere keeps the hold locked on for several long seconds more before finally she consents to release her foe and claim her victory.

Flashback 1979: The Angels vs the Landers


Excitement had been building for weeks, ever since Jaclyn Smith announced that she was leaving her tag team, the Angels, in order to focus her full attention on challenging Lynda Carter for the HWA World Championship.  As the Angels were the reigning Hollywood Wrestling Alliance tag team champions, Shelley Hack was announced as her replacement, and she and Cheryl Ladd would defend the belts for the first time tonight, against the Number One Contenders, Audrey and Judy Landers.

The match was every bit as thrilling as hoped for, as both duos battled away.  Shelley proved a worthy heir to Jaclyn's legacy, but as the fight wore on, it became apparent that she and Cheryl hadn't yet developed the finely oiled machinery of partnership that Ladd and Smith had perfected, whereas the Landers, as sisters, functioned almost as if they shared the same mind.  The result was that the Angels found themselves on the defensive more often as not, worn down as Audrey and Judy deftly tagged in and out at a dizzying pace, keeping the Champs reeling.

Still, it was anyone's guess who would win until finally, as the match neared the 40 minute mark, Judy and Shelley found themselves brawling at ringside, after Landers had jumped Hack as she stood outside her corner.  It was all part of a plan from the Landers, as the Angels quickly learned.  Seeing that Shelley was otherwise occupied, Audrey unleashed a superkick that tagged Cheryl hard in the jaw.  The petite blonde stumbled back a few steps, eyes glazed, but she did not fall.  Instead, she staggered over to her corner with outstretched hand, looking to make the tag...only to find her partner wasn't there.  In her befuddled state, Ladd stands confused for a moment, and that gives Audrey the opening she needs to nail the other blonde with a DDT.

Cheryl's body lays splayed across the canvas as Landers throws herself across her, hooking a leg; Audrey doesn't need to illegally grab her opponent's tights as well, but old rulebreaking habits die hard.  At ringside, Shelley witnesses what is happening and breaks away from her rival to dive under the ropes and pull Audrey off of Ladd...only to feel Judy's hands grasp her own legs and yank her back to the ringside floor before the save can be made.  After the ref's count of 1...2...3, Judy scrambles into the ring, and Audrey stands up and the two embrace and jump for joy, laughing at their triumph.  The official wraps the leather and gold straps around the waists of the new Champions, while a seething Shelley crawls over to the still semi-conscious Cheryl and tries to revive her.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #767 on: April 29, 2016, 08:13:36 PM »
Troian Bellisario vs Alyson Michalka



Troian's half-grunt/half-wail was music to Alyson's ears, and empowered the blonde to pour even more strength into her legs, which were clamped tight around Bellisario's slim waist.  Michalka's scissors was one of the most lethal in all of celeb catfighting, and between the blonde's thighs was one place an opponent didn't want to find herself.  Of course, Troian being Troian, she couldn't help but taunt her opponent by calling her "Thunder Thighs", and daring her to try and scissor her.

Challenge accepted, much to the brunette's anguished regret.

Aly pulsed her thighs, drawing further pained moans from her hapless victim.  What scant power Bellisario had left in her sinews melted away from the agony, as the steel vise clamped around her crushed her strength away to nothingness.  And much quicker than she had ever believed she could so much as contemplate submission, the brunette let out a whining "No more!" and tapped her hand furiously on her tormentor's thigh, signaling her abject surrender.

Jessica Alba vs Bella Thorne


Tears streamed down Jessica's face as Bella ruthlessly tightened her clawhold over the Latina's groin, squeezing the brunette's womanhood with a blinding agony.  In complete command, the redhead sneered, "You're finished, old woman.  You may have been something special in your day, but your day is done.  I'm the Queen here now!"  Alba's only response was a sobbing mewl.

The spectators were left in stunned silence.  At her peak, Jessica had been a dominant force in the celeb fighting circle, and even in the years since, she was a top competitor.  Maybe she was having an off-night, or maybe she just dangerously underestimated her opponent, but Alba failed to mount any offense tonight, and was overwhelmed and dominated by the young redhead from the opening moments of the match.  Finally, unable to endure the torture any longer, the brunette pleads with trembling voice, "Please, stop...I give up!"

A final humiliation would be visited upon Jessica, as the vengeful Bella first stripped her of her bikini, leaving the Latina stark naked, and then Thorne made Alba crawl around the room on all fours, with the triumphant redhead atop her back and holding her hair as reins, looking like a victorious Amazon atop her mount.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #768 on: April 30, 2016, 03:47:19 PM »
Excellent work, Jack - love the Landers sisters vs. the Angels, just cause they were in so many of my 70s fantasies. Judy Landers, with that hourglass figure and big eyes, was really something. Thanks!


Offline jtmatt

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #769 on: April 30, 2016, 07:33:31 PM »
Nice JJ! Great work as always! Love to see Jessica Alba on the losing end!


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flashback. Linda Carter v Markie Post
« Reply #770 on: May 01, 2016, 11:31:53 PM »
Linda Carter was at the height  of her popularity as Wonder Woman. The tough girl image that came with her role really irritated Markie Post. " I would wipe the floor with that bitch, and rip her tits off for good measure if we ever would tangle", she would tell anybody who would listen. Naturally word got back to Linda that Markie was trash talking her and looking for a fight.  " " I want that no talent whore in a catfight in front of a crowd, we'll see who gets their tits ripped off.  Set it up for this weekend.  No rules, woman to woman until one girl is beat senseless."  The two fighters stepped into the fight area at a Hollywood mansion in front of about 100 spectators.  Linda wearing her Wonder Woman outfit, Markie in a stunning bikini. The crowd of men and woman in attendance waited with baited breath as the girls traded insults and stared each other down.  They charged each other and the fight was on.  5 minutes into the battle Markie was topless, and Linda's upper half of her outfit was torn to the waist.  The girls came together tit to tit , their hands scratching, punching and clawing at any part of her opponents body that was accessible. The fighters went to the ground with Linda on top, Linda started to pound away at Markie, it looked like it was about over, but suddenly Linda let out a massive scream and rolled away from Markie.  Markie had sunk her teeth into Linda's right breast drawing blood.  The girls stood up each examining the damage to their bodies.  Markie spoke first, " you wanted to fight woman to woman, then lets finish it that way as she removed her bikini bottoms.  Linda agreed and removed the rest  of her tattered Wonder Woman outfit . The exhausted, sweating fighters stared at the hairy bush of their opponent. " Maybe I'll rip your cxnt hair out instead of your tits", said Markie." We'll see who leaves with a bald cxnt ," replied Linda. They locked up in a naked test of strength, each trying to force the other to the ground to end the epic battle.  Their arms were trembling as they struggled.  Linda was slowly gaining the advantage as she slowly forced to exhausted Markie to the ground. Again Linda begins to land punches to Markie's face, head and tits. "Finish her", the crowd yells. Linda finishes her rival by grabbing her pussy trying to make good on her threat to rip her bald.  Markie passes out from the beating and pussy attack, but Linda would not stop and was finally pulled off of her beaten foe.     


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #771 on: May 02, 2016, 08:12:09 AM »
Lana del Rey vs Amber Heard


Some women are just hated.  Sometimes it's for no good reason at all, and sometimes it's for very legitimate reasons.  At the moment, the most hated women in the elite celebrity catfight league was Lana del Rey.

Mind you, del Rey had yet to fight a single match, but she was nevertheless despised by the other competitors.  It all stems from the fact that Lana is considered in the entertainment industry to be a wholly manufactured persona...a pretty face hired to play the part of "Lana del Rey" (a fictitious name...she was born as Elizabeth Woolridge Grant), to front for a corporate-crafted character designed and promoted to be a superstar musician before her very first note of music was heard by the public.  The fact that her records have sold well, despite fairly lukewarm critical reviews, only served to intensify the irritation many felt for her.

And now, her management felt it would be a big career boost for Lana to compete as a catfighter.  Her handlers hired a score of experienced trainers to teach her the art of catfighting.  Of course, there would be none of the usual matches against other rookies, learning the ropes and gaining experience and climbing the ladder one rung at a time.  No, she would enter the league at the top they declared, fighting only the best as she swiftly establishes herself as the dominant force.

This news did not go over well with many, who saw it as arrogantly presumptuous at best.  As one might imagine, there were no shortage of women eager to face the singer in her debut match, so as to put her in her proper place.  Indeed, a lottery was held to determine del Rey's inaugural adversary, and Amber Heard won.  The blonde was most anxious to get her hands on the redhead and make an example of her.  Amber had worked her way up the hard way, one match at a time, cutting her teeth and earning her stripes.  After a steady climb mixed with wins and loses, she was poised to be a major catfighting figure.  And beating Lana del Rey's poseur ass was just how she was going to hit the highest plateau.

So it came as quite a shock to everyone...particularly Heard...when Lana handed her ass to her!

From the opening moments of their fight, the redhead was on the offensive.  She displayed a vast array of moves, all of them somewhat mechanically performed, as if her knowledge of them wasn't organic, but was downloaded into her.  Still, they proved devastating, and Amber was kept hapless and reeling as the minutes ticked by.  The secret of del Rey's success wasn't her training; rather, it was the fact that for all of her manufactured artifice, she is at heart a ruthless opportunist who will do whatever she has to in order to achieve her aims.  And if destroying an opponent is necessary, she has no hesitation about doing it...much to the blonde's regret.

After fifteen long minutes of this very one-sided struggle, del Rey puts Heard flat on her back and sits on her chest, pinning her arms to the carpet in a schoolgirl pin.  The redhead then begins a very slow, very seductive count to ten, staring directly into the eyes of her forlorn opponent, who squirmed beneath her tormentor but was too battered and spent to throw her off.  When Lana was done, Amber sought to salvage some shred of her tattered pride and sneered, "Pins don't count, dumbass!"  With a smug smirk on her ruby red lips, Lana purrs, "I know.  I just wanted you and everyone else to completely understand how helpless you are."  Heard chokes back a sob in her humiliation.

And with that, Lana suddenly wriggles her body up, until her crotch covers the sweaty face of her opponent, smothering her.  Amber's legs thrash, but in futility, and del Rey remains perched upon the blonde's features until at last Heard's lush body lies still.  Rising up in triumph like Botticelli's Venus, del Rey places the ball of her right foot squarely between the breasts of the beaten Amber and flexes her arm in a victory pose.  The spectators, still stunned by the dominating display they have just witnesses, stand up and applaud.  If the ovation lacks a certain degree of warmth, it is because the onlookers still don't feel particularly warm toward Lana.  They liked Amber, and no one was very happy to see her destroyed and humbled this way.

The redhead couldn't care less.  She isn't here to be liked.  She's here to be respected, and feared, and she's here to be a winner.  If she has to fight her way through every bitch who would deny her that, well then that's what she's been trained for.  "Bring on your best," she says with a serpent's smile, and all understand that it isn't a brash boast; it's a vow to beat them all.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #772 on: May 02, 2016, 12:31:17 PM »
  Love the Flashbacks "The Angels vs The Landers" and "Lynda Carter vs Markie Post". Thank you Jackflash Jump and al2468!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #773 on: May 02, 2016, 06:24:44 PM »
amber heard getting beaten is awesome, hoping for a Scarlett vs amber heard brawl


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Re: Finish Her! Love the Markie vs Linda Story....
« Reply #774 on: May 02, 2016, 09:01:07 PM »
     Thanks AL2468 for the above post on Linda vs Markie; Always thought Marke should get more attention...My flashback dream fight would include Markie, Loni Anderson, Mariilu Henner. Tight sexy blouses, short skirts, sexy pantyhose, heels and lots of hot down and dirty catfight action.....Yum-Yum....


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #775 on: May 03, 2016, 12:06:35 AM »
kevan, thanks - Markie Post was always one of my favorites.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #776 on: May 03, 2016, 09:05:30 PM »
Beyonce vs Rita Ora


Screams tore through the air of the mansion's vast living room as Beyonce's spine was bent agonizingly in Rita's over-the-shoulders torture rack.  The lush bodies of both beauties, stripped only to thongs, glistened with beads of perspiration.  But now, following a savage back-and-forth catfight between the two, it was Rita's body which rippled with power, while her rival's quivered in anguish.

Finally, Ora simply released her hold and let Beyonce slide down her back and crumple to the carpeted floor below, where she lay moaning.  The Brit then pushed her adversary flat onto her back with her foot and, standing a-straddle over her victim, suddenly dropped down, landing with her butt hard on Beyonce's belly, knocking the air from her with a wide-eyed whoosh.  Beyonce lay there gasping pitifully for breath, groaning in pain, as Rita then shimmied herself backward, until her rear end settled down over her opponent's face.  For Beyonce, a legend for her face sit finisher, this was the final in a string of humiliations this night.  She thrashed in panic beneath her tormentor, but to no avail.  As her movements grew sluggish and she slipped into unconsciousness, Rita ran her hands through her long mane of golden hair and teased, "Don't you just love my good hair, Bey?"


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #777 on: May 04, 2016, 06:50:27 PM »
Avril Lavigne vs Britney Spears


They were reduced to animalistic sounds...Britney's grunts and Avril's growl, as Lavigne tightened the pressure on her sleeper hold, and her opponent's knees slowly began to buckle.  Knowing she was doomed unless she could escape, Spears desperately reaches up with her hands and grabs her opponent's hair, pulling her head down.  Britney then suddenly drops down onto her butt, yanking Avril down with her; Lavigne's chin slams into the top of her adversary's skull, taking the brunt of the impact.  Instantly stunned, Avril flops onto her back, freeing Britney.

Spears rolls away to safety in order to gather her wits and catch her second wind.  After nearly thirty seconds, she begins to crawl over toward her rival, who remains on her back, still seemingly dazed.  But as Spears draws closer, Avril springs her trap, revealing herself to have been playing possum.  She lashes out with her right leg, her foot smashing into the side of her blonde opponent's face, sending her sprawling backward with a sharp yelp of pain.

Scrambling on all fours, Avril pounces on her prone rival.  Spears had earlier lost her bikini halter in the brawl, and now the Canadian targeted her opponent's breasts; Lavigne's fingers dug into the soft flesh, squeezing and twisting them as Britney moaned and mewled, the pain nearly paralyzing her and draining what was left of her strength.  Avril then pinched each nipple, cruelly twisting and yanking them, stretching them out as her victim wailed in anguish.

But that tactic proved to be a mistake for Avril; the electric agony coursed through Britney's lush body, shocking her from her daze and kicking in her adrenaline.  With a blur of motion, she swung both arms up, the heel of each palm slamming into the temples of her tormentor.  Lavigne let out a loud gasp of pain and flopped to her side like a ragdoll, glazed eyes rolling in their sockets.

Knowing she had only a brief window of opportunity to make her move, Spears pushed her aching body to crawl atop her foe, pinning her arms to the floor while Britney's feet grapevined the legs of Lavigne, holding her down helpless.  The blonde then dropped herself downward, her breasts enveloping the sweaty face of her rival.  Spears felt the short, hot gasps of her victim's breath against her skin, heard her muffled pantings for precious air.  Avril squirmed as best she could, but was unable to throw her oppressor off, and soon enough she ceased squirming altogether, as she slipped into smothered unconsciousness.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #778 on: May 04, 2016, 07:49:32 PM »
100,000 thread views...amazing!   ;D



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #779 on: May 05, 2016, 01:42:53 AM »
Alexandra Daddario vs Kelly Rohrbach


“Damn, I just can’t stand the sight of your face for even one more second.”  Alexandra Daddario exclaimed after just dropping Kelly Rohrbach to the sand ass first with a swift right handed jab to the jaw.  Tempers had flared on the set of the new Baywatch film leading to this collision course that Alexandra had just now taken control of.

            Dejected, Kelly sat on the beach massaging her achy jaw with her head looking straight down.  Alexandra on the other hand stood upright extremely proud of herself puffing her chest out as she walked forward and stomped on the back of the blonde’s head causing Kelly to whimper as her body and face were flattened into the sand.

            Daddario did not hesitate for a second as she hopped on top of Kelly’s back and grabbed onto the blonde’s hair with both hands and began to rub Rohrbach’s face from sand to side across the course surfaced.  Kelly tried to shake Alexandra from off of her, but the blonde was no longer strong enough to rid herself of Daddario and soon the tears began to stream down her face which led to the sand beginning to stick to her beautiful facial features.  Alex then lifted up Kelly’s head by the hair to see the damage she inflicted and began to smile while chirping at Kelly, “ready to give up yet?”  Resilient and stubborn as she could be possibly be, Kelly refused to give in to her rival, but that would turn out to be a mistake as the frustrated brunette then began to repeatedly slam Rohrbach’s face back down into the sand.

            Shot after shot after shot was all it took to take the resiliency right out of Kelly and as her head was pulled up following the forth slam, the blonde screamed, “STOOOOPPPPPP!!!!!”  at the top of her lungs finally giving up the fight.

            A smiling Alexandra nonchalantly shoved Kelly back down to the sand and while smiling pompously responded, “now that was all I wanted to hear, wasn’t that easy?  Kelly did not dare respond to Alex as she curled up into a ball in the sand a broken woman as Alexandra tossed her hands up into the air as she proved herself to be the baddest bitch on set.

Olivia Holt vs Selena Gomez (rematch)


Over the past several weeks, Olivia Holt had wanted nothing more than a rematch with Selena Gomez after she had suffered quite a humiliating loss at the hands of the Hispanic beauty.  So, when she finally got her chance for revenge, Olivia was a bundle of uncontrolled energy bursting into the room and nearly bouncing off the walls with redemption on her mind.

            But sometimes you get more than you bargain for and on this day Olivia quickly learned her eagerness and energy were not nearly enough to win.  Selena again beat and bent her from the start of their fight as she tossed the younger blonde all around small, run down motel room.
            “I beat you once, and you decide to come back for more?  You are a special kind of stupid honey!”  Selena laughed as she stomped down hard on the blonde’s back causing Olivia to collapse from her previous position on all fours down until the blonde was flat on her belly.  “Did you forget just how badly I humiliated you lost time?”  Gomez asked as she straddled Olivia’s back and leaned over so her mouth was just inches from Holt’s left ear.  How could she have forgotten it, that memory was etched so deeply into her brain it was the sole reason she had yearned for a second chance against Selena in the first place. 

            In her extremely dominant position, Selena pulled off her own grey shirt and slipped it underneath Olivia’s head.  Gomez had her hands on either end of the top as she pulled on it with all her strength causing Olivia’s neck to snap backwards as Selena was choking out the young blonde.  Gomez leaned back pulling Holt’s neck along with her until the blonde was looking straight up at the ceiling fan gasping in in vein as she tried to catch her breath.  But Selena was hell bent on ending this scuffle here and now as she leaned and pulled back with everything she had as the tears formed in little Olivia’s eyes and with absolutely nowhere to go, Holt’s body went limp as Selena had once again defeated her.

            Putting her top back on victoriously once again, a light switch suddenly went off in Selena’s head and she quickly acted upon it by using a sheet to hogtie Olivia’s arms and legs together before placing an apple in the blonde’s mouth and a little note on the mirror directly in the blonde’s view that read, “whenever you are ready for round 3, I will never run out of ways to humiliate your weak ass.”